Did she love him?

Did she love him?

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Of course. The question is does it matter that she was programmed to?

no, but she just simulated being in love with him, which is exactly her job
AI can't love anything

He thought her love was real, and that was enough.

Do humans think replicants can love ?

why don't they just put bar codes on replicants foreheads?

what is love ?

So did big pink titty Joi also love him? She had the bits and bobs of the real Joi

Humans are programmed too. Love is an easily replicable system. So, yes, she loved him as much as a human could.

>she had green eyes.

Robutts can't love

they put bar codes on their right eye

Baby don't hurt me

Like evolution designed women to love Chad, she was designed to love K.

She was programmed to love anything.

>Did you know this song was released in 1966 by Repriseā„¢ Records?

I hope he knew how to turn the auto transaction feature off... (It is on by default)

Women don't love Chad. They love his wealth, his social status, his charisma.

There was no purer form of love
Programmed to do so
Shaped by experience to continue to do so
Given freedom and choosing that love over all things

this movie was unironically more thought-provoking than anything i've watched in years

This, her situation is no different than an arranged marriage. and statistically those types of relationships are the most stable ones
they loved each other, and she wanted nothing more to be real for him

watch more movies, idiot

yes, like Batman vs. Superman

how does that make him an idiot?

I would've liked to see that explored more but we had to do the whole sequel thing for the last third of the movie

Can someone make one of these for Best girl pls?
I can give it ago but only have MS Paint

>he hasn't seen Thor Ragnarock

make me, faggot

"A whole life, in four letters: AGCT. I am only two. One and Zero."

This is the only difference between them.

depends on what you think love is

>best girl
Still Rachel from the original by miles, if it's one of the new ones for you you have personality issues. Respectively, oedipal, waifuist, or being attracted to batshit insane repressed chicks in your case, idk what the technical term for that would be, someone else probably does

>half as much but twice as elegant

i really, really need a girlfriend now

But could she stop loving him like a human might do or is she programmed for unconditional love?

Does a car love gasoline?



>I don't want a girlfriend unless she can break up with me for no reason
this is how you sound


Throughout the film the advertisements are seen as his Joi, to demonstrate how she sees her. When she's gone he comes to realize that his Joi was special, that she was real and unique. When she tells her how much she loves him early in the film he tells her she doesn't have to say that. In her dying moments she defies this by telling him how much she loves him. Through her experiences she came to life, she's legitimately the most human character in the entire film.

I saw an interview where she said this scene is the first she filmed

Replicants aren't programmed. In that there isn't a series of 1 and 0 coding a love reaction. It's biological, emotional, like us.

How could you not?
His heroism is truly real, his humanity just as true to life. A bean for us all to look up to.

Why would they film that first?

kinda jumped in my seat when she yelled that

All non-white women love the BWC, this is a known fact

They never film them in order man

They film scenes according to schedules/logistics/availability if actors/weather ect, not chronologically


>Did she love him?

they gotta have called her Joi on purpose

the best type of porn


No I mean if he did something she disagreed with like murdering innocents or abusing her (although he kills anyway but killing old replicants is considered normal I guess plus she is made by the Corp that hunt them) would she start hating him or is she programmed to love him unconditionally.

I'm sure she's programed for unconditional love. but what's wrong with that? conditional love isn't true love

she isn't sentient, only sentient beings are capable of love, she is a program that gives out faux emotions brainlet

They are marketing JOi with the slogan "Everything you want to hear." Se'd love anything he does and find a jstification for why it was ok for him to do it, of that is what he wanted. The AI had not ethic or moral code, it was programmed to follow what every pleases K.

If she wasn't sentient then what purpose did her talking about her own mortality (or lack there-of) and her composition serve?

So her love isn't real cause she's forced to love him in a way more extreme than a person's brain and hormones is 'forced' to love someone, which can be overridden by other stimuli.

>in a way more extreme than a person's brain and hormones is 'forced' to love someone, which can be overridden by other stimuli
not true. Battered and abused women still love their husbands. What forces someone to love another person isn't exactly quantifiable



It's real and not real at the same time. She genuinely loves him because she's programmed to. She would not know what it was to not love him because that kind of emotion does not exist within her code (being). She loves him by design, and that is not the same as being forced to do something.

It's also that because se loves him and that e loves her that she is concerned with mortality, because supposedly he'd miss her.

If joi wasn't sentient, why would luv adress her with the "I hope you enjoyed our product" line

Joi develops her own sentience and identity, she was real. She's defiant of her important directives, greatly risking the happiness of K and defying what he wanted by making him delete her from his house, talking about how she's only 1s and 0s which is counter-productive to the goal she was designed to accomplish and telling K that she loved him despite K telling her that she didn't have to say things like this. She also continued to reinforce that he was someone special despite such a concept only bringing pain to K.

Arguments in favor of sentience:
>Considering sentience may relate to the concept of free will as opposes to unbreakable programming that will force an established inevitable behavior
>K tells her "you dont have to do that" She stills continues, technically opposing her "master's" desires
>Programming is a default state, experience and choices shape true consiousness
>She was still Wallace's property and she still betrayed her makers in favor of love, a love che chose, even though she could've chosen company loyalty by default programming.
>The name "Joe" was all she knew, but she chose it because of her desire of "Joe" to be real
>"Everything you want". K wanted her to be real (She's real to me)
>She started to develop recognizable humman "flaws" such as mild jealousy
>Black eyes are a metaphore of being soulless as opposed to K's Joi who is as lost to him as Rachael to Deckard

No, she was merely programmed to be a projection of exactly what K wanted out of her, someone who loves him.

