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Jigsaw Hype Thread
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Is that trap even possible? How much would it cost to make??
>is that trap possible
Is this your first glimpse of a Saw movie?
about this much
A-are those lasers?
Jigsaw could have used that money to cure his cancer 6 movies ago.
Im gonna give them the benefit of the doubt and say that those lasers are trip-something-when-crossed lasers and not slice-people-in-half lasers
Guess again.
That one, and the furnace from Saw 2 fucked me up.
Something about burning man, I'd rather go in the syringe pit
Which was the best Saw movie?
the first one
Non of them are good
someone spoil the traps there was one faggot op who said he saw early screening and that he's going to ms paint the traps but he never delivered
Going unpopular opinion
2 = 1 > 4 > 5 > 3 > 6 >>>
>Le edgy contrarian
they were entertaining
are you fucking retarded? he wasn't asking if there is any good saw movie, he asked which one is best which means even if you had to pick one best shit from all shits you still have to choose one that's best not to say that they're all shit
He was lying. There is no trap in the trees, no trap from a POV. He also said the main girl in the barn survives and becomes one of three accomplices but she gets shotgunned in the head by the guy planking in the bucket room.
1 & 5
>You're an edgy contrarian for not liking the SAW movies
You can't make this shit up
>no trap from a POV
what a shame that was something unique for SAW flick
First, and 3rd. First one was great, and it was made with no intentions to make sequels. 2nd one was okay. I dont even remember what happens. But it created a lot of questions about the 1st one.
3rd one perfectly explained everything that happened in the 1st, and why. Like how that key attached to the pocket light got sucked into the drain. That was a fuckup that was explained.
The rest were all evenly good, but not spectacular. I liked the one that was happening hours earlier.
You're getting pretty emotional over your torture porn, user.
Try not to shoot up your school tomorrow morning.
I'd say first or second. Third one was good but it all goes downhill when they kill off John.
is that the gun trap only with lasers?
pretty stupid in my opinion
First one has kind of aged like milk. Still a great movie, but it's low budget flaws shine through these days.
This new one looks like it'll be more Bride of Chucky than Child's Play type movie.
heh jokes on you I am unemployed because nobody wants me
>not just standing on the hooks
Why does the new one look so clean?
Overpolish sells right now
because everything has to be clean now
Toned it down for modern netflix audiences. Times have changed
The first one and whichever one has all the health insurance workers getting killed.
Three is the one that sticks out to me the most as a full concise movie (1 2 and the one with the shotgun wheel also). All the other sequels just blend with traps.
How do we revive this franchise bros?
>saw is shit
What's the best trap?
Well it is.
They're still kinda entertaining if you're in your teenage edgelord phase but still very shit.
>oh man thats so fucked up bro
>awwww man look at how gory that is
It's one dimensional drivel. Sorry.
Kayo Police
The first couple. Before they just stopped caring and realized people only watched it for the traps/torture porn
is there any porn of this character with boobs and vagina? looks like generic anime girl but still worth a shot
>teenage edgelord phase
No, the teenage edgelord phase is hating the Saw movies for being torture porn. Teenagers are too sophisticated and enlightened on cinema to watch such drivel. Adulthood is realizing the Saw movies are kino. Your fedora picture is suitable for "Saw is shit".
>continuity is literally unmatched by any other movie series in the history of cinema
>fun story that unravels over the course of seven movies which gets convoluted but is a big part of it's charm
>lost-styled mysteries spread across the films
>lovable heroes and villains to latch onto
>fun traps
Saw movies are true kino. It takes a patrician to appreciate them.
Why is it ok for normies to like torture porn but my fetishes are fucked up?
>getting hype for shit tier torture porn
what are your fetishes?
be warned though, if you say loli I will find you and kick you in the ribs like the pedo you are
>Laughing at some ridiculous scenario and SFX with your bros
>umironically jacking it to ryona
Do you really not see the difference?
People dying in horrific ways is not funny.
What was her crime?
Protecting her husband?
Being a roastie. The punishment fits her crime.
Wait what? Do you just casually tell people your fetishes?
Biggest dick head ever
>mouth sewn shut
>can't tell guy key is on back without tearing mouth
>cave his fucking head in and free yourself
>open mouth and tear stiches through skin to shriek for fun
Yeah that's why I watch Saw & Hostel with me mates and not Liveleak Mexican executions.
>didnt look both ways before crossing road
>die in the most painful way possible
ok jigsaw
I fail to see the error. I only shriek for fun, not to communicate. It's like a siren's song. You leave it in reserve.
>Aaargh no, don't shine them in my eyes
>being on Sup Forums
good one
So you admit you're underage.
The average age of Sup Forums users keeps getting old man.
Those 16-17 years olds from 2010 are still here.
Post webms of traps
The scene transitions are more interesting than the traps.
inb4 the inevitable
Go back faggot
>implying Sup Forums is still gaining a youth based audience
People are excited to see this shit?
Why didn't they react to the fight spilling over into their room?
The first was kinda cool, I'm not into torture porn shit and at least the first had more to it than that
It's funny how he puts all the money to build traps instead of funding the cure for cancer.
doxxing you right now
>Laser trap
the fuck is this shit
This is kino.
Post the other one.
Why did she get such an easy trap? The traps in the first film weren't as ridiculous as the later films, but it still had shit like 'climb though tons of razor sharp barbed wire' and 'walk on broken glass for hours while a poison slowly kills you. Hers is just 'stab this dude and find a key'
She didn't have a crime but this perfectly illustrates why Hoffman was a terrible replacement for Jigsaw
He isn't an idealist like Kramer, he's a psychopath
I'm an "adult" by the law but I'm talking about maturity. I don't consider many people on Sup Forums to have reached true adulthood, including me
Fair point. I'm 26 and can't even afford to wash my clothes at the laundromat.
don't know about best trap, but best death was strahm
crushed to death, yikes
I forgot how bad these are
About tree fiddy
Im not the only one who fapped to ice trap in Saw 3 right?
Honestly the bathroom one, the first movie had the most varied type of traps, too many of them turned into psuedo reverse-bear traps.
Jigsaw has been playing 12d chess this whole time.
Saw or Final Destination?
Posting a very underrated trap
Because the traps slowly escalate as jigsaw becomes better making them.
It's even worse than burning since it's a slow roast via induction.
Oh God I can't wait till someone is in a trap for flaunting their White Privilege in this one
It was her fiance iirc. More of a scar and ruin yourself mentally than physically. Most fucked up thing is the dude for all we know was 100% innocent
The opening car trap literally has Trump supporters.
Bueno. I don't give a shit but the butthurt is gonna be worth it
Final destination is way more fun and light hearted. The opening mass deaths are better than anything in saw
Final Destination is boring as fuck. It has zero likable characters and no way to survive. They never bother expanding on the lore and just decide every movie to be the exact same thing. Each sequel is boring, we spend the first 45 minutes of the movie waiting for the characters to catch up with what the audience discovered 4 movies ago. Final Destination is too heavy of a formula and the deaths are not as creative or imaginative as you're selling. The deaths in 1 are lame but it was a decent movie because it was a new concept, we as the audience were learning along with the characters. Each movie there on has one or two deaths max that were "cool", the rest are the lamest, most uninspired shit you could possibly imagine.
>for all we know was 100% innocent
John didn't just put people in traps for no reason though