Leave it up to the French to construct the vilest pieces of "cinema...

Leave it up to the French to construct the vilest pieces of "cinema." Anyone defending this type of garbage should be put down for the good of mankind.
French Revolution was a giant fucking mistake.

French fag here, we can't make good movies so we're pretentious and arrogant in order to hide it...

Did I ever tell you my favorite color is blue?

>tfw you own this on blu-ray but haven't found the right time to masturbate to it

First honest frenchie I've met. You deserve a comfy sleep tonight.

t. retard who is excited for Justice League

why masturbate to something that goes out of its way not to show the actresses vags or buttholes? Just watch porn.
I also would be embarrassed to even buy this movie.

t. not french

>3 hour run time
>2 of which are the lead actress making this face
I could have cut this shit down to 90 minutes without sacrificing a word of dialogue.

The only movie I ever chickened out on buying was Pretty Baby

et pourtant...

>doesn't like your run-of-the-mill pretentious euro drive that's just porn disguised as "art"l

fuck off eurotrash

this is one of my favorites movies, am i gay?

Do they sell that in stores? How would you even explain buying that to someone?

What do you see in it?
>am i gay?
Yeah probably.

No, just French.

They had a few copies at Waterloo Records and when I finally worked up the nerve to buy one they were all gone.

>The worst parts to look at or smell on a woman are not shown
But this is why it’s perfect

lol I wonder who snatched them

only a disgusting pig has an issue with those parts. Plus the younger the girl, the prettier the pussy (generally)

butthurt is strong with this one

u tellin me this is worse than cape shit?

How did that place not get shut down for CP distribution?

The hypocrisy of american laws is ridiculous.

Yeah, that's not a bad point, but sometimes films can have such a hot scene that it's fappable and it kind of enhances the experience.

pretentious shit will always be worse than capeshit, yes

honestly, at least capshit doesn't pretend to be good

Meh, it's hot because they look like normal chicks not movie star sluts but the context turns me off.

also fuck shaved pussies. what happened to the "french girls are hairy" meme?

didnt one of the actresses said she felt abused and violated by the director bc the sex scenes where too much, too long and too intense?

I never thought about it like that. Maybe they didn't sell and they just got removed. I thought it was kinda funny that like 5 copies sold in about a week.

Imagine how much footage was shot. It's probably longer than the actual film.

Fairly sure you do something five times a day, live in France, but are not French.

both lead performances are almost intoxicating for me and i really dig the whole tone of the film of french people just eating and fucking. i also like how elitist the film turned out to be, with emma and adele not being able to hold a relationship once the sexual attraction starts to fade and their class differences start to show, i dunno if this was intentional though

i tried my best to not sound pretentious

Literally worse

stop the bullshit, where are the webms?
those are gold

>this is your regular Sup Forums user

Did anyone else get a horror film vibe?

She chews with her mouth open so often and so graphically that it legitimately felt like a horror movie.

When she licks her own snot.

I didn't care for it. I like French films, I like filthy, sexually perverted films, and honestly French movies are some of the sickest and most debased.

I loved Emmanuel, I loved Irreversible, and The Piano Teacher is one of my favorites of all time.

But this shit was straight up boring. I don't know what kind of vanilla ass stuff people watch if this is porn. I wanna see some Last Tango in Paris, butter shoved up your asshole, Marlon Brando hate fucking.

I wanna see Monica Bellucci crying for twenty minutes as her ass gets split open.

I wanna watch Isabella Huppert get force fucked while her mother listens in the other room.

This shit was boring. Get some taste plebs.

le hipster cinephile

virgins hate this movie

why don't you like it, then?

Didn't she read the script before she signed on?

Dumb roastie

dude realism lmao
blue board faggot

>5 minutes worth of sex scenes
>3 hour movie
>porn disguised as "art"
Why are americans such brainlets?

it's a great movie you fucking retard, remove the sex scenes that offend your virgin sensibilities and you still have the same story, just as good

i fucking hate this board

IIRC the sex scene was shot first and took a week to do and the total length of unused footage is in the high hundreds of hours. The director is also a muslim that supports the national front.

True. The same goes to theater.

>the same story, just as good

And nothing to differentiate it from all the other similar stories save for them being lesbos.

