This movie's fuckin awesome
Fuck Reddit Letter Media
This movie's fuckin awesome
Fuck Reddit Letter Media
is it, would you say, badass?
I wish they did more of this and less of new episodes
but then again, it was nice to bring Carry Fisher into the spotlight again before she died
When the best part is a 10 second clip at the very end you know it's not a great movie
Would have been more enjoyable if Felicity Jones weren't in it.
>Projecting who you really are
This movie is reddit and you're fucking reddit
It's solid and entertaining, if a little structurally flawed. RLM hasn't been funny since early 2015, my dude.
It was better than TFA but still bad
Quipbot had too much screen time, and the asian ninja-guy was a shit character.
The rest of the movie was great.
I thought it was going to be about rogue squadron :(
>goes to melee some blaster wielding opponents because why not
I almost feel asleep while watching this movie in the theater. It's bland, uninspired, and just dull. The characters are boring and devoid of depth. Some of them exist only to spout quips, just to please the Marvel fanboys and children. While the cgi looks good, so does every other movie nowadays, so no one cares. The only good performance in this movie Mendelsohn's, which was still as goofy as a cartoon villain's. All the posts here praising this soulless product goes to show this board's steadily increasing retardation.
Would be a great movie with a great ending if they just had Vader kill the main characters at the end.
why was there a shaolin monk in this movie?
its actually amazing how many things the movie tries doing and fails at every single one
If it wasnt so boring it'd be a classic because of how bad it was
Was better than A New Hope 2: Hope Harder at least.
It sucks fag
We don't live in the good timeline where the x-wing novels get adapted into an HBO quality series that chronicles the long fall of the empire and the exploits of a dozen ragtag pilots that struggle through it.
Good idea, good fleshing out of the universe, bad in your face references, bad characters, obvious editing and pacing issues.
>"So we're gonna make a movie about rebels stealing the death star plans. Should we use established characters or make new ones?"
>"Hmm... let's make some new ones. However, they won't be in any of the other movies cause, you know, they're new characters."
>"Alright, cool, cool. So we'll kill them off or something at the end, meaning this is a one-film deal. So small group, right?"
>"Nah, let's throw in 6 protagonists so that none of them have any real depth, or any real character of any kind beyond stereotypes.You know, ninja, smuggler, ex-imperial, etc."
>"Good idea. So one should be the MAIN character of the group of main characters. Should we make them an active protagonist?"
>"Nah, who needs that? Let's have the main character get pushed around the entire movie, not really showing to be a main character at all."
>"Well, how will people know that's the main character?"
>"Let's put a really dull 10-15 minutes sequence of that character as a kid, and then just skip to them as a 20-something year old."
>"Ok, cool. We got a movie."
>have one of the biggest and richest sci fi universes ever created to explore
>set every movie in the same boring ass 20 year time period
I'm so fucking sick of Empire vs Rebels
Th-the First Order-Resistance conflict totally isn't a re-hash user, honest!
it's literally the very worst star wars movie. characters are garbage and the plot is really dumb and told in a profoundly clunky way
worse than the prequels in every conceivable way tbqh
call me a faggot if you want to tho
Why did they hate this but like The Force awakens? Both sucked asd
TFA was exciting and well directed. R1 is boring and bland.
and why is that the most horrible trait anybody can have?
unironically kill yourself
You need to sort out your priorities
because they bought into the meme hype of SW coming back and double down on it so hard that they'll never dare to reassess their opinion, at least vocally
they'll just talk shit on the rest of the movies
and why's that user?
>muh Vader
It was one of the worst scenes in the movie too.
Name 3 characters introduced in Rogue One.
Being obsessed with reddit
dumb bitch with inconsistent accent and slut lips
meme robot with terrible cringe ad-lib dialog
two gay Asian lovers who act terribly
Spanish man
spastic arab guy
>one of the worst scenes in the movie
No, it was a great little sequence, but EXTREMELY out of pacing. The movie really ended before the massacre, but the producers wanted to have a part where Vader kills people, so they threw it in really awkwardly at the end.
Black C-3PO
Ip Man
Bunny qt
>asks what's wrong with reddit
>uhh.. y-y-y-your just obsessed with reddit stop mentioning it DX
hmmm, not an argument kiddo, try again
Whats your favorite scene?
