>be European
>be 8/10 years old
>finally allowed to stay up a bit after dinner
>your father always allows you to watch ONLY the first part of Bud's movies because tomorrow you go to school
>tfw (*)
(*) = americans don't know this feel
>be European
>be 8/10 years old
>finally allowed to stay up a bit after dinner
>your father always allows you to watch ONLY the first part of Bud's movies because tomorrow you go to school
>tfw (*)
(*) = americans don't know this feel
Other urls found in this thread:
still mad as fuck he didn't get the sticky.
I.. I thought I was the only one..
bud's power slaps are pure kino
what's you are favorite? Mine is the one where they work as safari guides in Africa.
I don't know the english name of it though, I think it's one of the later films.
my chain smoking 85 year old neighbour showed me Watch Out, We're Mad! on his vhs tape player in like 1992
i dont remember much else about him, but im assuming he probably raped my little boyhole
We had this in America too. I saw nearly all their movies. Not many people have seen it though.
Go for It! (the one where they're CIA and they get to bring each other :))
literally who? I unironically needed to google them
American Superhero: Spiderman, Hulk, Iron Man, Captain America
European Superhero: a fat man
Some people are'nt nice to lions.
Some people are'nt nice to hippos.
We better think twice let's try it be nice.
Grau Grau Grau
I can't believe they both got to bring a friend(s).
Their movies were awesome for kids.
amerifats btfo
>successful european athlete
>become fat
>decide to change to american name
>Bud Spencer
holy shit, the absolute state of burgers. I bet you define Crocodile Dundee as capeshit too
literally kys you dumb burger
>seeing a Spencer/Hill thread on Sup Forums
Mein Neger.
>allowed to stay up until the first commercial block
we all had to go through that it seems
best movie from my view: My name is nobody
Yea, we don't really know them that much. I watched one or two of the movies. I guess it's a nostalgia thing. They were kinda funny but it's rather silly. Like Looney Toons. Still, enjoyable enough.
Why does Baneposting make everythign funny?
They call me trinity
and Double Trouble
got great songs.
I loved all their films, seen them countless times. The dub in my country was also a masterpiece.
Americans probably watched capeshit at that age, we should feel sorry for them for missing out such a cinematic experience.
the one with the twins in rio. dont know the english title.
>Bud Spencer
Congratulations amerifat. You managed to fuck up a google search somehow.
They Call me Trinity is just pure kino
baited hard, you europoors are so easily to fool
let me guess, it was also a social experiment
which super hero is stronger, user, Bond or Mr.T?
Bud/Terrence films and Asterix films are the only ones where it's allowed (or even preferable) to watch the german dub.
Wow, you are such a common faggot
Man, german dubbing script writers were so good back then. What happened?
Why do you go for the obvious bait and not actually reply to those who actual made decent posts about how Americans aren't exposed to them?
Is it because you don't want to actually discuss it?
films were silly and there was no need to try to preserve the original vision of the director which is pretty much impossible when dubbing anyway. so they just had ball and made something they thought was fun.
>great dubs
where are you from? just curious
It's easier to tell a f4g to GTFO, than discuss something seriously. But apart from that, I guess most of the folks here are open for the later too.
Their films are an european thing. I guess americans had something similar, but it"s hard to describe the feeling to somebody who wasn't exposed to them
>Be a little kid when the eastern block falls apart.
>VHS tapes of "western" films
>the glorious films of Bud spencer among them.
>or sometimes, they even appear on one of the two TV channels. You have to ask parental permit to stay up that late, and watch it, but you don't want to miss the film, because the day after, every kid on the school will be talking about it, mimicking Bud's gestures, and citate long parts of the dialog.
>also, the clear story, and the slap fights are appealing to you at that age.
>This is a common point in your whole country's childhood. You meet with someone, around your age, and you can be sure that they were loving Bud Spencer films back in the day. If you quote them, everybody will get the joke
Also, a side note. The americans grew up on relatively bib budget and techically supported hollywood films, and can not imagine things like the GDR westerns with Gojko Mitic.
Americans had plenty of low budget shit too. RLM and MST3K showcases many of them.
Hungary. The guy who dubbed Bud had a deep voice, and it was very fitting.
some dubbed scenes.
yeah I thought so
me too
Fuck. En is.
bentmiel5 mindenki /hung/ a burgereket és a germán srácot kivéve
This user knows the shit.
>So what am I, the chopped beef?
Kicsi az internet emberek.