>French Revolution was a giant fucking mistake

WTF does it have to do with ANYTHING ?

>a film by Abdellatif Kechiche
This dude is Tunisian you morons

Of course it was intentional that was the point of the film, not the retarded over the top sex scenes. The film was 10/10 for me. I was glued to my monitor and skipped the main lez sex scene out of boredom

>5 other guys got the same creepy idea

stay mad

this is an amazing movie with two amazing performances and deserves all the praise it receives

brainlets are insecure and don't understand anything least of all the french revolution

Jesus Christ!

>hating this face

you gay, princess?

wasn't it made famous abroad because of weinstein? in france this movie has long been forgotten because it's shit. don't watch the french movies hollywood elites want you to watch

Cool story bro.

I want to pinch her bunny cheeks and gently bite her lips

No, don't!

>palme d'or winner

They dont smell, the women you were with just didnt bathe

>dude sex lmao
Woah.. So this is the power of French romance

She actually ugly the other one is much prettier but they made her look like a fugly dyke.
>French revolution was a mistake
If only you dirty anglo didn't beat Napoleon the world wouldn't go to shit

>nu Sup Forums cries about movies being too explicit
>flips their shit any time a movie has a female protagonist, let alone two
>can't relate to this kino because they have never experienced the whirlwind of first romance

This is great. What are some other essential "films virgins will never understand"?

Women are terrible at sex, Jesus.

I don't remember reading that. I heard Adele gave him shit because he was such a pissy little cunt who took himself way too seriously and when asked if she'd work with him again I think both actresses said never again but nothing about them feeling objectified.

The actresses were both great in their roles but the film itself is the most basic paint by numbers "lesbian love drama" imaginable. Why do people only ever talk about the explicit sex scenes? Because that's all the movie has going for it to make it unique and it comes off like a gimmick.

>look mom, look dad, I'm a movie star!

they both gave some pretty good performances in that movie, especially the break-up scene, but all anyone is going to remember is the ridiculously long sex scenes.

posting superior erotic film

Once you understand it's a Marxist coming-of-age story and not lesbian softcore porn, you'll appreciate it more. 7/10, I'd say

>Why do people only ever talk about the explicit sex scenes? Because that's all the movie has going for it
No, it's because americans are pleb af and only used to PG-rated sex scenes with weird camera angles and women covering up their titties after sex. Anything with full-frontal nudity seems outrageous to them. Also, being on Sup Forums, I'd say half the people ITT haven't even seen the movie and are just shitposting.

>French Revolution was a giant fucking mistake.
As a french I have to agree.

Sup Forums loved The Handmaiden.

I'm not french but a peope being able of killing his own King is pretty impressive.


Try harder senpai.

its just that the other girl is significantly hotter

France has steadily gone down hill since then. dozens more revolutions, the 5th current republic because they keep fucking up and starting over. Napoleon was the last respectable Frenchman, and he was technically Corsican


>WTF does it have to do with ANYTHING ?

See this :
>a peope being able of killing his own King is pretty impressive.


>Vahina Giocante



I've gave up with french movies. They just use sex as a """metaphor""" for everything

I love french movies, especially "polar" movies. (french/noir).
"The Last Deadly Mission" and "36 Quai des Orfèvres" are a masterpiece.

>the women you were with just didnt bathe
implying that user has ever even touched a woman

the nigger helping the guy in the wheelchair was a pretty good french movie though

haven't seen this tasty paste in some time now.

>she's ready for you, Harvey

>French Revolution was a giant fucking mistake

I'd bet it's a french jew
it's always like that
owner of blacked is a french jew

It seens these kinds of movies are stuck in the paradigm of Camus philosophy in L'Étranger. All the characthers remind me of Mersault. Apathetic in their lifes, incapable of discerning between good and evil. Somehow filmakers think this is still very elegant and relevant in art, so we get theses boring plotless movies about noncharacthers doing nothing.

It was. Sad that they're remaking it with that unfunny manlet Kevin Hart.

>comparing a book about a guy who fucks a broad right after attending his mother's funeral and then kills an arab to a simple coming of age/romance story
this is a troll post, right?

Pity it was anigger and not a spic like in reality