I want to be like him
I want to be like him
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better get down to weinsteins cock and start sucking then
Not gay but I always like just staring at him. He's so pleasant to look at and he just exudes confidence without it being overly cocky/assholish like most chads
that ship sailed 20 years ago user
How does he do it lads?
Get a denim jacket.
If the goose were my dad, things would be different around here.
but i'm not canadian
I want to be like him
1 - be rich
2 - be famous
3 - be handsome
Grow a beard
Are you also not gay, but would you also not mind waking up to see him everyday, cooking him an omelette, maybe go shopping afterwards?
if half of us on Sup Forums had father's that weren't absent, most of us wouldn't be here
He's pretty much the perfect man. Literally everything that most women find attractive in one package, including the fact that he has a smoking hot woman at home. Imagine the ego boost of being the girl to get him to stray from Eva Mendes.
I think if you look at him more closely you'll realize that the goose isn't THAT good looking. I mean, he's certainly above average I've noticed that his bone structure isn't conventional Hollywood leading man. His face is a lot rounder and his eyes are close together. He does have nice blue eyes though. But he does have a lot of magic on screen and I like him very much
He looked like a typical white guy back then
he was a chad from the start
How does he do what? Those are his costars. The number one movie selling tactic is pretending there's some kind of sexual tension between the actors. And you fell for it. It's just as likely that they hated working with each other.
He dresses like I did when I was 13 lmao
Comfy would be the best word to describe him.
Do you think the Goose might cheat?
Honestly i wouldn't mind. nothing wrong with a little bromance. Also I'd get his scraps (in terms of women)
No gay shit though
That's pretty funny.
you and me both
he was so cute and charismatic. I guess it's just inborn to be such a baller
imagine just being born perfect
why is god so cruel lads?
Why do they all look so depressed lol. Harrison and the Goose straight up are falling asleep
Kek, jesus christ.
I think Gosling is just a pretty decent guy. He's very funny, able to make men/women laugh, et cetera. He's extremely charismatic.
There's literally no one in Hollywood who says bad shit about Gosling. That is incredibly rare. Every single costar has said he's a fucking joy to work with and every director has commended his work ethic, his seriousness as an actor and his persona.
He's just not a dick. In an industry filled with absolute assholes, Gosling is a breath of fresh air. He's not pompous in the slightest and is able to make the best of everything/anything. It's no wonder Eva Mendes was smitten by him, or why most people who work with him love being around his presence.
Gosling was able to melt the heart of Ford, for fucks sake. That dude is the most cynical actor next to Russel Crowe, who he also woo'd. He's probably one of the few people in Hollywood who doesn't look at you like a piece of meat or money grab; he looks at you like a human being and that's cherished by everyone/anyone, especially in the snake pit that is Hollywood.
because it's their 34346th press junket where some beta cuck is asking them about some shit flick they did over a year ago
Also, it's important to note that Eva Mendes, about a year before meeting Gosling, gave an interview and said she'd never have kids, isn't a mother figure, etc.
Six months into the relationship, she was pregnant. Now, she has 2 kids. She has all but resigned from acting, focusing on raising their children.
he's low-key ugly, a lot of celebrities are, but charisma is actually a lot more important.
>had autism when the Movie Drive came out
>got obsessed with Drive and the Driver
>start to dress in similar fashion
>be mysterious and silent as possible
>always checking the time and chewing on toothpicks
>do the gosling smirk that I trained for hundreds of hours in the mirror
>pussy throws themselves at me and I reject them all so they don't find out I actually live in a basement
>tfw basement virgin NEET chad
He sounds like a real human being
He looks 100% bro tier
Gosling will die in 2018. He's too pure for this world. Screenshot this.
He can sing too?
Is there anything he can't do?
I see you in 2018, faggot.
only to pass mouseketeer standards, his singing was unbearable in lalaland
>see photon screenshot
>now see in photon
nice try chinlet but the goose had no beard in his most attractive role
Why would you say that?
He is too perfect to be true.
It's no fair lads, I want him so much.
haha yeah we could just shower together or something right that's not gay right haha
Someone post that /fit/ image of the guy who bagged a girl acting like Drive.
I think I may actually kms if thats true
Eva is fully aware of all of Goose's conquests and usually in the room to watch.
Its actually quite simple to be a decent human. Granted, not everybody is this good-looking or charismatic, but the rest is easy to achieve.
In a world filled with narcissistic dumb assholes, you just have to be the right mix of kind and cool, and have the ability to listen to people.
Just listen to them and threat them as humans, they will open up and want to be your friend.
looks like driverposting is back on the menu, boys!
i knew a guy who became ace Ventura he got pussy. dafuq
>No dubs
fuck off it aint heppening
I like to think she brings home a bunch of latinas for his BWC and forces him to have wild animalistic sex while she sits in the corner aloof and paying little attention kind of like so
t. taco
>hands in pockets
do you think he and emma stone have ever bonked?
and if i were eva i would be jealous about him and ana together in blade runner. YOU JUST KNOW.
if he browsed Sup Forums I wouldn't even be surprised
>by any stretch of the imagination a """beard"""
when will beardlets learn?
