ITT: Characters that are literally you
Why did she cry? Did she genuinely feel sad for killing people/seeing replicants die?
Watching Breaking Bad again and I'm pissed off at how similar I am to Jesse Pinkman.
who did it better?
Pinkman is a good guy though?
I like think she cried for same reason Rutger cried in the original, not for the actual death but all the potential lost with that death.
Hello, Ryan.
haha, i wish
i'm a guy btw
did you find it yet?
>me in the back
>tfw too intelligent
Is this a jojo reference?
He's a bit of a loser though, at least at the beginning.
t. also similar to Pinkman
He's just kinda whiny really. Literally the first time you see him he's crawling out of a girls window to avoid the cops.
Lying curled up in a ball on the floor in my shower is my number 1 past-time
Not as autistic, but just as childish and naive, TROY AND ABED IN THA MOOORNIN'
You mean everyone on this website?
I doubt it. K was able to realize that Joi was a computer program that played off his fantasy of becoming more than a machine by embodying it, most of the autistic waifufags on this site still insist she's a real girl even when the exposition is shoved down their throat.
except you right?
No, since I lurk here often.
I'm not a waifufag..
god, this is embarassing
try hard edgy
The president himself. AMA
Whens the all coming up, Mr. President?
I wish they didn't try. This CGI shit ain't ready yet.
scott pilgrim is a horrible person, this better be a silly joke
>without the money and being asian
>just an observer and chill to down on luck younger guys
Hes a whiny bitch
was like looking into a mirror other than age and sex
>1st season: Oh my god, why is Walter hanging out with this shithead, he is bad influence
>last season: Oh my god, why is Pinkman still hanging out with Walter? He is the worst influence there is.
BB main characters in 2 lines
You mean ITT characters you wish you were
Yea, I kinda doubt you are anything like Goose or K...
I think you fat,bald,greasy fuck..
>knees bent inward
Low test nu-male
practically autistic
The sweaty, obese, balding guy controlling a female avatar in Gamer. Also the same character in Surrogates.
Marry me.
Maybe less sad than traumatized since it was the first time she was seeing any of it.
This, only the better version.