Why do people blame "bad marketing" for Dredd's failure?

Why do people blame "bad marketing" for Dredd's failure?

Can't people just admit that they were tired of seeing more capeshit at the time?

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People will never get tired of seeing capeshit.


Comic =/= capeshit you dumb amerikkkan piggu

I blame the title Dr3Dd

get new material

Because my friends all criticised the flick without watching it by referencing the Stallone version, they like it now but at the time they refused to see it at the cinema because apparently the advertising hadn't made it clear enough this was completely unrelated I guess

It was panned in the critics because Dredd was uncorruptible and didn't care about some drug dealers sob stories, so their feelings got hurt or something and they started to pretended that he's some fascist black shirt or whatever even though the nature of the work of security forces are universal no matter what the form of government is.

Fucking Dredd. I have seen it around 10 times now. This is the equivalent of the 90's great action movies. It can't get better then this when it comes to mindless action.

are these bait shitthreads are made by

What are you talking about? Dredd isn't capeshit, and Marvel movies do gangbusters all the time.

Judge Dredd is Fascist

shitty robocop ripoff

Fascism solved the problem presented by MaMa.

It really just wasn't fleshed out enough, despite the fact that they put a limited budget to good use.

On top of that, most younger crowds don't know about Dredd any more than they do a title like Transmetropolitan, and older crowds remember the lackluster taste left from the Stallone film

His line of work is that of a Internal Police Security Force somebody could freaking base a movie about the actions of STASI,Securitate or Iraqi Mukhabarat and these stupid fucks would think it's about German Fascists despite the fact being that it's simply the nature of the line of work Security Forces operate in.


because that can't possibly be true, people don't tire of watching superhero films and Dredd wasn't really like those films.
If anything the fact that it was dissimilar to capeshit could be blamed for its failure

the new dredd was better than all other contemporary capeshits.

really upsetting there's no sequel for it.

... what? Dredd was beloved by critics, except for one German site I never read anything bad about Dredd.

This film was actually good because it was made by the Brits. I shudder to think what a modern Hollywood Judge Dredd would be like.

I blame the fact that his helmet or whatever looks so fucking dumb holy shit.
At least that's the main reason I didn't watch it.

The helmet makes the character you fucking pleb.

You mean like this?

>people still responding

nice try kid

yeah, it makes him look dumb

Yeah I remember the marketing for it and it rightly represented the movie, shit

it looks okay, but they really didn't use the right angle on the posters

Is chin looked so tiny in the movie. Also the fact he was always frowning was dumb, Karl Urban has very tiny lisp and it really didnt suit him.
Also, his voice remided me of Rich Evans space cop. Very hard to take seriously

Jesus how was her haircut so arousing.

Only faggots like you care about gross profit. You gay bitch.