Not gay but I would be boyfriends with Ryan and marry him. Not gay though.
How many times since BR 2049 she has had Ana de Armas come over to cuckqueen her
>he doesn't know gosling posts here
is /ourguy/ Goose doing the ol hoverhand?
I can see it with Emma but I think he doesn't like Ana enough to have sex with her for whatever reason
>I wonder if Sup Forums is posting about me right now........
No. He is just reaching across to firmly touch jake gyllenhaal
wtf did he goose them both?
Living the dream
>tfw goose will never think about you or know your name..
Actually unironically thinking about picking up acting. Is it too late at 21? I have bad social anxiety btw
man he has a great chin, I can't compete with that
wait he was a disney kid? is he fucked up?
Please giv Goose bf
Just be yourself bro
Ana is boring, at least when she's speaking English
ITT: Times you made ladies fall in love with you like the Goose
Boys it's all about confidence
>head down to my local kineteria to see Blade Runner again
>"gimme one ticket to the Goose show, baby" I laugh and wink at the ticket-salesman
>it's a long movie so I hit the concession stand to stock up on candy-bears and cookie dough bites
>head in to the screening
>spot a young couple with an empty seat next to the pretty lady
>"anyone sitting here?"
>she consents, and I settle in for the long haul
>she's sitting between me and her boyfriend. I project alpha posture so our fellow moviegoers will assume HE'S the third wheel (protip)
>violently tear open my cookie dough bites, scattering a few to the floor
>qtpie jumps, startled by my sudden movement
>"y-you want a candy, honey?"
>"What? Did you say something to me?"
>"h-heh, I guess you're already sw-sweet enough" I mumble under my breath
>give a condescending wink to her cuckolded boyfriend
photographers shout shots they want on the red carpet. goose is married and too pure to cheat.
Gotta be like the Goose, ready to strike at any moment
>getting a venti milkshake at my local Starbucks
>go over to the fixins bar to add cream & sugar
>spy a 8/10 qtpie stirring her coffee
>pluck up my courage to make a move
>set my milkshake down and knock the sugar-packets to the floor, scramble to pick them up
>qt flinches in surprise and spills her coffee on me, startled by my sudden movement
>it burns me badly but I hide the pain, pick up a sugar packet and show it to her with a cocky grin
>"oh my God, are you okay?!? I'm so sorry I spilled on you"
>"y-you bropped your name tag" I push the sugar packet into her hand and give her a saucy wink
>"what? did you say 'bropped?'"
>"you dropped your name tag, s-sugar"
I think like 25% of you are homos. The rest just self insert because he is always playing autistic heroes that dont get the girl and you fuckers wanna be that. Except in reality a lot of you are racist as fuck and assholes with bad personalities.
Also I saw La La Land today, fuck that was a good movie.
Yeah La La Land was nice, I don't know why Sup Forums hated it
He's not cheating. It's clear from that those two ladies assaulted the poor guy.
He really up'd his waifu game.
Don't call me a racist you damn gook nigger spic.
>adding cream and sugar to a milkshake
Do Americans really do that?
Just bee urself. I know a guy who tries to be like him, and everyone knows exactly what he's doing and thinks it's really pathetic. He is actually attractive so it sometimes works with strangers, but it's a terrible thing to watch when you know what's going on.
what, you just drink it plain? boring
he sounds pretty good in Dead Man's Bones though because it's an indie band so the standards are far lower
>"y-you bropped your name tag"
oh my god that fucking leaf accent that's adorable
>he sounds pretty good in Dead Man's Bones
nah it's pretty bad.
you always hear shady stories about celebs but literally the only shit you hear about Goose is "he saved me from getting run over" "I saw him break up a fight in the street" etc like he's just fucking nice. Makes me wanna be a better person as pathetic as that probably sounds.
>tfw still don't know how to drive
eh I can see what's not to like I just like the shitty indie ghost band shtick lol
get on it user, driving around listening to Nightcall and pretending you're The Driver is real-life kino
just b urself
>THR: Refn recently said in an interview that he and Gosling are like brothers.
>Yayaying: Oh yeah, they’re really close. When we were in a karaoke bar one night Nic and Ryan started singing that Whitney Houston song, “I Wanna Dance With Somebody” and dancing on the sofas like crazy. It was really funny, they were so into it -- like two kids. But they couldn’t hit the high notes. Then I requested a Maroon Five song to sing and when Adam Levine’s face came on the TV they both just started shouting, No, no, no! I think Adam Levine’s hot. But they absolutely wouldn’t let me play it. It was pretty funny.
When will they make another movie together?
Yeah but it doesn't feel right when the only car you have to drive is your parent's second SUV
I watch this, and think it takes all my strength just to leave my house and chill at McDonalds for a bit,