Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
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What movie is this, the one were they become cops?
the gooch is always in the wrong
No one. Looks like you didn't get their films.
JOnah Hill and Ryan Gosling
I would cast Bautista and the Goose (because Paul Walker is dead) for Lo chiamavano Trinita reboot.
Is this the original Han Solo and chewbacca before ford and a puppet got cast?
Is that the dune buggy one? I love the theme.
>the one were they become cops?
Yes. Crime Busters.
You don't need my permission, buddy You're an adult, you can do whatever you want.
>Is that the dune buggy one?
No, but that's another gem, you're right.
>I love the theme.
I like that other, final song much better:
top kek. Music was always fantastic in bud spencer and terence hill movies.
Drink a beer, eat a hotdog.
Reminds me of Larry and Jeff
I was hoping for you to be some kind of fat rich jew producer who would take my idea.
Post your email address and we'll talk about it
I'm sure we can agree on an arrangement
Is it only Germans and Italians that love thos efilms? I never eard of them being popular in the US
Why didn't Bud just give him pistachio ice cream?
I'm pretty sure they were famous in Spain, Greece and France aswell. Dunno about UK, US didn't care for sure
Popular in Hungary too, my grandparents favorite films
the German dubbing is so incredible fucking comfy
This. Although I don't like it for the otherwise more serious westerns, doesn't really fit.
However, the English dub for any of their movies is just beneath everything.
>What movie is this, the one were they become cops?
There's like at least 20 movies with this premise.
If you don't watch this shit in Italian you're missing all the flavour.
I pity you guys who will never experience the real Bud Spencer and Terence Hill. A life not worth living.