w-why isn't this movie getting more d-dislikes?
w-why are normies getting hyped up for a nigger superhero so much?
Sup Forums will go on a downvoting raid soon, r-right Sup Forums...?
w-why isn't this movie getting more d-dislikes?
w-why are normies getting hyped up for a nigger superhero so much?
Sup Forums will go on a downvoting raid soon, r-right Sup Forums...?
>muh downboating raids because I'm a special snowflake that doesn't like this movie D:
Why is nu-Sup Forums so pathetic?
Think about it, they would LITERALLY become liberal if a cute girl asked them to
What the fuck is up with this setting I don't understand
First he is in Africa
Then he is in fucking space
and then he is in fucking Tokyo or something
I truly hate myself and find suicide more attractive every day that passes in my life, but I can at least rest easy knowing I will NEVER be as worthless and loathesome (both by self and by society) as the creator of this thread is.
>le falseflagging leftist
nice try
If you consider suicide every day you are probably more worthless than OP I am sorry
>w-why isn't this movie getting more d-dislikes?
Why isn't its trailer getting more views? I doubt it will bomb but It might end up having mediocre box office.
>w-why are normies getting hyped up for a nigger superhero so much?
I honestly have heard very little hype. From anyone. No one is talking about it.
>Sup Forums will go on a downvoting raid soon, r-right Sup Forums...?
I'm not going to see it because I'm done supporting any capeshit but what's wrong with a black superhero movie? Atleast it's an established character and not a black wash of a traditionally white character. Have to pick your battles and this is hardly a skirmish.
Where in my post did you see the word "consider"?
I'll wait.
What the fuck is up with this setting I don't understand
First he is in Asgard
Then he is in fucking space
and then he is in fucking London or something
>Why isn't its trailer getting more views? I doubt it will bomb but It might end up having mediocre box office.
>33 million views
why are you faking view counts?
the trailers sits at 8 not 33 million views
>33 million views
>after a whole week
Yeah, it is pretty low for a marvel movie. It only got 7 million on the first day if I remember right.
Oh nevermind, the trailer is still at 8 million.
If you find suicide attractive you are probably considering it
I think this movie's an unintentional red pill by itself desu. Like a ridiculous juxtaposition with what africa actually is.
It's actually above average for capeshit desu, Ragnarok got 44m in 3 months and this has 33m in about the same time while WW and Justice League got 25-30m in 6 months.
>w-why are normies getting hyped up for a nigger superhero so much?
Same reason they elected Obama. They want to get it out of the way.
>being this intimidated by niggers
god you guys are pathetic just let people enjoy this trash, noone is forcing you to watch it
le falseflagging OP
How is OP a falseflag when he's clearly mocking the people who hatee verything with blacks in it
You mean like a nigger?? xDD
t. brainlet
That is nothing more than a leap of faith with little evidence to support.
This movie will be an incredible source for memes.
Sup Forums doesn't hate black people. Sup Forums hates niggers.
Grow up, kid.
>It's a nu-male false flags as Sup Forums thread
Sup Forums is made up of racists who insist that anytime one black person does something they don't like it means all black people are bad. You are one of them
Jesus, Sup Forums are all brainless baby men with too much free time.
>8 million views
Jesus fucking christ this shit is FLOPPING
its the most diverse movie ever, who wouldnt support this story about the common man?
Because this movie isn’t about a white hero that got cast with a black actor to promote diversity. The character is from the 60s, and therefore not a part of the recent push into diversity (though of course it did go into that direction at the time).
At the end of the day, the movie will do decently at the box office, but won’t do as well as e.g. an Iron Man or Avengers movie, probably not even as well as the new Thor movie. White westerners as well as Asians will not identify with the character to the same extent, as well as the main character simply not being as interesting as Tony Stark for instance. If the movie is done well, it might go the way of for instance the Captain America movies which made a boring character interesting, but we’ll see.
I would guess people will have an issue with how exaggerated the technology and society of Wakanda seems to be portrayed, as it likely won’t fir the Marvel cinematic Universe all that well and will just be out of place
I don't even dislike niggers, I just have nigger fatigue
Sick of identity politics like the rest of us