>watch The Passion of the Christ
>look it up on wikipedia
>Jesus actually died on the cross to wash away our sins and save our immortal souls
Watch The Passion of the Christ
>Jesus died for you and you're spending your life shitposting in a Taiwanese basket weaving forum
He's such a good man. Jesus is a VERY good man.
Yes he did. There are more historiographical accounts of Jesus' death on a Cross than even the Julius Caesar assassination
jesus died so i could sin to my hearts content and still be ok with god
There is no historical reference to Jesus' life, death or the crucifixion―nothing at all. The only information of the life of Jesus comes from Judeo-Christian believers.
Christians have said to Jews who reject Jesus, 'OK…let's see you provide historical evidence for the existence of characters in the Hebrew bible. i.e. Moses or Noah. However, in this line of reasoning, Christians forget that they have already accepted the Hebrew bible; that the episodes told therein actually happened. That is why a version of the Old Testament is located at the front of the Christian bible for reference and authority.
Those 21 great writers of the Greco-Roman world, whose combined work would fill a library did not write or allude to any thesis that god became man, walked the earth, died, was resurrected, and is now the Invisible Man in the Sky. There is not a single third party historical witness for confirmation, and not one single mention of a god walking the earth in any of the volumes of the combined work from the great writers of the period.
explain Flavius Josephus
Even if you don't consider Christ divine he's still a great dude. It's been 2000 years so I doubt he's coming back. Doesn't make his story any less tragic.
>God lived as a human for like 30 years and then died
>We are supposed to care, when everyone who has ever existed will die, and historically a lot of them have suffered just as bad as Jesus.
>Furthermore its not like that was the end, he continues to exist in literal paradise.
>He died for our sins, when he could have just as easily made the Earth perfect, or since he makes all the rules, forgive our sins without the whole ordeal.
Its basically like if your boss said he was going to live off two thousand dollars and in a shitty apartment for a month, and then demanded that you respect him because he lived like you.
Was it consensual or he was forced to do it by his father though?
That's because Jesus lived in a far-off corner of the Roman Empire and it took a while for the new religion to make its way to the heart of the empire, numbnuts. It actually made it there pretty quickly all things considered. Chroniclers who lived in the area Jesus lived made note of him.
And why would people who didn't know shit about him and never interacted with him or his followers believe he was a divine being or write such? No fucking shit only his followers talked about him being divine, because they were the ones who interacted with him and his followers before converting. So everyone who came to know that he was the son of God wrote about him being the son of God and thus became his followers. Claiming that no one outside of his followers wrote such things is completely fucking retarded because if someone believed he was divine, that meant they were Christians. Dumb shit.
>people unironically get butt blasted over religion
How do you see Jesus as a character?
We all have our destinies and his destiny was to be crucified. He had prior knowledge of his destiny, and even got scared to go through with it right before it happened. But he still accepted the inevitability and bore his burden when the time came.
if someone would die today claiming he does it to wash away our sins he would rightfully get called a mad crazy person.
Not if he was a miracle worker and resurrected himself afterward.
Most Christian sects believe that Jesus, while being "the son of God," was also God incarnate. Making his suffering or his rejection of Satan's temptation far less amazing than if he was just a man.
The concept of the trinity is pretty weird. And probably not the conclusion you'd reach if you read the Bible without all the other dogma that was later attached to it.
what would he rightfully be called when he came back to life?
Don't forget all his disciples were blackpilled and thought maybe he wasn't really divine until he was resurrected.
3000 years, I promise.
sry i thought we are debating something that actually might have happened
Probably if only like a handful of his disciples saw it. You know, probably the least trustful eye witnesses.
>H-hey you know that guy we worship who said he was god
>Turns out he came back to life after you killed him. We saw it. Trust us.
>Proof? His body is gone, how do you explain that?
>Now join our religion or go to hell.
the jew was only pretending
The tomb was guarded in case of a grave robbing attempt. It also had a huge fucking boulder in front of it. The guards were apparently blinded by an incredibly bright light in the middle of the night. Unless they had flash grenades back then, it was something supernatural.
The guards who were also apart of the religion?
Yeah? If someone made the claim and nothing supernatural happened, no one would believe him. No shit. It's not really a discussion. If Jesus died and that was the end of it, there would be no Christianity.
If, in modern times, someone made those claims, performed miracles and then resurrected himself, I'm sure a new religion would form around him.
They were Roman soldiers, dingleberry. Unless they were converted in 3 days after Christ already died and there was no reason to believe he was anything but a man, that's not really feasible.
This, think of the 6 million that had a worse death than Jesus.
>fahget about Yeshua, my grandmudda was gassed sixteen times in da holocaust, before being put into the nazi masturbation machine and made into soap!