The one with that mind slug that's totally forgotten and nothing comes out of it
Or the one at the end where whats her face tries doing the "you know who i am" thing but the guy doesn't have a single clue so she has to explain herself
>Disney goes out of its way to show how diverse the Rebels are and how the empire is entirely compromised of white men.
>Rebel troops that get slaughtered by Vader are made up of entirely white men with zero ethnic/alien/woman soldiers.
What reason could Leia possibly have for being on that mission?
You appear to be lost, lemme point you in the right direction
You appear to be blind to not notice these obvious undertones.
bernie lost get over it
>let's make a movie about the backstory of Alan Moore's Star Wars demons
give us one example of Disney going """out of their way""" to show diverse rebels
You need to sort out your priorities.
I don't want to be mad at Disney so how about settling that they were trying to be loyal to the composition of Leia's crew in New Hope?
>mfw user thinks I didn't vote for Dontron
ah, I see now. You have a brain tumor.
fuck off shill
>the elite 6 man squad that retrieves the Death Star plans is composed of a woman, an Hispanic, a paki, 2 asians, and a robot
I think its worse than the prequels and TFA
hmmm, not an argument kiddo, try again
>Being this mad
Please, grow up
take OP's image and removecharacters 2, 4 and 5, flesh out the rest and you take a 6/10 film to an 8/10 film, get more screen time for krennic too
>a 6 man squad of 6 people
fixed that
That's actually very accurate of earth population except not enough women
lol cry some more
The movie is more entertaining than watching paint dry, I'll give you that
Learn to Sup Forums you stupid porchmonkey
worse than TFA really? i only ever see this opinion on Sup Forums, everybody i know irl either hates all star wars, hates all star wars besides the original series, hates all star wars besides eps 4 and 5, hates all star wars besides ep 4 OR 5, or is okay with all star wars but definitely prefers rogue one to TFA
never met anybody or heard anybody suggest TFA is better than rogue one, and i dont know why anybody would have that opinion really, makes no sense
It's garbage.
it felt like a star wars movie
but it was just fucking pointless that added nothing to the star wars lore. also the diverse cast was gay and they ripped of characters from the EU they destroyed
People hates the newest thing because it shows they are pretty cool and not afraid of anything
TFA was far better overall.
Rogue One is unique but not quite as enjoyable.
TFA had several great scenes but some dumb crap too, and was unoriginal. But overall, one was fun and gave us hope. The other was... not quite as impressive.
Couldn't get past the first 30 minutes, none of the characters were interesting in the slightest. I'm not a big Star Wars fan in general, but this was like watching paint dry.
>it felt like a star wars movie
No it did not... Not at all...
Better than TFA, still not great. Considering how low my expectations were I enjoyed it.
oh so now you faggots want stuff outside of the original trilogy?
t. faggot
tfa had a story and characters, a rehash story with the lead being a mary sue but its still something. There was an adventure going on. Rogue One just seemed like a series of video game cutscenes. The characters really are too weak even compared to TFA. I just think it added even less to the star wars mythos than even TFA, its story was told sufficiently in the ANH crawl.
Granted as far as the space battle R1 easily beats TFA. Overall its a pretty harmless movie to the canon but I just felt like it was barely a movie
the only reason you think the Star Wars universe is so "huge" is because of EU garbage, none of which is particularly worthwhile
I never doubted George
Hey the prequels may have had more than a few shitty elements, but at least they tried something DIFFERENT every time.
The nu-trilogy can't even be assed to come up with original titles now.
This is honestly the most reddit movie ever made, I think. The whole movie is literally nothing but Star Wars references for the sake of being cool.
Nobody knows.
It does however make Leias "muh diplomatic mission" excuse from a new hope look pretty retarded.
Nah man, I liked it because of that.
The movie was over. The rebels had the plans. We all know how this ends right? They jet out of there with Vader on their tails. Roll the credits, it's a prequel movie ri-
>Vader appears
>starts massacring people and they escape by the skin of their teeth
The movie isn't stand alone, and it does a good job meshing with the film that comes after it. It actually enhances the start of New Hope a bit because of it, if you watch it after
Also doesn't it make sense, given that the rebels we saw were largely rag-tag former criminals or outcasts, but Leia was trying to pass her crew off as escorting her on a diplomatic mission for her planet? So a diplomatic/Alderaan-ian crew (who just also happened to be rebels)
They are retarded and always were.
