Oh okay, he can come to my house and fuck my sister, then.
As long as he's cured.
NICE!!! now /ourguy/ can put this all behind him and get back to work
Why would you expect the late night shills to shit talk Harvey when they can make another trump monologue for the millionth time
Why attack a liberal when you can shittalk a republican amirite?
Based Stacey, still beat my meat to her
What a brave soul, I wonder if everyone is going to play along and pretend he's cured including the dumbasses that ruined their careers.
>cures his sex addiction in a week
how can goyim even compete?
Id say over 99% of americans don't even know what Harvey Weinstein even did for a living.
You know how many times I accidentally revealed my power level talking about Harvey?
My man Harvey literally did nothing wrong. All he did was help women who were willing to sleep their way to the top
is that herpes on his lip, who gave it to him Sup Forums?
is this for real?
Way to go, Harvey.
Fuck off.
J Law
Wow! What a fast learner!
All he's doing now is outing the whole scam of "Hollywood/Elite Rehab Clinics".
Harvey is the sleaze who keeps on giving.
Is he /ourslug/?
except they all did shit talk him. right wing logic is so retarded
>adoiii why aren't they talking as much about this hollywood producer most people don't even know about as they do about the president of the us who says or does something stupid every day
Someone hide all the house plants.
>"hurr no one knows who Harvey is!"
Remember when Late night talk show hosts had to talk about some crack addicted mayor from Canada for like 3 weeks straight? I remember.
Also, it just makes you hypocritical no matter what if you keep feigning outrage over "sexist" stuff Trump said 20 years ago in a private conversation when you are best friends with a serial rapist.
one week since he came to me, "I can make you famous if you let me watch you pee"
5 days since they named the Jew, who fiddled and diddled your favorite waifu too
3 days since they faked a trend, not # Harvey, # blame all men
Yesterday, turns out guys are pervy
But just takes one week to cure old Harvey
How can a man be cured from sexual desire? Did they neuter him, put a knot in the ol' pipes, cut off his balls?
>Why aren't you filthy hypocritical liberals as bothered by a businessman who got kicked out of his own company two days after the news dropped as you are by a man trying (and eventually succeeding) to become the President?
That's a real thinker idnit?
This would be the ultimate cure
I wish. Knotting the pipes doesn't end sexual desire, just prevents pregnancy.
Castration, chemical or otherwise, does not remove all incidences of sexual desire/behavior either. Even a eunuch can be DTF.
No, about the only thing I know of that can kill sexual drive is anti-depressants. God I miss those anti-depressants. One day I just thought "why am I masturbating, this doesn't feel good"
And unlike all the other times, I actually stopped. I stopped and I just... didn't masturbate. It was amazing. Best couple weeks of my life. Fuck I miss those pills. Goddamn fucking doctor changing me to a different brand. Bloo bloo bloo muh side effects bloo NIGGER I WAS FREE, FINALLY FREE, I HAD FINALLY ESCAPED THE FEMININE JEW!
The chad rehab vs the virgin withdrawal