ITT: Political commentary in Sup Forums done right

ITT: Political commentary in Sup Forums done right

Pic extremely related. Aaron was fantastic at making comments on current events, but making the stuff itself so entertaining that it never felt obnoxious.

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I like how half the time the writers were saying "and actually, y'know, the republican warhawks are right" and the other half the time they were saying it inadvertently.

But they weren't. Though it is weird that a cartoon more or less supported the Iraqi regime as honest dudes defending themselves.

Ed and Rummy were NEVER right. They are the opposite of right. Republican warhawks have always been shit.

I love how Uncle Ruckus actually has a reason for why he hates black people so much.

It's also interesting to note that despite his many issues, he works a ton of jobs, so no one could accuse him of being lazy.

>another political discussion on Sup Forums

>d and Rummy were NEVER right
I mean the gas station was full of terrorists. They had no proof going in and just started a fight, but they were right

His reason for hating black people is because his mother drilled self-hatred into his head and his father beat him senselessly.

I wonder if he's secretly rich due to the jobs he has.

>A thread that simply tries to put a positive spin on a usually negative thing

Tossing in the ASM issue where Harry becomes a drug addict. The point is obvious, but it's actually a really good issue and helps lay the foundation of Harry's obsessive traits.

But we don't know if the people in the gas station were terrorists or just protecting their shop from an armed robbery and then labeled as terrorists after the fact.

Huey implies it was just self defense.

this is going to sound bad but
why are so many artist so fucking stupid? its ok if you dont want to stay informed on politics and current events but jeez do you hate to go around parroting your no nuance simplistic black and white view of the world?
whats really the connection between art and ignornce? arent you suppossed to know about the world to make art about it?

You're just consuming shit art.
And really that's just a lot of people.
Look at this election. A lot of each side refused to believe anything less than Nuclear War with Russia by a Satanist and Literally Hitler rounding up all the Mexicans and Muslims.

Well yeah. The gas station was a metaphor for the Iraq War.

i guess
i mean its not so hard to have some idea of whats going around
i shouldnt have to go into a museum not to cringe at what artists make
no wonder we have a generation of adults obsessed with being children this is nothing short of a crisis

S1 had great episodes.

The ONLY time Ed and Rummy were ever right was when Ed (or was it Rummy) actually tried to clarify the phrase known knowns and known unknowns which is a perfectly fine line of logic that is often picked on for no reason. Other than that, they were obviously meant to be idiots.

It was Known Unknowns and Unknown Unknowns. I guess it was supposed to sound stupid, but it really wasn't.

It was so comfy and homely. From the music to the character dialog, it was like a black peanuts and Huey had some wonderful dialog. Even the character end of the day lessons were damn near award worthy. Really wish they would've continued on with that tone in season 2 and 3, but something tells me the higher ups emphasized to Mcgruder to make more pop-culture references and such since they were so well received season 1.

Still a good show.

how did he do it? literally, how was MacGruder the one of the only talented people writing on his show? the quality nosedived right after he was fired and it sucks it ended. I wonder what the Boondocks would be like in a world where BLM exists?

I mean also you're really separated from relevance. I'd imagine a lot of older art could be the same tier of cringey poltiics but it's not like you'd know or care.
I mean people don't actually change that much.
I know I'm just saying what Huey says.
BLM is pretty much what he wanted though.
MLK episode basically ends with BLM but with more intact ghettoes.

That's a line from Donald Rumsfeld. Ed and Rummy are based off of politicians. I read somewhere Ed was suppose to be a George Bush Parody and Rummy is indeed Donald Rumfeld parody.

>BLM is pretty much what he wanted though.
>he wanted
Uh, no. The MLK ended with basically MLK chewing out what might as well be a BLM crowd.

Will you ignorant niggers PLEASE shut the hell UP? Is this it? THIS is what I got all those ass-whoopings for? I had a dream once but it was a dream that little black girls and black boys would one day drink from the river of prosperity freed from the thirst of oppression.
But lo and behold, some four decades later, what have I found, but a bunch of trifling, shiftless, good for nothing niggers! And I know some of you don't want to hear me say that word! It's the ugliest word in the English language! But that's what I see now! NIGGERS! And you don't want to be a nigger!

