>This is for Hillary
This is for Hillary
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Fat lot of good that did
I burst out laughing at 1:07
>hollywood isnt manipulating anyth-
Is it worth it lads? i like to watch embarassing stuff but there's a dangerous thing when it surpasses a certain level of it i become obsessed with it for like a month.
Its really fucking bad.
The song starts with "dumb dumb dumb da dumb" no joke.
i get they wanted to rally behind a woman, but why hilary? atleast pick someone likeable (pls no michelle or chelsea)
Holy fuck left wingers are pathetic
yeah it's fun, plus you already know the good guys win
I don't even know anyone in this video besides Christin chenowyth and like that dude from Best in Show.
All these other people look like soulless beautiful automatons that exist as tools for uglier people.
>dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb
Did she know?
It fucking sucks.
>Our Fight Song
>Generic saccharine pop with obligatory rap section and a video of I RECOGNIZE THAT PERSON
>Twisted Sister's "We're Not Gonna Take It"
>directed frustration and anger in a rock song, in an era where rock isn't really popular in America
As it turns out, generic feelings are more powerful than manufactured ones. Who would have thought?
This is for Trump's inaugural ball.
>libcucks in charge of creating watchable content
Too much cringe desu, but like another user said, knowing the good guys came out on top makes it bearably humorous
Good guys never win. The sooner you realize this, the happier you will be. The people who portray themselves as good are the biggest frauds and hypocrites, look at the Democrats for proof.
>Acapella instrumentation right at the beggining
>Fubboi beatboxing
I can't believe i haven't seen this yet.
This is the cheapening of humanity made consummate. This is the involuntary abasement of mankind as a whole, the abasement of the collective soul. Through days of hedonism past and present, nothing has been as the likes of this. I feel nothing but disdain for these people and the vacuous way of being they subsume; they represent the zeitgeist of the thinning of reality's strata.
Had to watch it with the sound off to avoid dying of embarrassment. Who likes this sort of thing? How middle class and carefree does your life have to be?
I actually watch this pretty often, it makes me amazed. Like, I just don't understand how they think this would have worked.
its one of the highest forms of entertainment
very monastic.
>Did she know?
its like shes trying to break through her mkultra mind control and tell us the truth
>""""Rebelious""" song hoping to get a democrat elected, after 8 years of a democart president
How does that work?
These people live in a bubble and have no concept of life outside their coastal cities.
>rich wasp convinces a bunch of hollywood sycophants to shuck and jive for her
>they do it
why do democrats do this? have they always been this cringe or are we currently witnessing the slow death of their party?
What would be the Republican version of this be? Fucking country music/metal?
what the fuck is wrong with white people? ther'es not even a single asian person in this
julie no
Wtf? #ImStillWithHer now!!
But there is. The beatboxing chick from Pitch Perfect
uhhh asians are white too
Why did the lighting guy make everyone look like ghouls in this video?
literally having Hanoi Jane involved in your political advertisements
there's a literal mongoloid looking mongolian woman in it
You act as if human life is some great gift from the gods. It's a literal random occurrence that could also be seen as a disease. Human life is equal to that of the stars yes but without sentient life to observe the stars then they are meaningless, which is what all of mankind is.
at 44 seconds
>tfw Jews tricked "white nationalists" into voting for this with simple reverse psychology
Will Sup Forums ever be un-JUST'd?
This right here is why they lost.
They still think celebrities influence people's opinion.
They're stuck in the 90s.
Kid Rock
>gets raped by fat jewish guy
That's that what i was thinking too, you have varied assortmen of shapes there and NO ONE looks good, quite an acomplishment, hell the people that were recordding from their houses and shit looked the best, kek
They lost because they had to do this shit to give Hillary a chance. She's the most unlikable cunt. She was too full of herself and the democratic elite figured they could force a win by brainwashing people. Turns out Hillary was so fucking unlikable that billions and billions couldn't buy her an election. I will never not be happy she lost.
Satan approves.
I don't care if she's a marxist shill, Elizabeth Banks is a babe and I'd sacrifice white men for her.
>Obligatory black woman rap in the middle of it all
Why are all these people exactly the same, always.
I don't know, she would've beaten Jeb or Rubio
I dunno, four years of her as President might have been enough to finish off the Democrats for good. Instead we have Trump doing that for the Republicans and Zuckerberg or Dwayne set to take over in 2020. This might actually turn out worse.
wow maybe she'll suck ur dick now
why? didnt get the joke.
Jeb was a plant by the establishment to give her the win, it was meant to be Hillary v Jeb until Trump came along
>Zuckerberg or Dwayne set to take over in 2020
do you actually believe this? Tulsi Gabbard is the only person in the world who has a shot at taking out Trump, and she's probably smart enough to wait until 2024
>the singer is jewish
who knew
I act not as you say, but only as I desire to manifest. Through my own subjectivity I am the measure of all things; through my meting I know what is right and what is contemptible. Wherefore my disdain is righteous. Mankind may be but meaningless, but the adoption of abasement is not only meaningless, but an exacerbation of meaninglessness; and for this, my own disgust and desire to strive arises.
You're right it'll be kanye
Close, I was thinking something like this.
yeah but still they'd be happy with Jeb in charge if push came to shove and no one voted for Hillary
Trump will not stand in 2020, so nobody has to beat him.
You're delusional. In 2020 it's going to be Biden vs Trump, and Trump will win if he delivers on the wall and does something about North Korea
That's cute, sweetie
>resorting to sweetieposting
The signs of a defeated man.