Why did Abe hate Missouri?
Why did Abe hate Missouri?
Because st. louis is full of niggers.
He was FED up with them :P
have you ever been there?
Because MO is full of junkies, niggers and coal haulers
Because it's a swing state?
Abe thinks fly over states are degenerate drug dens that hicks are constantly up their own ass about because "muh 5 acres to park junkers on."
Its the trashiest state in the union, full of obese ugly inbred junkies and violent nigs
>Why did Abe hate Missouri?
Who doesn't?
Leads the nation in number of dumb hicks and strung out white trash meth heads. Second only to Mississippi in murderous blacks and general coonery.
No, that's North Carolina, dumbass
Everyone knows there's only one state in the south that actually matters. :)
Because they didn't secede.
Dumb comment
Missouri is in the Midwest you fucking mouth breathing faggot.
Can confirm, this State is full of drugged out niggers, and white niggers.
Plenty of dumb as fuck hoosiers as well.
It's a transitional state between the Midwest and Southeast. Kinda like how Oklahoma and Texas are transitional states between the Southeast and Southwest.
I lived there for a couple of years. It's a complete shithole with no redeeming qualities.
because it sesneeded from the union.
Theres few places in the world as culturally barren as the midwest. Even the Indians gave up and lie on their dirt floors drunk as hell all day.
t. inbred South Carolinian
>Leads the nation in number of dumb hicks and strung out white trash meth heads
>meanwhile, Alaska
Alaska has a reason to be poor even with the second highest GDP in the country.
The OP's post ends in 49. Meta.
The real answer, which the kiddies don't seem to grasp, is that Abe's disdain for Missouri of all places is a total non-sequitor, a nonsense grudge. That's the joke, said Rainier Wolfcastle in a monotone.
If Abe had said something like "Alaska" or "Texas", then we could almost make some sense out of the notion. But the point of the joke is for it not to make any sense to a modern, except maybe some obscure old regional thing in Abe's addled past (which doesn't even connect to the Civil War). What the writers actually meant at the time was to pick the most average state that they could think of, and Missouri fit the bill. Indiana or Iowa would have functioned in the same way in the joke.
>not realizing that facts lie in the meta
>it didn't mean anything lol
Wow, great story. Stop posting.
It didn't. That's exactly why they picked Missourah. ITT: sub-25s over-analyze.
Which is what? I don't actually know.
hehe...you seed what i did there ? >.>
Because it's full of redneck trump supporters who have no future in this country
It subverses your expectation that the flag is so old that it was made when there were only 49 states(and by extension Abe is so old that he would own something like that), and turns it into a non sequitur.
tldr: sneed sneed fuck suck lololololol haha
I live in Missouri,
its ass
Roy Batty is Jesus. Deckard is rapist.
He got stuck in Bronson one too many times.
It's the headquarters of Sneed's Feed and Seed Inc. whom'st messed up his land with high pH values so he hard to abandon his farm.
Sneedposting is the entropy of memes. It destroys unique information and reduces everything to pure bland uniformity.
Sneedposting is marxism.
Don't insult my beautiful state of Minnesota by lumping it in with Missouri. Sure, we may have Somalis, but at least we don't have fuckin' Missourians!