THE WALKING DEAD: Pregame Thread

"Bonus Edition" of the S7 finale live now on AMC. Includes a deleted scene between Rick/Carol Michonne.

Hopes for the season? Predictions? Who do you think will die?

I hope the story moves forward at a reasonable pace. That doesn't mean huge fights or major character deaths every episode, but the plot has to keep going forward. S7 was fucking terrible about this.

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I only watched season 1 and 2 and after that only like one episode per season. Have they arrived at the plot with the guys that wear zombie flesh yet? I heard its in the comics. Also neagan is hot af.

>Who do you think will die?

Nope, but they should be towards the end of this season or the next.

This season will be about war between Rick/the other communities against Negan and the Saviors.

I hope they do the War in the first half. Well paced and intense.

I've been watching since season 1, but I'm really losing interest after last season. If this one starts out with the whole Maggie is the new Rick then I'm out, I hate that fucking character anyway.

If Daryl was gonna die he would have gotten lucilled. Perfect death for him.

I do think you're right about the rest though. Morgan's death will make Rick want to be more peaceful and imprison Negan.

Last season was slow as shit. It blows my mind that they managed to introduce Negan and have the most boring/bad season yet. How do you fuck Negan up?

Forreal, Maggie is terrible. I wish Maggie and Daryl were lucilled. We get rid of Daryl and then we get to see Punished Glenn with nothing to lose.

Imagine all out war being propelled by Glenn motivated by revenge. That shit would have been an interesting way to flip the character and deviate from the comics.

the recent seasons were such fillers that honestly i forgot the 80% of characters...

Carl and Negan >>>>> everyone else

This sound much better, too bad they didn't have the balls to do this. Instead we are going to deal with pregnant Maggie superwoman giving cringy speeches.

How many minutes until it airs?

I get a boner imagining Rick trying to keep everything cool so that everyone stays alive and clashing with Glenn who wants to lead everyone to battle. It would be interesting to see who aligns with who instantly after the bashing, with Rick eventually realizing that the only way to keep everyone alive is by fighting.

New episode is in one hour and 10 minutes.

can't believe I saw 99 episodes of this shit. really makes me think.

You like GOOD entertainment.

Think proudly.

Yeah, 7 years of this. As a sidenote, I hope they kill off the junkyard autismos quickly.

I don't think I'll tune in for this one. If they keep with the same formula where each episode is just one character, I'm done. I don't care about 90% of the cast.

Anywhere to watch it live or download the episodes later?

this, one of my favorite segments of the comic is when Rick has to convince everyone that being cool and avoiding conflict is how everyone survives.

They didn't do it very well in the show.

>If they keep with the same formula where each episode is just one character, I'm done.
not happening anymore

It was good until last season when it dove down into mediocre territory.

honestly, it only goes downhill after season 1
I keep watching because my life is boring I guess

It's all Maggie all the time now.

That shit is cancelled, they said they're drastically reducing bottle episodes

Gimple said season eight won't have one-note character standalone episodes. It'll focus on different plots happening simultaneously colliding into one overaching story.

Can I just start watching from this season onwards? Show doesn't seem good enough to watch the episodes I missed.

Streaming at suptv as usual (google the link)

Just think about how much better it would have been if they kept Darabont on as producer.

>Darabont wanted to make the series feel like a documentary
Would've been comfy.



daryl is the only thing keeping women watching the show.

They will kill rick before they kill daryl

that's what lured me in

>tfw the comfy cold winter days are ahead with my favorite series, negan bants and Sup Forums threads
life is good

I'm prepped for his final form


Daryl is dead.

Norman Reedus for the Boondock Saints 3. Make Norman great again.

Free my nigga Reedus from the Walking Dead.

Pretty much. The good guys and the bad guys are going to war. There are sometimes zombies.

You honestly could pick it up now probably.

Yeah I can't wait

Carl's gonna appear more this season

Nah if they kill daryl there are no plot armor male characters to make mid 20s cat ladies moist

its all about them demos mayne

They have to keep killing off the fat jewish ugly characters. Whoever is casting this show is fucking terrible. None of the characters mean anything other than the main cast.

>image for ants

all of those characters need to be sacrificed already but they wont

anyone esle watching the red carpet right now? it's cringe galore

everyone below daryl on that list could die in a single episode and nobody would care

I know that feel brah. Shitposting in Walking Dead threads with Sup Forums while snuggled up in a blanket is the comfiest shit ever

I feel like this show would get exponentially better the fewer women there were in it.

Fingers crossed more of them are offed.

Barely watched the last two seasons. Only some episodes here and there. Tired of the repeating storylines, the same set locations, the horrible CGI. Unfortunately this show is so extremely popular that it will never end



wher 2 str3am live? thx


I want nothing except pure unadultered Husbandos.

>no Carl user
Where tf is he


Will Daryl cut his greasy ass hair for the timeskip and retake his rightful place as King Husbando?

this season will be the same as every other season because the writers have no balls.

I can only pray.

I'm not /the/ Carl user but I'm a Carl user

ha, his nose turned directions through puberty

>daryl is the only thing keeping women watching the show.
you have an odd way of spelling NEGAN

men like negan not women

not a fan of abraham/sasha desu

Then this is the season for you.

Who the hell is?

I'll take any excuse to get Abraham back on my TV screen though.

>Norman Reedus is 5'10
>Jeffrey Dean Morgan is 6'10
Again, women LOVE Negan.

Please, women get NIAGARA FALLS wet over men like Negan.

this is why you'll never understand


is the third picture timeskip negan? he looks good
not a fan of jdm's shaved face to be honest.

It's Season 8 Negan

I like the shaved look but unshaven is fine by me as well.

>husbandofags taking control over waifufags
Post waifu, faggots.

2 and half years passed since Ty my favorite negro and character in twd died...
life is cruel


at least we have crazy staff negro and tiger negro

Get in here fags private Sup Forums stream

Going to lock the room soon.

Man I forgot about her.
Hope her butt is even bigger.


Better stream here, no lock

Damn. Enid is pretty sexy, in the Walking Dead she look so butterface and decent.

She's perfect

>Being 20 seconds behind
>wanting all of reddit to come in

negan could really solve all his problems just by killing rick

Every scene between these 2 bring me joy. Negan definitely revitalized my enjoy of the show

So glad she's 18 now, she is exactly my type. She's soooo beautiful.

Did Daryl have a vector?

>killing his husbando
What type of man kill his lover? They aren't like these backstabbing women i.e., Lori.

Your type?
You mean she has a vagina?

Hopefully we see her in some panties

Post Enid/Katelyn Nacon Legs. She always hides them behind ripped jeans. The instagram post of her getting out of the car at NYCC showed em good for a split second.

Same, Negan is great.


She's so low-key thicc it's ridiculous, barely any good pics of it but her hips/thighs are insane

I don’t remember last season finale.
So Negan tried to attack, didn’t win, left like a JI-Joe bad guy and rick is old? Right? for Walking Shit and Curb

I can't fucking wait until Rick and Negan become almost-bros after the time skip. Lincoln and Morgan are so fucking great together

She's the PERFECT thiccness. Like you can tell she's a skinny girl and not fat in the slightest, but she's thicc in the hips and thighs areas. Really tremendous.

You're lusting after a child

Unless they simply kill Negan off.

Hype for boatmaster supreme claiming his due.

She's 18 brainlet.

That child is 18.

Good tum as well

>18 years old
On the percepts of adulthood.

rick is going to kill negan. the show isn't going to keep negan around after this season.
