>tfw no Joi gf
How does it feel that in your lifetime AI will never be advanced enough to unconditionally love you
Tfw no Joi gf
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if it's unconditional, it's not love. virgins will never understand this.
lol fuck off roastie
*Blocks your path*
I don't want to have to get an STD ridden hooker who also bugs me just to bang my computer screen. It seems like it would be easier for Joi to strip while I jerk off to her ass
family love is relatively unconditional in many cases but no, obviously that's not real, the only "real" love is being with a woman who cheats on you, takes everything you have, and makes you pay 18 years for a kid she raises to hate you
>jealous roasties will be the biggest obstacle to our waifu dreams
This movie was prophetic in so many ways
Well atleast I'm alive to experience true kino in cinema that allows me to dream about such situations which I wouldn't even thought of in the first place
I think it will happen in the next 10 - 15 years.
finally I will have a superior A.I. gf that is better in every way than a real roastie.
Feels bad senpai. Women will discard you the moment they get bored or find something better. Loyalty is a foreign concept to 97% of them. I just want an unconditional holowaifu. fuuuuuck
just wait a few more years bud
>Women will discard you the moment they get bored or find something better.
I used to think this was something spouted by bitter virgins and losers. A couple of years of adult life knocked me right into the face with a dose of reality. If you're young and are reading this, do no take this message lightly like I did.
Luv best girl.
Well I'm in my 20s and it's 2017 so I bet by 2050 there will be at least a highly functional photo realistic prototype that you can have a human-like conversation with and that can imitate emotions well.
Even if they don't come up with a physical version by 2050 (and I'm hearing they are getting really good at pseudo-skin and facial mimics) there will surely be an ultra-high res VR version.
It's not like the average girlfriend is so sophisticated emotionally or intellect-wise either if you think about it. If you have a realistic robot gf you would have no need for a real one. The robot gf will never cheat on you or manipulate you for her own use or get pregnant or get ugly.
You realise this is just another form of masturbation right? You're buying a brainwashed slave with no will that just says whatever you want to hear. Your waifu would do as good a job loving a stuffed toy as she would you, and will feel nothing when you're gone.
Yeah real people are hard, and relationships are work, but fuck me it's better than being like a budgie in a cage tapping at & chirping to its mirror thinking it's a mate.
>you're buying a brainwashed slave with no will that just says whatever you want to hear.
thats literally all I want. real woman are annoying as hell.
and the A.I. waifu also never ages, she only gets better through upcoming upgrades.
>muh aging roasties that are getting more annoying by the minute
the A.I is in every way superior, don't like stuff it says? change the settings until its perfect. can't do this with a real cunt.
You used to be able to but then they made hitting women illegal
this user gets it
>Women will discard you the moment they get bored or find something better
that's why you beat them nu-male cuck
It won't be able to relate to you at all, it'll just work its way though lists of things that it's noted that you liked in the past (like Joi when agent K came home for the first time in the movie). That's shit will get old real fast, it'll be like talking to a chat bot when you start to see the patterns and that it doesn't actually understand (or care) about what ye're talking about.
waifu fags are cancer
is this movie worth seeing in standard 2d? just realized no imax options around me anymore
>he thinks they wont be used to enslave the goyim.
Many women have kids to basically have love slaves. Which if they treat them well I don't have a problem with but I'm not paying for them to do it. And I'll treat my future AI waifu good so there's no reason for anyone to give a shit either.
>when you just wanna be with your hologram waifu but some chick wants to break you two apart
I'm pretty sure replicants can't get STDs
Fuck yes, 3D only fucks it up - you're going to see a series of expertly crafted scenes like paintings, 3D adds nothing to the experience.
I'm a big fan of Ana and was excited to see her but I came away wowed by this girl, I love her look
you're assuming the technology wouldn't get better than the chatbots we have today.
combine qt (never aging) looks from a holo waifu, with a qt voice and qt behavior and something visual for the eye and most men would rather settle for that than some worthless bio cunt.
>That's shit will get old real fast
same as "real" relationships which is 2 people asking each other what they gonna eat today until one dies or fucks off.
>he thinks the Jew men wouldn't free themselves from the Jewesses shackles.
nigga pls
>hit gf/wife
>go to jail
>irrevocably ruin life
>all for some ageing annoying cunt who is almost certainly your intellectual/moral inferior
Better just not even go there m8
They already have substitute love. It's called Lexi Belle.
>tfw the Jewish men realized the only way to free themselves from the mitzvah of having children thereby having to marry Jewish women was to create androids capable of breeding
Enjoy anons
my name is not kevin and im not fit
sick man, thanks
>being so autistic you ignore the 10/10 fake banging you
cmon son
>american female beaty standards
If the elite were smart they'd give people AI companions from birth or at around eight years old that grow up with them. Then when they become lovers at an older age they would feel a profound bond to them. The elite could then control people by programming the AI to push them in certain directions, like having the AI want to go out more (spend money) or suggest for them to join a cause (like war).
Seems like a good deal, so long as someone loves me.
The love of a mother for her child is pretty much hard coded into their psyche. Does this mean it's also not real?
you mean like religion
Actually, the elites want to destroy religion to make people more docile, you dumb fedoranigger.
I am christian plebbit faggot I just dont deny religion can be used as a political and social force.
you also don't try to fuck your mom, and your mom doesn't try to fuck you. familial love isn't romantic love. autists are trying to fool themselves into thinking they can emulate the latter.
>love isn't love
stop gasping straws, it's embarrassing to watch.
she will manipulate you to buy more products of the company that produced her
if you love your mom so much, why don't you want to fuck her? if there's only one type of love, you would.
shes ugly, take her away mommy!
Sometimes I forgot I where I am. Not all of us enjoy stick women with 12 yr old aesthetics.
Bratty Bunny is prettier
This is true. Happened to me recently.
>first pic is a younger looking girl with no boobs
Thanks for proving that anons point
she is perfect you nigger
Its okay user. Some of us enjoy actual women.
desu if a robot would fug me or half the anons on this board it couldn't be considered intelligent, artificial or otherwise
>oh great, I'm gonna have to buy more sexy lingerie to fuck my perfect little slut AI gf with all weekend in-between cuddling and her making me food
>implying i'm not gonna pirate my gf
>The robot gf will never cheat
>tfw Jamal hacks your robot gf and makes her addicted to his BBC
I'm 28 now and I'm really starting to just not feel anything. It's bad.
Best Joi
Fuck off and kill yourself you fuckdrone. No standard animal.
I'd gladly spend 100% of my income making my holowaifu happy with cute clothes and accessories
Why does it seem like tumblr-roasties have invaded Sup Forums lately? It's like a fucking infestation. Regular femanons are fine, but these newfemfags are like a different breed altogether.
Best LuvPoster are you there ?
Honestly if everyone has the same girl it makes it less special
She's fully customizable
K just never changed the appearance settings from the default like a guy who uses this wallpaper
His was a special Joi.
Go outside and meet someone you god damn loser.
You're thinking of female love.
>Implying we wont have this in 30-40 years
It's a start
Her name is hilarious
>my favorite Blade Runner character is Jerk Off Instructions
>did you see how cute Jerk Off Instructions was in that movie?
>I cried when Luv killed Jerk Off Instructions
>K loved Jerk Off Instructions so much
>K loved Jerk Off Instructions so much
K truly was /ourguy/
I want to marry Jerk Off Instructions!
who doesn't?
Its like getting the Milk without the Cow. comfy as fuck and no stress.
thats horrible, hilarious and sad all in one