Harvey Weinstein: The Movie


Will it be kino?

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The memes were true, she really is a big girl

is this real life?

why do you say that user?

Mmm! Good child-bearing hips!

i've seen rectangles more sexy

reminder that you are a low test spic if you don't find Chloe hot

wow, top quality brapfactory user

Can you imagine birthing like 20 kids with her and starting your own NFL team?

I think she's hot

Don't care, still would.

How do you even get a body like that as a woman? She's not even fat or especially muscular, she's just... wide. Probably not even surgery could correct this. Unless she had, like, some of her ribs removed. Which is a thing some women inexpicably do.

I think she is unironically "big boned" or "large framed".

The only way she could make it work would be by doing a fuckload of squats to get an ass, taking estrogen for tits, and gaining like 30lbs

She's probably really sweet. Likes holding hands and going for Autumnal walks in the park.
Not like the girls round by me who'll give you a wank for a bag of chips.


now this is kino

In her case, more like child-bearing shoulders.


>that preview frame


And I bet they tried really hard to find a good one.

maybe shes a hollywood child tranny



this could possibly be the poorest woody allen kino attempt I've ever seen

The face of a baby, the body of a man


And the mind of a women

>also now introducing the chinese answer to pedro, qinglao

ok this whole im a shmuck loser thats divorced but is clearly doing better because im semi famous but I just want to live a normal life with my daughters schtick is gettin real fuckin old.

i seriously thought it is a fucking woody allen movie trailer at first

>The face of a baby
thats an ugly ass baby

This also just goes to show that if you put any solid 7 in black and white her value goes up. All those Hollywood starlets of yesteryear where fuckin skags in full color

seriously what the fuck happened, she was so cute in her teenager years and then turned into this

is there any way to save her bros?

see it's the only way. how do we make it happen?

Her absent/PTSD causing father is a plastic surgeon. He should be able to fix her.

Chloe has a cute face, fuck off.

I don't know about kino, but it does looks like it could be fun.

So geometry porn does exist.

Man I dont wanna see her without clothes on ever


Can't tell if video has been shooped or manipulated.

She has the body of a fucking scaled down Quarterback... poor chick

This is going to be unironically a great movie

It has always existed

God, she's genuinely fucking ugly.

>all the jealous alt right bigots here calling her ugly, and fat because she's progressive and would never sleep with them

that guy reach nirvana fetishism while we still jerking each other off on this mortal land

This movie looks terrible


this. Sup Forums gets so mad when women and minorities are successful its so funny. and women and minorities are becoime far more successful in every field than white guys so Sup Forums is getting mad CONSTANTLY now. women deserve MORE.



when did she get so BUFF


how do i get a body like that

this is some kind of edit right?

how do these pretty normal looking parents get something like that?

Great timing for a sentimental beast-flick. Why didn't they take a leaf out of DC's book and order a load of reshoots...?

her dad is a plastic surgeon, maybe he is her Frankenstein

You lot can all laugh but personally I find her irresistible. I'd love to slide her from left to right on the mattress.

Is this what peak performance looks like?

>he wouldn't be her bf

despite all the meme and shit, i still totally would

What do you find attractive about her? Look at her body in the OP user


when she has decent stylish clothes hiding her masc features, she's bangable


>tfw they made this film because they thought they could continue to hide their sexual abuse and pedophilia in hollywood in front of your face
>tfw Harvey gets exposed and they continue to make this film but instead shift the narritive to only focus on Harvey even though all of them do it


>she is like a disney princess on testosterone

What did the cuck king mean by this?

mid quality kek

reminder that louis ck likes to masturbate in front of unwilling women

was this from episode 8? I don't remember it.

>movie about the degenerate film industry
>main character is a divorcee
>daughter is a dumb whore badly parented
>main character's ex wife cares only about wealth
>dumb whore daughter dates serial degenerate

>this is all light-hearted comedy fun for the whole family

why do people think she's is ugly?

Why is the sky blue?

Dont forget Louis CK's sex assault rumors and the fact the Weinstein thing is going on right now.

The timing could not be worse for this fucking movie

And it appears Rose Byrne is going out with Louis CK and then he wants to put her as the lead in the film, exactly what Weinstein did over and over

because they're gay


because she grew up

>An ironic body

Why does Louis think that he’s Woody Allen?

because he's the caboose in the rape train


>R E S I S T
more like RESISTance training

>she's like a Disney princess on steroids

>Not like the girls round by me who'll give you a wank for a bag of chips.
Care to point to those girls?


they're just jealous


when will her MMA career begin?

>online haters watch out!

Anyone got that shop of her looking fat in a blue dress?



look at her next to a female



>p-please help

I love how your pea brains can only register everything as bigotry or sexism.
Women are only as pretty as how a man views them and you know it, that's why you all dress like whores and paint your faces.
Chloe has the physique of a punching bag and her face looks like its been used as one.


Reminds me of the man hands episode of Seinfeld

It's like her torso doesn't match her legs

She should just start heavy lifting. With that frame she would easily be able to compete

>And Justice For All shirt
>tfw she's into 80s Metallica


I'd still fuck it