Because niggers are living contradictions!
Niggers are full of unfulfilled ambitions!
Niggers wax and wane! Niggers love to complain! Niggers love to hear themselves talk but hate to explain!
Niggers love being another man's judge and jury! Niggers procrastinate until it's time to worry!
Niggers LOVE to be late! Niggers HATE to hurry!
Black Entertainment Television is the WORST thing I've ever seen in my life! Usher, Michael Jackson is not a genre of music! And don't get me started on Soul Plane! I've seen what's around the corner!

I've seen what's over the horizon! And I PROMISE you, you niggers have nothing to celebrate! I know I won't get there with you, because I'm going to Canada!

>BLM is pretty much what he wanted though.
Not really. Read

"It's a Black President, Huey Freeman" is one of the best episodes of animated comedy ever made

The 4th season was the best one

there I said it

I don't know which part is better, or more real, the song or Thugnificent on Bill Maher

Ed is the dim child of a powerful dynasty.
>Oh no it's retarded.png

One of the few mainstream cartoons that had the balls to criticize Obama and his supporters.

so /co what are the best Boondocks episodes?

It's a Black President..., The Block is Hot, and A Huey Freeman Christmas are my personal top 3

All the Stinkmeaner eps
That one about Ruckus's origins
That one where Riley and Huey reverse their roles with the Bob Ross guy

They were also right with the whole "nigger technology" thing.
That's about the only two I can think of.

None of that has anything to do with the BLM movement.

The writers literally never said that. If that's what you got from it then your comprehension is severely lacking.

Did you people completely miss the part where MLK was chewing them out because they DON'T get politically active and just waste their time on frivolous distractions? Remember after the speech when they all got their act together and marched on the White House and that was treated as a victory? Face it, BLM is exactly what McGruder wanted.

Republicans are very, very stupid. Don't forget that they also thought Stephen Colbert was one of them.

>Have to go into a museum to see relevant art

*citation needed

Protip: the "BLM crowd" doesn't mean "all black people."

He was mad at them because they turned his political rally into a circus of distractions and DIDN'T focus on politics, which is literally the opposite of BLM.

If you paid attention past the part where they said the nigger word, you'd have seen that after that speech the people he's talking to get mad and riot in Washington, and start fighting for actual political change.

Dumb Sup Forumsnigger.

Gay Riley

is this what white people actually think

the boondocks is certainly anti mainstream but its basically radical leftist

The first season is really the best season of any cartoon, I'd be hard pressed to find a show more intelligently written.

MacGruder is a commie after all.

>Focusing on politics
1/10 bait, made me reply.

Name one, quantifiable positive change they brought fourth. "Opening a dialogue" really just means "We haven't actually done anything".

Every time they protest, laws are broken, and shit breaks. Every time. Many of the victims they idolize have prior offenses, from assault to robbery, and are never the "angels" the media tries to paint them as.

There are problems, and isolated racist cases, and those should be dealt with. But it's not systemic at all like they say (if it was, how'd Obama get elected? It was either him or Hillary in 2012, and they choose him).

I'd take them more seriously if they were capable of any sort of serious introspection, but it's clear now that they're not, and likely never will be. They're growing more and more unpopular with every riot that happens under their name. Hopefully they'll soon be a thing of the past, and we can get a group of people who actually try to find common ground, instead of dividing everyone up.

To be fair Steve is more entertaining as a "Republican" than as a Democrat.

>But it's not systemic at all like they say (if it was, how'd Obama get elected?

Do you also think sexism doesn't exist because there are women CEO's? Cherrypicking individual examples is the literal opposite of talking about systemic issues.

Sure it exists. The way men are treated is deplorable.

Merkel please

Go back to the grave, Michael Crichton.

>are never the "angels" the media tries to paint them as.
I'm pretty sure the media has done everything they could to slander whatever poor shmuck the BLM group had tried to idolize. Also:

>a group of people who actually try to find common ground

Sounds a lot like the anthem of a facebook mom posting "ALL LIVES MATTER", experiences in racism aren't universal.