>not believing Mr. "Sand gets everywhere"/"Now this is podracing" would crack stupid lines
Really ties the whole character arc together
>>"So we're gonna make a movie about rebels stealing the death star plans. Should we use established characters or make new ones?"
>>"Hmm... let's make some new ones. However, they won't be in any of the other movies cause, you know, they're new characters."
This is something MOST movies do.
>>"Alright, cool, cool. So we'll kill them off or something at the end, meaning this is a one-film deal. So small group, right?"
>>"Nah, let's throw in 6 protagonists so that none of them have any real depth, or any real character of any kind beyond stereotypes.You know, ninja, smuggler, ex-imperial, etc."
Look at any of those old war movies to see that there is a fanbase for those types of films
>>"Good idea. So one should be the MAIN character of the group of main characters. Should we make them an active protagonist?"
>>"Nah, who needs that? Let's have the main character get pushed around the entire movie, not really showing to be a main character at all."
She is very active. She follows until she has completed her mission on Jedha, but she is the reason that they all go to Eadu and she is the sole reason everyone goes to fight at Scarif. Did you even watch the movie?
definitely the best Star Wars movie
ANH begins with the Star Destroyer and the Rebel ship shooting at each other. Then inside, the Rebels start shooting at Imperial stormtroopers. At what point did you take that diplomatic mission shit serious? I mean Leia says it right after she herself just blasted a stormtrooper.
Or they legitimately liked it and this board is eternally butt-hurt over it because RLM didn't parrot their own opinions back at them. That's a fucking thought.
>Apology accepted, Captain Needa.
Vader has always made awkward jokes about people dying and choking.
The last 40 minutes was the best Star Wars battle. Combined with Vader destroying people on the ship. The rest of the movie was kind of meh. Not great not bad. A thousand times better than fanfic TFA.
>I love Vader destroying people
R1 and all marvel/disney movies are the same garbage child tier writing where it's all about "what happens". Millenials DO NOT GIVE A SHIT if the writing is good all they care is about is the events happening in their fictional timelines. Watching the movie is just an easier way to read the plot summary on wikipedia. The exact same thing happened when they cared about harry potter and literally would just skip to the end of any new book to know "what happens"
dialogue, character arcs, themes, setups and payoffs, all that shit that is part of good writing and in turn part of good filmmaking is irrelevant to them
>Merge Jyn and Cassian into one character
>Drop the pilot
>Just copy HK-47 personality rather doing this half assed thing they did with droid here
Now there is time to develop other characters.
It's not a game or movie. It doesn't have enough time to make such large team and so many characters interesting.
It would be better as game
All SW movies would be better as games, though
So China would love it.
Stopped taking you seriously right there
Nerds have been obsessing over timelines and "events" over good acting and "deep" or meaningful writing since the dawn of fanbases. Early Star Wars nerds were laughably bad
>dialogue, character arcs, themes, setups and payoffs, all that shit that is part of good writing and in turn part of good filmmaking is irrelevant to them
Whenever I mention anything about decisions a character would or wouldn't make to a younger person, they have no idea what I'm talking about and ask how I could ever know what a character would or wouldn't do. The idea of an established character with predictable personality traits goes over their heads.
The biggest problem with the movie is the characters. They're all flat and lifeless with no developement. They just seem bored and annoyed with the whole thing. (Jyn: "lets just get this over with, shall we?)
The only good characters (Forest Wittaker and Jyn's dad) get far to little screentime and die too early. The only character with any charisma is the robot, but only because he has funny meme quips.
The characters are so forgettable that I thought Jyn's name was Rey (despite seeing it twice) and I had to go back and fix this post before hitting submit.
The look of the film was fine, especially the special effects, and that stuff makes a good movie better. In the case of Rogue One it doesn't make a difference.
Characters and emotion are what makes movies enjoyable, but I wouldn't expect Sup Forums autists to get that.
I liked quipbot but fuck the blind ninja and discount snoop dogg.