
Just read the classics.
Modern comics are trash.

Once again, the dog shit media shitting on the entire medium for something a single genre SUPPOSEDLY does.
Fuck this scumfucked retarded society. I'll be happy to know that the human race is fucked.
We didn't deserve success.

This is your fault, Sup Forums.

Just remember.

We're going to have 4 years of Progressives and Alt-righters injecting their politics into every piece of media they can get their hands on.

4 years of this bullshit.

Well, you wanted Trump? Here's your Trump! Trump up your rump!

Do we really have to throw a shitfit everytime someone on the internet says something retarded?

You must be new here.

I was waiting for all this shit to blow over after the election. Oh past me you poor sweet fool.

No, but how else are we supposed to fill the gaping void inside. By reading comics? Sounds gay.

>tl;dr: comics are a small industry therefore we can bully to get our way

Hey many of you asked for this.

I'm just gonna read my comics and laugh at butthurt SJWs.

>I just want to read my comics, why can't they leave my hobby alone?
No one's stopping you man.

Something tells me they would post something like this REGARDLESS if Trump won or not. If he lost, they'd do this as an excuse to spread the word for more 'progressiveness' because Hillary won.

They are hellbent on doing this crap no matter what.

B-but someone on the internet said something dumb. That means I have to drop everything i'm doing and whine about it on Sup Forums.

>noxious masculinity

I wish they would drop the act and just say masculinity. They hate anything remotely masculine and want to feminize boys and men. I wish they would just say instead of playing this game like we're stupid and don't see through it.

And Trump will inject media in his politics.


Without the adjective you wouldn't know that masculinity is bad. They aren't obfuscating their views. They're reinforcing them.

just ignore it and support what you like

Not OP but i think the real implication is that he'd rather they stop trying to force their social views down our throats and just try to write good stories. Comics are a small medium, playing to politics only makes it smaller.

I thought I was a leftwing commie pinko but this bizarre sex/gender shit is a fucking cancer. It's eating away at real politics and has spread to media in general. I would say somebody who actually reads comics should write a letter and explain that marvel has pushed diversity at the cost of craft but I know nobody would listen.
They would just retreat to their safe space and throw out buzzwords.

Then don't fucking read them you dipshit, how hard is that.

And if you have to read them, then don't buy them, there are scans out there.

It's capitalism nigger, they will have to become apolitical in order to survive.

>I thought I was a leftwing commie pinko but
You never were, user.

progressives will always leave each other behind with their insanity

Let's be fair. Marvel has always been shit. They just haven't always been shit because they were political shills. I stopped reading them years ago. Well before they became the Anthony Burch of the comics world. In fact most of the shit that pissed me off is the same shit you're all getting mad at now. It's just wrapped in a different color. Instead of replacing characters every week for shock value they're replacing them for brownie points. Anyone who reads Marvel should know by now they're never going to change. Marvel is still living in the 90's. They want sales in the millions again and think they can get it if they just think of a good enough gimmick. It never occurs to them that pulling this shit every month cheapens the effect.



Give me the formuoili

Quaritch did nothing wrong.
Sully literally betrayed his species for cat po0n.

>It's capitalism nigger, they will have to become apolitical in order to survive.
Current Marvel hasn't seemed to have gotten your "capitalism" concept, user.

Is this the new "the end of the creator driven era"?

>comics is small
They is?!

I can't tell if the author is being sincere or this is clickbait.

She seems to just be arguing for diversity in comics, which is old news, using the lens of the trump administration.

I also feel like social justice types love to overstate the impact of America Chavez

You went to their website retard, it's your fault.

The what?

But user, your comics are still there. They're not going to take your comics away. :^)

These types of people are honestly parasites on every medium they come across.

The implications of the article is that all comic books must be politicized, which really would stop me from reading my comics.

There are non-politicized comics?

There were.

For example?

How big a deal is America Chavez really? Because people bring her up as this really cool character who is interesting....but hasn't really done anything that cool as far as I can tell. Like she's in Ultimates but for the life of me I don't remember anything she's done. Like everything cool is either Galactus or Blue Marvel with some Black Panther stuff.

I've seen Avatar many times and don't think Quaritch ever says that line. Is this some of that fake news I've been hearing of?


I read that as Quidditch at first.

It was fun, but you can always find a political message if you look for it.

>you can always find a political message if you look for it
>if you look for it
That's the key. Anyone can use their confirmation bias to find politics in anything.

Modern comics are just overtly showing you the political message.

Nerds can't leave their hobbies, no matter how much they hate it. Alan Moore did and Sup Forums see him as the Antichrist

The context implies they mean the medium of comics you absolute autist.

>Because here’s the thing: comics is small. The old aphorism is that only 300 people in America make their living off comics, and while that number is disputable, it’s relatively accurate in comparison to every other medium of popular culture.
Good, then be retarded genderfluid polyamorous diesel turbodykes or whatever in any other of those mediums, leave comics alone.

I've only ever really enjoyed her when written by Gillen (Siege and Young Avengers) but even then she's basically a supporting cast member fused with a plot device.

