Did the method acting meme go to far?
What did we say the last time you posted this stale thread?
2049 was literally too ahead of its time.
nigga wants his oscar
he will finally an hero on set when he gets to play a character that commits sucide, screencap this
Leto is a tryhard hack
>nigga wants his oscar
He already has one.
His best performance was unironically Paul Allen.
It was a role that required zero method preparation. It's just some trope filled villain there for exposition and conflict, wow.
>he gets to play a character that commits sucide
Will he go full Dicaprio?
Imagine having the opportunity to play in a Blade Runner film whith practical sets and you go through it in total darkness.
He's not supposed to be blind in the film. He sees through flying drones via. an interface in the neck.
Overly dramatic character who wasnt even really neccesary for the plot
Leto is fucking stupid
This can't happen fast enough
"should we tell him?"
"nah, maybe we can exploit this a bit for the marketing"
The same could be said for his Joker portrayal.
Can you imagine how shit the film would have been without the scene where he pointlessly murders the naked female replicant that was just born? It gave context and meaning to the whole narrative.
he was honestly the worst part of BR 2049
I don't know why this was funny
Although that’s the fault of the way the character is written as well. They really should’ve toned down the obviousness of his god complex and taken out the “omg so evil” moments like him unnecessarily killing the female replicant.
The premise of building and advancing a civilisation on slave labour and the necessity of it especially in the context of the movie could have been used to create a much more morally ambivalent, interesting character than Wallace ended up being
Not that incredible. Everyone who was in evil dead had to act blind, with the contact lenses. He had to play a blind man, so he was blind, what's the big deal?
He is the bad guy? Should have had him step on a puppy and kill your mom while we were at it.
>the French director
Is this Patty Hearst?
so he doesn't see through his eyes, then. In other words, something that 99% of the world considers to be blind.
He was dramatic as fuck but i think he nailed it as a trillionaire with a god complex. I was impressed with his performance.
Nothing special. A bunch of actors have done this. Fucking Ron Perlman did this shit in The Island of Dr Moreau
I saw Jared Leto at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him anything.
He said, “Ok cool"
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Aren't you that crazy method actor?” and he didn't cut me off and said “Haha, yeah... but I know when to turn it on and off”, smiled and offered me a selfie. I walked away and continued trying to browse Sup Forums on my phone, and I heard him walk off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk to the counter with some basil, a packet of mince meat and a bottle of red wine and pay for them.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it but unprofessional, and was like “Sir, you're famous you don't need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually insisted he pay.
When she took one bottle and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “because they're all set at a different price” and then turned around and nodded at me. This was nothing like Sup Forums prepared me for. After she scanned each item and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he paid and left.
My jaw dropped open and it never really came back up!!!!!
Damn, Jared Leto, never doing what we’d expect and shit, how can we possibly process you?
Buuut his chaaaracter waaaas awful innnn thaaat mooovie.
Seriously, the fuck was up with that hacky diction and cadence. He sucked.
What romantic psychodrama was he prepping for here?
I unironically agree with this and it's actually a sad indictment of cinema that BR2049 is literally the film of the decade by miles, when it has problems that are this obvious even to Sup Forums fags.
He did suck I agree
You fucking retard I know it's a meme
>“Sir, you're famous you don't need to pay for those first.”
That only happens with people who own things. girl at the counter would not want the cut in her paycheck, even if god walked in to buy something
>a packet of mince meat
Leto is vegan. This story is fake.
this is wonderful
>You do not know what pain is yet. You will learn
that was so cheesy
Well you’re a Sup Forums fag now as well by virtue of posting in this thread
get memed faggot
Yeah besides the fact that his character was maybe written as kinda one dimensional, it didn't help that his stupid villain voice was like "EVery civilization.. has been BUILT...... on the backs of SLAve Labor....." like he just emphasized random syllables and paused a lot it was really distracting
He could just try something called "acting".
I agree with the sentiment, but as far as I understand he stabbed that replicant, because she didn't cary a fetus, he scanned her with that device behind the ear, and she probably was specifically manufactured for breeding, therefore useless.
Loved Wallace's costume, looked cozy as fuck with it's relaxed fit and soft fabric while still being dapper.
how long until we get a Ken-sama meme with Wallace?
How would Jared Leto prepare if he was to play a porn producer?
It’s possible and would certainly go a long way to redeeming the writing of that character, although from how I understood it he wanted to have the replicants breed, not create them pregnant. Anyways, I’ll pay attention to it when re-watching the movie, thanks
What if he's reasonable as fuck and bought it for a friend while planning to chew on that basil himself.