>He died for our sins, when he could have just as easily made the Earth perfect, or since he makes all the rules, forgive our sins without the whole ordeal.
First of all the son of god ins't god, he is the son of god.
Secondly, God for some memetical reason. Claimed he will never terraform the earth as he pleased again after Noah. Because he saw all the suffering he caused back then and it pained him or some shit. Also Noah was sad for all of those he couldn't save. So yeah he will not make Earth perfect, because he has self-made rules that he respects (this is something only a man can understand, not a woman)
Also he doesn't forgive shit. You're going to hell for disobeying him whether you like it or not.
>First of all the son of god ins't god, he is the son of god.
Read the Nicene Creed, heretic.
>First of all the son of god ins't god, he is the son of god.
Technically any King of the Jews is the Son of God, it was an old Hebrew title. Jesus also refers to himself as the Son of Man a eschatological figure mentioned in the Old Testament (Jesus's movement basically believed they were the last generation.)
However Christians since the 3rd century believe in the Trinity which hold that God the father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are three forms of the same being.
So Jesus is:
The Son of God (king of the Jews)
The son of God (the literal son of God)
The Son of Man, maybe (a figure signally the end of the world, although I think he also tells the priests the Son of Man is coming)
The son of man (the literal son of a human, Mary)
God incarnate (God in human form, because there is only one God and Jesus is God)
>muh 6 gorillion
>First of all the son of god ins't god, he is the son of god.
lmao someone can't into euclidean geometry
>God creates man
>Man sins, a concept also created by God
>God doesn't like it
>Creates a son
>Son dies
>Sins now don't matter
Honestly by what mechanism does this happen? How does the whole thing work?
It doesn't but we pretend it does to stop communism
For you niggas that read the bible.
In Genesis, in that part about Adam and Eve. It is highly suggestive that there are humans outside of Eden. Who were those humans living outside of Eden? Or did I miss read it? I speed read through the bible so sometimes I miss bit and bits of lore.
this is a christian (roman catcholic and eastern orthodox) board
heretics (looking at you anglos) back to r*ddit
constantinople NOT i*tanbul ok praise jesus ave maria
hi it's me a roman catholic please stop with this bullshit and attend a mass
God is a weird guy.
>appear to some dude in form of a burning bush and tell them he has to convince a pharao to let his slaves go
>also say you'll harden the pharao's heart because why the fuck not
I mean he could have just appearded in fron the pharao.
Catholic Mass is boring as shit dude , no wonder Catholics drink so much fuckin wine LOL
thoughts on our current pope? i can't take this guy seriously, benedict XVI was a top lad but everyone knows that John Paul II was the best pope in a looong time
if orthodox is about not recognizing the pope might as well be orthodox their chants are great although their churches a bit funny looking
>open up the bible
>God is Jesus Christ, The Father, AND The Holy Spirit
>God is 3 people
>Wait no he isn't it's actually 1 person even though there's 3
3 = 1
1+1 = 6
I can buy God from the chinese for bitcoin over the internet these days. No idea how they managed back then
>appear to some dude in form of a burning bush and tell them he has to convince a pharao to let his slaves go
>also say you'll harden the pharao's heart because why the fuck not
Then I remember the meme "God works in mysterious ways" Maybe that's what it refers to. And God keep hardening his heart for no fucking reason, he wanted to let the slaves but God wouldn't let him, comedy gold
>muh puny three dimensional mind can't comprehend an entity that literally created the universe
Death is mans punishment for sin. The death and resurrection of Christ was the conquering of death and therefore also re-birth of man. Man can now conquer death like Christ and be re-born into God's kingdom. Hope this helps you understand.
I'm not gonna post in this thread unless one of you cucktholics apologise for sacking Constantinople and not helping us when we were in need.
It's not a complex concept.
you are yourself, you are a bunch of atoms, you are a brain, what is you?
all of this shit was introduced to people years ago by the zeitgeist movies and all it did was bring their arguments under scrutiny to be debunked. Jesus Christ lived, died, was buried, and rose again. sorry not sorry, you lose honey. its ok sweety try again later maybe no one will call you out.
Boring? Capeshitter...
If he's God then why does he say "God why have you forsaken me?" when he's dying in the cross?
I think if I was gonna be a Christian I'd go Orthodox. The only problem is Orthodox isn't Catholic (universal). Each church is nation based. Its only really for a handful of nations.
Like there isn't really an American Orthodox church, there's a Russian Orthodox church in America, a Serbian Orthodox church in America, etc. Also there's no real unity. I guess technically the Patriarch of Constantinople is the head, but no one really cares, not even the Greek Orthodox church. Also the Patriarch is controlled by the Turkish government and is only allowed to be a Turkish citizen, because they still think they are the Ottoman Empire.