And yet you've given no factual evidence of systemic racism.

this is a low budget conspiracy documentary. skip ahead to 4 minutes and 20 seconds though

actually the known unknowns could be perceived as a fine line of logic... if it weren't for the fact that the u.s. went to war based on lies and bad intelligence, in addition to wanting to go to war. it was pretty obvious that the bush admin and rumsfeld gave no fucks.

How so?

He most likely donates 98% of his earnings to white Republican causes.

He lives in a shed in what can only be seen as self imposed squalor and probably doesn't want any whites to think he's getting uppity.

>it never felt obnoxious.

>I like how half the time the writers were saying "and actually, y'know, the republican warhawks are right"
You really think Ed and Rummy are being portrayed positively?

different user here

racial profiling

the fact that even if 911 wasn't an inside job, if the imaginary 19 hijackers were white, the u.s. would not have invaded europe

>try to find common ground

This is code for "sit down, shut up, and let me take charge."

>expecting actual debate on a Taiwanese ramen forum

He got told to check his privilege on Tumblr once and thinks that's the same thing as actual oppression.

>Disnigger AND a Sup Forumstard

ooooh boy

Racial profiling isn't 'racism.' Racial profiling is a legitimate police tactic.

'The suspect is an armed, white, male' is also racial profiling: you are profiling based PARTIALLY ON RACE.

Police don't focus on blacks either, the blacks make it happen to themselves by shooting up their own neighbourhoods. 90% of the time the death is a nigger killing a nigger.

Maybe if the Russians got a little more uppity and Hillary won.

The rate at which men are being killed by others and themselves. The constant stereotyping dangerous as well can't have good affect on the cultural psyche. And the men living in unassisted squalor.
All alone is bad enough but men who want to focus on men's issues being labelled misogynists really brings up some suspicious implications.

Why is it so hard to find this show in decent quality?
It's not even obscure.

>Racial profiling
It's funny how when the mayor of New York city implemented a stop and frisk program, crime in the city dropped by a noticeable figure.

I actually can't tell if these people are serious or not. This is Sup Forumsmblr after all, but still.

Men and boys kill themselves at freakishly higher rates than females. They're also doing much worse in school.

But y'know, why talk about that when you can complain there aren't enough women in tech?

>Men and boys kill themselves at freakishly higher rates than females. They're also doing much worse in school.

>But y'know, why talk about that when you can complain there aren't enough women in tech?

Because we clearly can't talk about both. Out of three way, women, our problems matter more by design no matter what.

It's on Netflix i think.

Well yeah. Two of those problems are people dying or education failing.
The other is "why do girls feel to self-conscious to get a technology major?"

>Men and boys kill themselves at freakishly higher rates than females. They're also doing much worse in school.

And this is society's fault? If I told you "black men and boys kill themselves at freakishly higher rates than females. They're also doing much worse in school." would you still care?

> If I told you "black men and boys kill themselves at freakishly higher rates than females. They're also doing much worse in school."
I'm sorry, how is the above group not included in the statistic?

I'm looking at my post with quite the scrupulous eye, and I can't seem to find any indication that I singled out whites.

It was implicit.
To be fair yeah that's what this conversation is all about. The mentality is totally "I care about me and mine. Fuck off with trying to distract me from that"
And there's technically nothing wrong with that mentality

Guys stop fighting.
Trump is president.
Can't we all just simmer down for a second, begrudgingly hold hands, and thank the lord Kek for this bounty of memery we've been granted in this life?
Besides, we can't Make America Great Again if we're too busy arguing about semantics on a Taiwanese pictograph forum.

Which leads us to why BLM is incredibly hypocritical. They claim to care about black lives, but fail to even acknowledge that the overwhelming majority of black murders are committed by other blacks.

I'd use the old idiom about pots and kettles, but I wouldn't want to be insensitive.

>To be fair yeah that's what this conversation is all about. The mentality is totally "I care about me and mine. Fuck off with trying to distract me from that"
>And there's technically nothing wrong with that mentality

yes it is the entire way american society is built is to help others get to where you got the american dream is to be so rich and successful you can give to others less than you how the hell is selective selfishness not wrong

e basically was the entire writing team of the show, save a couple collaborations with Rodney Barnes, so his voice and vision permeated the whole thing.