But his acting in 2049 did was great ...
Harrison Ford was , he seems like he was dragged against his will and said well shit I will only make one take. The rest of the actors where great.
>needs opaque lenses to pretend to be blind
this guy is a hack
you're right. he should've gotten himself blinded surgically
Having a nonsubversive unironically evil villain isn't a flaw you fedora autists, and he's not even the real bad guy, he's just a background character. Luv does all the heavy lifting and she's complex enough to give the movie an interesting antagonist
Having one-dimensional characters is always shit. Especially in this case were Wallace is clearly the most important person in the Blade Runner Universe, and is supposed to be very intelligent.
What, you think the movie would have been better served if he had a sob story and tried to justify his actions as I'M JUST DOING IT FOR THE BETTERMENT OF HUMANITY PLS HAVE SYMPATHY FOR ME AUDIENCE
The movie isn't about Wallace. He's a side character. The conflict of the movie is K finding his own agency and making his own choices vs. Luv's blind obedience.
finally found someone that's more of a tryhard than leo
No, a sob story would’ve been shit, and so would have been purely altruistic motives
More believable motives would still have been better, and could also have provided a bit more meat on the point of why replicants have to exist in the first place, and why they must be different from humans
Awful tryhard.
It’s the one way to come close to the excellence. But .... it’s so much easier to work with actors who has dipped into daily life so that the outcome can be pulled out much sooner. Nothing wrong with the method itself though cuz nobody knows everything in the world.
He is, but at least he's putting in an effort in his work and makins sacrafices to improve his craft unlike every actress ever.
sick shit bro
That's literally exactly what happened, I thought that was extremely obvious. Is the average Sup Forums user really this much of a fucking ignoramous that they fail to grasp even the simplest of plot points?
Wallace's whole motivation was wanting to create reproducing replicants so that he didn't need to keep manually creating them, and they would self-reproduce to create endless generations of slave labor. He believes (and probably rightfully so) that society can only flourish by being sustained by the work of peasants/slaves, and he intends to create reproducing slaves so that humanity can prosper off of their work. You dense fuckers at least grasped that, right? The whole scene of him killing the replicant woman is meant to establish that even though he sees himself as their god, he doesn't care about his creations. Much like the average human in the Blade Runner universe, he doesn't see replicants as people. Looking at his actions and motives from his point of view, and the point of view of the average human in Blade Runner (which BR2049 intentionally shows us very little of, so that we can better sympathize with K, a replicant), Wallace's actions are 100% justified and are for the betterment of society, because replicants aren't considered real people. All of this was spelled out pretty clearly.
>The entire shoot
So what, like 3 days? He was barely in the movie. He probably had a bigger percentage of screen time in suicide squad than blade runner
I feel that's what put him on this method acting bullshit. He won the Oscar for Dallas buyers club, and now he thinks he's a bigger and better actor than he really is. Either that or he feels guilty about it, like he didn't deserve it, so he's trying to method act because "that's what good actors do"
in interviews he admitted he did that because hes not good enough which, although he was joking, I thought was a nice confession
Bruce Campbell did the same thing in Evil Dead 2 during the Evil Ash scenes where's his article?
>like him unnecessarily killing the female replicant.
1:It was a fucking robot you can't kill something that isn't even a living thing.
2:It was a defective product you don't just let someone buy a defective oven.
Christ you're retarded you need to suck a dick or something because you're clearly brain damaged from lack of food. Sage. Sage this shit thread don't let this idiot be seen.
he needs a retard role for that
Leto's just having fun getting into character.
The hate is overblown and kind of stupid.
he seems like he's sick of acting and is only taking roles for the huge paydays.
what was the last thing his performance was strong in?
He was the worst part of the movie. He was just Jared Leto to me. I hate when they try so hard that it takes you out of the movie. The original Tyrell was so fucking spooky and good and wasn't a famous actor.
Why fucking personally stab them with a knife like a psycho? And why are they being born right there in his living room and not in some kind of factory? Why not have an employee dispose of them instead of being so brutal you literally make your psycho robot slave cry?
Didn't he do weird shit for Suicide Squad as well, cut up a rat or something then sent it to Will Smith.
He's such a tryhard faggot, you know he's going to win an Oscar one day but I truly hope he never does.
I like leto
Best role ever.
How did he prepare for it?
Because they needed to make sure the audience knew he was the bad guy.
Newsflash, he already did
>He's such a tryhard f*ggot,
No the people who hate on him solely because he's having fun while perfecting his acting abilities are. Let's see you do better asshole OH WAIT YOU CAN'T!
Yeah? So did he.