Anyone else hoping he gets backed so far into a corner that he just comes out and makes everything public about all the actresses he fucked and the nasty stuff he made them do?
Anyone else hoping he gets backed so far into a corner that he just comes out and makes everything public about all the...
t.b.h. have you heard anything about him fucking even a single person?
At worst he jerked off in front of an actress or gave her the dickdance. Nothing about rape.
This is turning out to be just a big psyop to push "awareness" of bullshit sexual harassment to increase the power of feminists even more.
what corner is he getting backed into? There are no consequences for any of the allegations against him and their only purpose is to kick up dirt and make pedowood impossible to crack for another decade.
OP, yep, I want him to come out and say "yeah, they're all whores who wanted something from me, so I fucked every single one of them because they were willing to suck my big fat Jew cock for fame and fortune!". Just blow them the fuck out and reveal what utter gutter sluts most of these cunts are!!!FACT!!!
but he doesn't have to actually say that. By not denying anything hes already saying that.
did you see the Chastian video? they used him
But they're all pleading innocence, that they're sweet little angels being taken advantage of by the big mean man. I want him to come right the fuck out and state what every single one did for fame "Rose McGowan was a dirty little bitch who tongued my hairy asshole which is why she was in Scream". Don't deny it and rub it right back in their faces that, yes, he used these women for sex but IT WAS CONSENSUAL! Thy say otherwise, he sues their ass off in court one by one until they STFU and realize the cost of making allegations with no evidence to back it up.
do you realize you're kinda stupid or are you too stupid to realize that?
what makes you say that?
He looks like one of those fat guys that has a giant eggplant cock. One so big and mishapen that women are both enticed by it's sheer size and disgusted by it's disgusting bulbous shape.
Or it could be that you're one of those ball and cock cutting feminist man haters or their SJW cucks who wring your hands with glee that you can hate on white straight men because you're a self loathing closet faggot who craves black cock. So which is it?!?FACT!!!
>have you heard anything about him fucking even a single person?
aren't there rape charges being investigated in LA, NY and London ?
I'm kind of hoping he has recordings or something to show not all the accusers are as innocent as they claim.
see Looking like its the latter, too.
What kind of things do you think he has done to Rose Byrne? She looks like she has done lots of nasty shit you can see it in her eyes
Put Harvey Weinstein bathrobe into google images. He doesn't own one!
I don't give a shit about others but I want him to destroy Emma Watson's career and reveal everything he did to her. The damage control after that from her would be hilarious and all of her feminism facade will he destroyed along with her limp dicked fanbase.
Lets be honest here. The women he allegedly "raped" were complicit. Yeah he used his power and influence but the women knew what they were getting into because they wanted roles and fame. They guy is a degenerate perv but he has unironically done nothing wrong.
I think police in London, LA, and NYC are all investigating
something will happen now that the police look bad for allowing this serial rapist to use his power to run wild for decades
yeah these willing sluts like JLaw fueled him. Most were disgusted I'm sure but from his perspective if you're getting a solid 7 like JLaw to lick your balls, might as well pretend your'e King Cock and try to get some Solid 8s. So he gets all "rapey" but also any actress who is an award whore decides to seduce him as well. Now we have a total shit show based on some horny fat fuck and egomaniac actresses playing cat and mouse with each other to admit they fucked this loser for some shitty role.
>Lets be honest here.
lets be honest here , even if none of the rape charges make it court people will still call him a serial rapist. He's ruined.
Exactly but these two ugly bulldykes and/or BBC loving faggots..
Are ready to have him convicted based on the word of a bunch of whores!!!FACT!!!