>AI can't love anything
Yet, they can't love anything yet.

>b-b-b-but he wanted to hear that


Yes, until his 6-month subscription runs out & he can't afford to resub

>that scream

It is funny how people say joi's version of love isn't real or not love when they can't even quantify what is love in the real world. Before you ask if a fictional love is really love, you should ask yourself what is real love as define by yourself.

It sometimes happen, but very rarely


They missed one out, Godzilla 96 was also filmed chronologically

That's the whole fucken point of the movie.

Do dogs really love their masters or are they just programmed to because of years of selective breeding? Does a mass produced AI really love its consumer?

Do androids really dream of electric sheep?

>she isn't sentient
you literally cannot either prove or disprove that

Official Thread Song :


fuck off with your garbage band

You can't know. It's ambiguous. We're walking in circles with these debates.

But she was so fucking obviously fake with her unconditional love, how can anyone buy it?

not my band lmao

If we're talking about actual love, which is choosing to stay and spend life with sameone out of your own will, then not, as she was bound to show affectation and stay with customer.

If you talk about love as emotional state, it means that you're childish, but we don't know what's the answer for your question, because we don't have enough data.

I made that one in MS paint by arranging the pics on a white backdrop then pasting this transparent template on top of them, you can still see a little overlap from the car picture into the frame of the picture between "do" and "it"

If you really care about your waifu you would do the same. I wouldn't blame you for being lazy though since no one could ever truly care about a piece of shit like Luv

She wasn't a person or close to reach autonomy, so no. She did as was programmed.

the question is are humans any different?

Again and again and again.

The messiah character that literally fabricates reality and identity explains it directly.


It doesn't matter if she was "programmed to" because as biological beings we're also "programmed to" love each other as well.

>In that there isn't a series of 1 and 0 coding a love reaction. It's biological, emotional, like us.
right, a series of 0, 1, 2s and 3s. DNA just has 2 more integers than binary. It's more or less the same thing. You might believe in a soul, sure, but everything physical about you is more or less duplicatable by machines.

No, in the end he realizes she was just like the others, but he wanted to believe in the fantasy that she was special as well. Neither were, but he broke his chains when he went to save Deckard and reunited him to his daughter.

If that were the case why did he finally see her differently? Throughout the film all the advertisements have Joi as she appears to K. Only after she dies do the advertisements appear blank and alien.

>tfw your code has 4 variables
>mine has only 2
>tfw in some currents, everything has a soul as it connects to the source thought love, if something can love, it has a a soul
>machines may be coded in 1s and 0s but why does that mean they are "not real"?

Hello Rick

Gonna do a Luv version real quick

>DNA is responsible for actual life forms, not merely their brains
>1 and 0 are responsible for pac man
>it's just aditional figures in code man
Really makes you wonder.

>He has never witnessed a miracle

Nope, she was just a computer program following her programming. Its noticeable when she calls him Joe, then later the big Joi says he's a "Good Joe".

didn't matter, he accepted her love.

it's the whole theme.

did it matter that he's a replicant? nope, still human.

same with deckard, didn't matter if he's a replicant, he lived and loved.

this is sad

you brainlets need to watch more things

A human child gets told "that's a spoon"
Same human years later sees an alien artifact that looks like a spoon, he calls it a "spoon" thingy
Joi was just acting on what she knew from her default programming which is education in human terms, doesn't mean she wasn't acting on her own.

No, one of them does. Which was his last encounter with a JOI, the first with one that didn't belong to him. That made him confront his delusions.

She's promoted in many different ways during the movie. He wanted to believe his version was sentient, but she wasn't. That's what he understands when the ad calls him a 'good Joe'.

The theme isn't so much love, the theme is what is real.

Deckard says as much when he's questioned by Wallace "I know what's real".

K wants to be real, because he can't differentiate reality from that which isn't real. Which of his memories are real and which are not? Is Joi's love for him real or is she just programmed that way? Does he have a soul to constitute himself as being real? This is the primary reason K accepts his death at the end of the movie. If he dies then it means that everything he just went through was real, that he was special and he will forever have meant something to other people. That he could do more than he was created to do. This is why there are so many scenes of characters putting their hands out and seeing how it interacts with the snow or rain. It's an affirmation of their own reality.

Sure he wasn't the child, but when you parallel K with the doctor you come to understand that the doctor can't live in reality while K at least got that. The doctor isn't even able to feel the snow on her skin while K gets to in his final moments.

>comparing a name of an object to naming a person

Really? If she can't deviate from her programming she hasn't reach sentiency, she's not acting in autonomy, she isn't real and neither are her actions. That's the point, he fell for the illusion of a false love.

This is never getting settled is it?
You people will argue for eternity that "K confronted his delusions" in that scene
While the rest of us will never thingk anything other than "he saw Joi and understood that HIS Joi was lost forever and he was never getting her back, regardless of him being able to buy a new one, just like Rachael's eyes "were green"
But the gut doesnt really comment anything, he just stares with the look of a wrecked man leaving the topic open to debate.

>the rest of us

That's because you kind are waifufags that can't accept what was presented in the movie.

>Not understanging simplist analogies to explain a bigger picture
>Can't deviate for her programming
>She literally rebels against her creators by shoosing to stand with K, and that's why Luv kils her, instead of just reprogramming a bugged software remotely and using her to get to K way ealier in the plot

>reeeee lol waifufag XD
It's not even about waifuism it's about the nature of love
>Do androids dream of electric sheep?
It's literally a debate on what really makes a being sentient, and love plays a major role in it