One thing I admire about the Catholic church is its uniformity and the fact that its basically lasted two thousand years. With a few exceptions all the Catholic churches are united, its not like the Mexicans go to one and the Irishmen go to another in the same city.
Is Mel still going to make that sequel?
And Mohamed was a pedophile warlord who slaughtered Jews.
Notice the difference, liberals.
psalm 22 describes a crucifixion 1000 years before it happened
some of the details would have been very hard to falsify
jesus possibly quoted this entire psalm while hanging from the cross
If you find catholic masses boring you must be a Whedon fan, only a marveldrone would dislike a divine event like that.
so mohammed is /ourguy/? Don't get what point you're trying to make.
2 possible reasons.
1. The Christian standpoint: Modern Christians point out that he is actually quoting another passage in the bible. For what reason, I don't know.
2. The historical standpoint: Its pretty obvious that Jesus never claimed to be God and that the idea of him being God came about in the 2nd century to move away from possible polytheism. Jesus probably really thought he was the son of God and didn't imagine it ending like that.
Yeah but the Catholic has been decaying steadily for the past 100 years or so. Orthodox is now stronger than ever, and trust me on this one, even though they belong to nation based churches, they are united on par with it's western equivalent.
Patriarch of Constantinople doesn't and won't mean anything until Constaninople is Greek again.
That's a bad comparison though. The Holy Trinity is three personas made of the same substance, which is God.
A compound God would be even more retarded than God arbitrarily having three manifestations because fuck you it's magic ain't gonna explain shit.
We like Mohammed, kid. He is alpha, and his religion keeps women and whores in check
I think they should just declare that the seat of the Patriarch of Constantinople has moved to Greece or Russia. And unite all the Orthodox churches.
Its not like the Pope wasn't the Pope when he reigned in Avignon.
Or they should sue the government for interfering in religious matters.
Maybe God is a woman because that bullshit behaviour is female as fuck
Thoughts on this kino island? Which island will play it in its' inevitable biopic?
idris elbA
Islam is fucked.
>hate dogs
>no alcohol
>no pork
>no drawing living things
>Pray 5 times a day to Arabia
>Worship a meteorite
Christianity, and western culture in general used to keep women in check. Its not about religion.
t. Western atheist.
Honestly there's nothing like experiencing midnight mass in a dimly lit crowded chapel
>God is jealous, constantly has bitch fits, and desperately needs your attention
Sounds like a woman alright
fucking delete this
>be perfect being
>be pissed at anything less than perfection from imperfect beings
>be so pissed at your beings (which you love apparently) that you're going to send them to hell forever
>in order to forgive them you need to send your son who is also yourself (???) in order to die a torturous death which apparently makes everything ok
>anyone who doesn't belive out of blind faith in your zombie son is going to suffer for all eternity
>anyone who has never heard of your zombie son will suffer for all eternity
>God is just
At one point he literally calls himself Jealous.
god isnt real morty *burp*
>for you shall worship no other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God
I'm still unsure what does he meant by that. I thought he was above this sort of thing. Wasn't it in the commandments to not be jealous of your neighbors or some shit?
you forgot the no porn thing
That's because when God has an apparent flaw, it's actually a RIGHTEOUS flaw, such as his righteous anger. So that means God can never be at fault for anything.
Just like women.
>>Worship a meteorite
that's cool as fuck though
>can only relate the relationship of humanity to the fundamental ruler being of existence to his own experience in corporate dronage
>yfw god turns out to be an emotionally volatile sugarmommy
is kingdom of heaven a good watch
say some innocent guy is on death row (americans love to execute the innocent) and he says he forgives us and that he is dying for our sins
is he the new Jesus?
depends on how you translate it from hebrew, it should be that he's more or less jealous by nature
if he was innocent he wouldnt be on death row
directors cut is pretty good
Yes, but Mexicans pronounce it differently.
yhwh is short for yangire
why not
>Flavius Josephus
Didn't Livy reference Jesus in his Ab Urbe Condita Libri?
DC is good, it has some major flaws though, primarily the protagonist and the fact that Ridley Scott is directing.
is god the original shitposter? is he just memeing with his creations?
there are movies that are only good with company and there are movies that are only good when you're alone, kingdom of heaven is not a solo movie
Considering it was written a few years before Jesus was born, I'm going to say no.
why not
Characters needed more fleshing out.
a lot of scholars around that time references jesus, there wasn't really any talk about if he actually was real or not that's a modern thing. kinda makes you think really, one day people might try to argue that trump didn't exist,
t. kid who watched zeitgeist for the first time this summer
with friends you can laugh at all the shitty stuff like a lot of the practical effects are bad