Polytechnique (2009)

>Polytechnique (2009)
>Incendies (2010)
>Prisoners (2013)
>Enemy (2013)
>Sicario (2015)
>Arrival (2016)
>Blade Runner 2049 (2017)
this man is a kino machine. literally unstoppable.

Will he keep up the one film a year pace?

>Dune (2019)

feels good man.

probably not, Dune seems to still be in very early pre-stages

scene from arrival when forrest meets amy for the first time. Show me more stupid scene in last few years in movies.

you literally can't

I'm afraid about Dune. now that Blade Runner flopped studio won't allow him another sci fi like that. they'll either force him to make it into an action packed quipfest or sack him.

i like him, he is like nolan but actually good instead of fucking shit. overrated, sure. but one of the only ones making super mainstream cinema with true value

He can't be stopped

Arrival really wasn't that good

But was it well directed

One of these days we will learn to crowdfund kinography and leave the Weinstein/Disney level monsters in the dust

>be OP
>post hack
>call him "kino machine"
OP is a pleb. Literally anti-art.

What CapeShit should he do? I think either Hulk or Green Arrow

I wonder how much a movie costs without the obvious money laundering aspect of big studios (or at the very least the "give my cousin a job to just stand around all day" and "rape hush money" budget)

compared to your average capeshit movie it was a fucking masterpiece

he's the savior of mainstream cinema

the chinese who bought legendary will officially pull the plug once BR bombs in china next weekend

he's probably burnt out from doing capeshit for the last 8 years

What is the Sup Forums consensus on what his best movies are? I watched B2049 at the kinoplex and loved it. Downloaded Arrival and it put me to sleep 20 mins in.

Incendies is so overrated. The story is retarded and unbelievable.

Enemy is literal kino. Prisoners and Sicario are great pictures.

speaking of prisoners, can someone PLEASE tell what was (or might have been) in the original cut that would have warranted an nc-17 rating?

1. BR2049
2. Sicario
3. Prisoners

just more brutal violence in the jackman-dano scenes

Polytechnique and Incendies are pretty dull movies.

Jackman Dano sounds like a great name

He's really not that great apart from Enemy and BR2049

He is indeed kino machine, Nolan fags BTFO

Arrival was very bad. It plays out like the writer had just read a wikipedia article on linguistics and got all excited about what aliens might talk like.

this really
i don't want to watch capeshit just so i can find arrival good

I thought Nolan was

Nolan is still the kinoflick king tho

Any scene from a Tranformers movie. Any scene from a B tier horror flick # 5384. Any scene from a recent capeshit flick. The entirety of Ghostbusters 2016

Would violence really get it an nc? They usually only give that when icky sex in the movie (think about the children!)


nope. They aren't THAT stupid.

I don't know, Mark Whalberg opening a fucking Budlight ™ in the middle of a world ending fight with a intergalactic space robot is pretty damn stupid user. Or the "jokes" about farts in Ghostbusters.

arrival is overrated as fuck.
boring pretentious shit.

enemy and br 2049 are real classics.

never watched other movies though heard sicario few times

>forest *plays audio recorder*
>gluhruhrlurhlsuhruhlruhrluah rlhuhgluhglruh uhlrughurghlurhgulrhg lurlh gurhglrugr
>can you translate that?
>i'd have to be there. I can't translate from this
>you did that with farsi
>because i know farsi (xD)
>i see what you're trying to do you sneaky little girl, you want to have an acces, you wanna be there. NOT GONNA HAPPEN. THIS IS NOT NEGOTIATION
>ask the other dude about some shit in sanskrit, because this is the best way to get experts on board in alien-visiting-earth-and-we-need-a-linguist-scenario
it was so ridicilous i couldn't believe. And there is more similar bullshit in the movie later.

Prisoners, Arrival, and Blade Runner 2049 were garbage.

arrival was shit


Shit taste as usual.

kill yourself namefag

ADHD drones. Someone feed them a Michael Bay flick

incendies is good


Arrival was shit.

br 2049 >> polytechnique >>>>> prisoners > sicario >>>>>>> enemy >> incendies >>>>>> arrival

>Nolan on a budget

I commend his consistency above all else. Insomniac was kind of a miss, and Inception/DKR/Interstellar/Dunkirk were fantastic but all had huge sticking points for me, where as Villeneuve is consistently great without being fantastic, everytime.

not seen/10
not seen/10
>Blade Runner

Personally i found Enemy and Prisoners to be his strongest and Sicario his weakest

>Polytechnique (2009)
>Incendies (2010)
5/10 his worst, including radiohead was just awful
>Prisoners (2013)
7/10 good flick
>Enemy (2013)
>Sicario (2015)
>Arrival (2016)
>Blade Runner 2049 (2017)

I still look forward to his movies though

What the fuck has he done that's mainstream which normies can name in recent memory it's just Inception that's fucking it.

Maybe your average redditor will also name The Prestige.

Enemy was more pretentious do you even know what the word means?

i thought incendies was good. i did also read the source material prior and had studied it in HS so i guess i liked it a little more because of it