*exhales in a relieved manner*

*exhales in a relieved manner*
Phew, they dodged a bullet there. Based Brolin saving the day.

When did you grow out of capeshit Sup Forums?
I was 13.

Whats with that tiny little magazine? Double stacked 9mm for a huge rifle?

So, yesterday?

Y-you grew out of it yesterday?
Heh get some taste kiddo...

Why would you need a huge wooden stock on that weapon, its whole design sends the recoil into that big square part to essentially trap it, not too mention it shoots like 9mm

Affirmative action Domino makes me not give a fuck about Deadpool 2 when Alexandra DaDDario was the obvious and most perfect choice!!!FACT!!!

Around the time I found this old Flash back issue.

maybe it's supposed to look like a weird mishmash and evoke the ridiculous guns he was always drawn with

It's based around a Kriss Vector, which is a submachine gun (Originally .45 ACP but they make them in 9mm and other stuff now) that uses Glock mags.