>tfw Sup Forums about to be invaded by gaf refugees
How will you prepare for the coming shitstorm?
>tfw Sup Forums about to be invaded by gaf refugees
How will you prepare for the coming shitstorm?
make it /poltv/
heil hitler, unironically
Here already is full of cucks, liberals and /leftypol/, nothing new.
You mean Sup Forums is about to be raided by Sup Forums because of their shitty cuck mods.
you forgot the 2016 reddit trumplet refugees
Sup Forums was already invaded by reddit and tumblr, the damage is done already
>redditors think racism is Sup Forums brigading when it's just Sup Forums culture
Perfect example here starts ranting about the election immediately.
nobody talked about the election until you brought it up. I talked about the influx of redditors who fled because that site apparently cracked down on Trump supporters, and the refugees are incredibly thin-skinned
you must be one of them since that's what you got out of that
you should reread his post. yours is literally the first to mention the election, and it's just a lame tit for tat comeback to him bitching about the leftists on here that bitch about Sup Forums all day
>Sup Forums about to be invaded by gaf refugees
wat? gaf?
you should reread it yourself, and what it was a response to. The one before mentioned the election. The one before that mentioned the influx of Trump supporting redditors the previous year
>using reddit/gaf terms like "brigading" on Sup Forums
looks like they've already arrived
>thinly veiled Sup Forums thread
2016 reddit immigrants crushed this site
>butthurt leftist redditors constantly bring up Sup Forums
quit spamming the board
I have 348 karma. How much do you have, little man?
Okay, I hate the Internet and basically just use Sup Forums, so can somebody explain to me what "gaf" is?
lol he looks tuckered out poor guy
just taking a nap
We dit it again comrades xD
>using webbet spacing
looks like you've already arrived
With each passing month this board (and site) becomes worse and worse. Christ. Why do I still come here?
>Google gaf
>Get gaf.com - roofing shingles and materials
Can't wait to talk about roofs desu
neogaf is an old videogames forum with a clique of insane far left mods that ban any user that offends anyone better at sucking mod dick than them. i don't know how many users it had when it died but given how toxic it was i doubt there were very many.
Why don't they invade /diy/ instead?
>aaahhhh aaahhh oh god
those rats wouldnt come here in a million years, we're the enemy, they'll probably congregate in reddit and tumblr forums, until a neogaf alternative pops up
What is this gaf shit and why is it important in context of Sup Forums
also this
Set cunnybot to high gear
He's one of them
It's already happened I've seen like 5 namefags in the past two hours
>>>/neogaf/ OH WAIT
The anti-Sup Forums spammer who spends every waking moment of his life is here. lol
Sup Forums mods are cucks this isn't news, i get banned for triggering you fags all the time
Merge with Sup Forums
Literally SEETHING
>Gaming Forum NeoGAF Imploding as Owner Faces Accusations of Sexual Harrassment
I remember that fucker blogging his euro trip and all the pathetic shit he posted. Nice to see the neofag mods can't hide it anymore
t. rpgcodex
>spending your life fighting Sup Forumss autism
just put one in my dome piece if i ever end up like this
wtf is gaf
don't talk about drugs here, this is a christian forum
>anyone who's not Sup Forumscuck is muhh leftuuuu
If you ignore the obnoxious Trump circle-jerk Sup Forums isn't so bad
nope, only YOU
lmao seek help
>there he is
how you doing tonight, my unmedicated friend?
Am I the only person who remembers the original drama with NeoGAF?
The damage has already been done
Isn't that website filled with brainwashed leftists?
Maybe you should stop posting Sup Forumsshit everywhere on unrelated boards then
From what I understand yeah, but Sup Forums and Sup Forums used to raid it all the time and vice versa. The average faggot who uses NeoGaf probably posts on Sup Forums already and has done for years
Maybe you should stop posting rage filled anti-Sup Forumsshit everywhere on unrelated boards then
>post number
i only Sup Forums sperg whenever there's someone whinging about Sup Forums
What fucking board was that on?
Was this image made up by asspained leftists like all of the other images they make on this board?
Nice quads.
Me too, I only do this when the angry anti-Sup Forums spammer starts posting.
they could not have picked a worse board to go to. Sup Forums would have been more welcoming to them. I guess it makes sense though since this board is full of pedohpiles
It's probably infinity chan
Is that USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST message still around? I've been here for years and never seen it - I presumed it was gotten rid of before I came here.
Yet there it is in the pic.
When someone is banned they can choose to make it public, it's just rarely done anymore.
>I only Sup Forumssperg when people whine about Sup Forums
>whole thread was made as Sup Forums spam
Pick one user
Great discussion about Television & Films, great job mods!!!
You mean never done, because everyone just ban evades
It would only draw attention to how easy it is to reset a router.
The post in question was from last month
the titles are more spaced out there, this was either from a slow board or it was shooped, i'm not autistic enough to try and match the post number to the corresponding board
They rarely do public bans because it derails threads. I think that's why they warn you now.
what is gaf
I miss moot mang.
Warning doesn't do shit desu senpai
It's not from Sup Forums you stupid fucker, it's one of several hundred sites that ape Sup Forums's design
op predicts refugees
they appear in the thread
Sup Forums is mentioned 18 times
Oh really?
And how did you figure that out oh wise internet autist
It was from /his/
Every day some faggot would start a thread saying "lol why is Africa so bad" and he got banned
>gaff coming to Sup Forums
fuck off we're full
It's been a good year or so since i've last seen it, and it was on some other board, Sup Forums or Sup Forums I think, and it seemed like it was done more for laughs, like a public execution for shitting on a certain videogame or something
This board is unironically for straight males only, all others are not welcome and what TV shows you watch will never be of interest to us SWM's
what's a gaf?
I forgot to mention white, that's important, straight white males. No non-whites please. Or gays, or women.
I made a tongue-in-cheek reference to sneed and got a warning for it
That's how bored these mods are
This entire site has been a lost cause since Sup Forums's gaymurrr gate shit that invited reddit and tumblr not to mention the events after such as the fappening,the election etc
hi neogaf, sorry but this isn't a cunny thread
I don’t really care about the politics, but NeoGaf users are generally supportive of anti-consumer practices