Your popcorn & soda, sir. Anything else i can get you this evening?

Your popcorn & soda, sir. Anything else i can get you this evening?

Crabs legs, as many as you're allowed to sell me!

Yez, gibe wibe de benis!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D

a gf

Yes, I noticed a single man trying to purchase a ticket to the movie I'm seeing. Can you please do something about this.

Robert, we're you demoted?

When the penis inspector is super cute does that make you excited or more insecure?

2 bricks of 5.56 ammo please

a beer and a complimentary (female) viewing partner

No, you just did everything your job can do for me you dumb fucking nigger. you think i want candy? like i wouldnt sneak that shit in? fuck you nigger you're overdressed too fucking dirty monkey