>tfw they only showed the subtitled italian versions in my country
what country?
w-wow.. I had no idea these movies were known in Norway too
I think they were popular everywhere except like England.
I'm a fan of them and i'm an amerifat
>A tény, kedves kuzin, hogy a mi kis ördögfiókánk Tangónak hívja magát a Szamba országában tisztán megmutatja hogy mekkora nagy seggfej!
why promote our country with the shittiest bear ever, good old Kőbányai is the best, and no I'm not an ironic shitposter, nothing beats it
You are has bears in Ungarn?
>ITT: Italians chat with each other in english
>faggot doesn't read the thread
Bud Spencer was true overman in reality.
He did so many things you would be surprised: the acting carreer kind of just happened for him.
It was a common thing in italian movie industry when they started, most directors that were doing western flicks at time used an anglo moniker.
Pic is another former olympionic athlete by the way
and we have, just in Szekelyland
>Not drinking the supreme beer of Hungary
everybody is German or Hungarian I think
They Call me Trinity is a good movie period.
>implying I will buy an overpriced beer with a shitty slogan just because of nemzeti-guilt
If they would give it a nice slogan I would maybe, seriously its just cringy
>he doesn't know about Grizzly II: The Predator
google it, lads
The more you know:
they were also dubbed in italian too.
Their voices weren't their original voices, both had professional dubbers, that's mainly because the gigantic neapolitan accent that Bud Spencer had and the tiny almost female voice of Terrence Hill which was kinda a contrast with his cocky character
>A pisztácia kifogyott, csokoládé nem is volt.
This thread gives me such good memories.
"Zwei bärenstarke Typen" and "Vier Fäuste gegen Rio" were my favorites.
internet says this is in romania
we have almost no bears in mainland either
>MISERABILE intesifies
So? Dubbing is shit. What's wrong with subtitles?
And top grade dubbers too. Glauco Onorato and Claudio Amendola, two of the greats.
It means we have no epic meme dubs like they have in other countries
At least, it tastes good, even without the whole "it's forbidden"/nemzeti marketing.
But it could be cheaper, really.
Dont forget this one
Memes aside, imagine watching a normal movie, dare I say kino, with fucking dubs? I bet your average nation IQ would drop by like 20 in the first few years. I can feel my brain slowly start liquifying whenever I have the misfortune to come across German dub on one of their shitty TV channels.
Yes, but Terence Hill and Bud Spencer movies are basically for kids.
meh I don't mind the price, I mean I burn my hard-earned programmer money in the Bulinegyed to overpriced watered beer, so I can afford a Csíki too
Just the whole "its your national duty to drink our beer because " shit gets boring fast, your beer should be associated with quality not politics
Just sell it to me as a good, tasty beer and I maybe buy it more frequently
I agree, It's not the best. Soproni is quite nice. But I honestly can't think of which beer I like best.
I think we used to. Almost certainly not anymore, unless you consider Transylvania Hungary.
>I disagree with the internet.
Also, sometimes bears/wolves wander into the mainland from the neighbouring countries, especially when food is scarce.
Mexican here, i love their movies too, very white jockes and humor
Not dubs, but told the truth.
Amerifat here too.
It's NOT that Amerca is anti-Bud Spencer and Terrance Hill. The movies just simply didn't come over. And we had others instead. It's not a Europe vs USA thing. It's just exposure. It's something you need to grow up with. I've seen only 2 of them when I was... 25 or so? but I still remember them. They really are for growing kids to enjoy immensely. Fun to watch still but I don't get much out of them anymore.
Wow, I never thought that they are known that far from Europe.
why are Bud's thread so comfy?
we should make them more often
I love you guys
Someone should really stream them.
>tfw we killed so many brown bears in 20th century that I have seen polar bear but never brown bear in the wild
makes me sad to think about
they are very positive movies
yeah lad, i'll show it to my kids when i had them, it's a shame that not exist movies like those anymore in this era.
Norwegian here
my dad showed me these when I was a kid
I watched them in italian (and sometimes English dub) without understanding any words
just the violence :)
>They really are for growing kids to enjoy immensely.
As a fat kid, Bud Spencer was literally the only hero I could identify with at the time, I loved him so much.
>Old movies, so no underage autists
>European production, were not screened worldwide, so no 3rd worlders. from designated shit posting countries.
>The posters are fine gentlemen, so they can keep up a quality thread.
Yeah, it's sad. At least they aren't extinct, and hopefully they repopulate the mainlad one day. They are majestic creatures, and should exist in the nature, not just in zoos.
>Bear Lives Matter