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Black Panther is going to be one of the better and least quippy Marvel movies in awhile and there's sadly not going to be any serious discussion about it here.
>this pile of shit won't be as shit as all this other shit
I love Black Panther's suit
this It really looks sweet as hell
I bet there would still be Kangs posting, even if this were about jigs in mud huts and grass skirts.
This seems to be the go to example for Wakanda being assholes , is there more? Also The guy in the last panel seems to be in conflict with the attitude of the Council, looks like a source of narrative conflict rather than,"fuck yeah! WAKANDA!"
Am I ready for more heads poorly pasted onto CGI bodies?
actually doesnt look bad desu
>Hol Up
why do these african listen to american rap music and not african music
T'challa is a fucking racist who hates every non wakandan nigger and built a fucking wall to prevent them illegal immigrants, why do people like him again?
Didn't the white people (jews) build the pyramids?
>inb4 jews aren't white, get back to
I dunno, Trump became president on that platform right?
It's not really known.
Some historians think of it as a passover myth while others argue that it could have been possible.
first half is absolute trash, the repeat second half redeems the trailer.
The fuck was that music in the first half
Jews weren't really in Egypt building pyramids. That's just a hollywood backstory they throw at people with the exodus story, because lower class = slaves and Egypt = pyramids when you want to go for easy narratives and visual storytelling
>rap music over a 90% black movie
>not racist
Because it's an American movie made to pander to American blacks about their power fantasy which is set in Africa. The setting is just a set dressing. They're aiming for kang niggas and liberal soyboys because they buy this shit the most.
I know they passed down some of the old techniques.
Granite naturally forms in layers. Chisel out an L shape into the stone, then put dried branches into the hole. Pour water in. The wood expands cracking out the rest of the block.
This. The fact that SJW's aren't even capable of seeing that they're being played in such an obvious manner is hilarious.
>the kang and kween do a nigger handshake when they meet up
cause enabling niggers is counter productive
I wouldn't call it "being played". It's just a normal marketing tactic and pure business. You find out who your targeted and most profitable audiences are and then just push in fanservice to satiate them.
T'challa's pretty based and he has a very frank way of speaking that can be funny at times. In one of the Marvel comics, he rescues one his teenage cousins that was trying to steal something from a Wakandan lab and T'challa straight up says to him that he's from a lower branch of the family and he knew he was going to get into trouble because of that. He cares about his family, Wakanda, and not much else.
>tfw we'll never see T'challa and Namor's rivalry on screen
>inb4 jews aren't white
Nigger, you're talking Israelites, who were more Osama Bin Ladin and less Seth Rogan.
More nogs into comics, fantasy and fiction = less nogs that are stabby and rapey.
Also don't fucking give it attention, if nogs want a nog movie so much, let THEM watch it, pay for it and encourage the studio to make more.
>iron manlet
>>inb4 jews aren't white
those biblical jews certainly weren't. you should read more Sup Forums buddy
I hate nigs but I love the exclusionary ethnostate utopia idea the movie pushes
aren't black people smart enough to know that is movie is essentially exploiting african americans to go out and pay to see this because "muh culture"? it's like a jew making a big budget movie for Asians about Bruce lee or something
its just a black bodysuit with bits of metal on it though.
They arent. They lap this shit up like thirsty dogs, its really sad. The most blacks do to self serve in hollywood is shit like Madea, which is wholesome to a point but does nothing to build them up the way white movies do for white people.
Black Panther is African not African American
hol up
It looked better in civil war.
tyler perry is an uncle tom who makes money off of gullible blacks who pay to see him "films". good businessman
>Pandering to the lowest common denominator with rap music
>They didn't even use X Gon Give It to Ya
Weird how blacks and whites are in a scuffle over a product made by two Jews. It really makes you think.
I get that, but this film is so paternalistic and American slanted that it's baffling. If SJW's and Blacks had even two brain cells to rub together in their skulls they'd realize that this is pure trash.
So do I, these movies are literally telling them to live away from whitey.
>internet racism over 15
Holy fucking cringe
When will this be adapted to kinography?
Looks cool. I hope it doesn't turn out like the recent forgettable ones like Dr Strange and Spiderman
>black panther movie inspires nogs about Africa
>they all go back
>utopia begins in the west
Don't get why you people are so mad at kangz and kweenz, it's literally about blacks distancing themselves from whitey.
>Don't get why you people are so mad at kangz and kweenz, it's literally about blacks distancing themselves from whitey.
Becuase they want to distance from whites but still get our benefits like gibs or you know, working infrastructure
I don't like black people
>coming to Sup Forums for serious discussions
I see we're getting some Neofag refugees.
That's what they said about all movies post-The Avengers with the exception of GotG
Do you brainlets ever stop obsessing over Trump?
After they adapt this
Apparently not. We've got 4, possibly 8 years of this. From both sides.
If you fight them and try to tell them they're worthless and imply they need to stay here to prosper.
Tell them they're kangz, encourage them that they can live by themselves and whitey keeps them down. Make them leave of their own.