Maybe she's super badass in A-Force or something

>It was fun, but you can always find a political message if you look for it.
You can find ANYTHING if you look for it.

The """deeper""" meaning is practically meaningless because all you'd see when looking at something in depth is what you want to see. Someone who gets offended easily is always going to find something offensive.

they just want to corrupt everything

>if you ignore them, they will go away

are you finished shitting everything good in this world or is there some more things you want to fuck up
first video games now comics you people are a virus. a malignant rotting tumour that we should have cut out but instead we thought if we ignore you, you will go away, but you didn't go away instead like all tumours, you spread you vile evil puss filled rot to parts of what we love, what we grew up on what made us the people we are to day
You spread lies and hate and when called out you run to your safe spaces or block. resort to name calling and call on the police to break in to our homes in a attempt to silence us. in the name of what progression no regression censorship and control.
why do you do these things, do you hate yourself so you have to make everyone around you miserable, where you bulled as a child or left out, could you not get a girlfriend/boyfriend
or where you just no hugged enough as a child.
Well I dont care, none of us care we are sick and tired of you shit, sick and tired of your name calling,
we will never stop, never give up never relent.

Cape comics have been on the decline for long now. All new all now and Rebirth are big duds. We will have no good cape comic by the next relaunch. SJWs can have them for all I care.

Social justice, cultural marxism, Psycho-social and moral subversion were always the mantras of you communist scumbags. Yuri Bezmenov exposed your game, but nobody listened.

You reap what you sow. There can be no peace with the cancerous, decadent ultra left, that which rapes and perverses the true values of liberty and equality, the unthinking mob that compulsively consumes and oppresses, that insults and demands reverence, that destroys, censors and erases, they must all be destroyed.

At least we have Nedroid.

8 years.

And if this age of identity politics keeps up, the war of passive aggressive mudslinging won't stop until the nuke kills us all.

>only i am entitled to a safe space in comics

trump is a centrist democrat who ran as a republican beacause it was easier, and he ran against a far right democrat.

people like to confuse his brashness for something else.

>noxious masculinity


It's because comics are the easiest industries they could get a hold of.
It's small, niche, tied to the west, and not very outspoken compared to other demographics.
The can't have anime because of the people in charge are foreign, video games resulted in Gamergate, and cartoons are controlled by the networks.

>Magdalene Visaggio is a professional writer and marketer. She’s best known as the creator of the comic Kim & Kim from Black Mask Studios. She lives in Manhattan with her wife Eowyn
>her wife

>She lives in Manhattan with her wife Eowyn
Ah, New York.



Also a tranny

Nyeh heh heh! Comic books, eh?

>tranny and woman

Mike is against dykes as well?

Well, duh. If it's not hetero, he's against it.

Mike "LGBBQ" Pence
Mike "Putting the trans in transistor" Pence
Mike "Man wants a penetrator, I'll start the generator" Pence
Mike "Closing gay chapters with AC adapters" Pence
Mike "If you're Queer pack your gear" Pence

The alt right is not a real thing, you fucking dingus, and hamfisted meta discussion and crass injection of political retardation into the medium has been going on for decades. It's always been cringeworthy.

It's hilarious whenever someone talks about the "Alt-Right" like a scary boogeyman when really Sup Forums and the like have no real power at all EXCEPT when people start making them out to be scary boogeymen.

Like that whole shit with people talking about how Trump's speech was similar to Bane's speech in TDKR and the media circus freaking out over it. It probably started with some moron from a newsite looking for outrage material on Sup Forums and didn't understand what baneposting was.

>noxious masculinity
>everyone needs to be a crying pussy that watches Steven Universe

everytime i see people complain about the alt-right, all i think about is how the amount of people that proclaim that title couldn't even fill a high school classroom

there are only so many old comics you can read tho

>his candidate won
>is still angry
You are funny, Cletus.

If Hillary won, it would be even worse
under her reign, they would have government support to do this shit

Nah, things would be the same: you'd still be white trash, white trash.

>not laughing

Somehow we're in the timeline where the media is comparing the US president to Bane. The only people angry are the ones blaming everyone but themselves.

Yeah, now everyone will be poor like you.

>unironically calling all geek culture of comics and video games sexist and toxic masculinity
>unironically begging for safe places
It's like a parody of the over-sensitive sjw crowd except 100% serious.

Well, that was rude.

Did you just assume that posters gender?

>Cletus mistakes race with gender
Why am I not surprised?

>The toxicity of fandom and geek culture has been repeatedly documented;
Geek culture was a lot less toxic 10 years ago when we didn't have people policing every fandom and conducting with hunts every day.

The antifeminism they are talking about also came about after internet feminists got together and did this exact crap, blanket declaring everyone who likes games/comics to be some sort of sexist racist monster.

It's like they came in, started screaming about how everybody was sexist etc until someone told them to fuck off, then used that as proof that they were right all along.

For many years, decades even, geek culture was seen as the very opposite of masculinity, and you were severely looked down upon for liking it. In fact, in many ways, it still is, as your average "mouthbreather" or "basement dweller" or "30 year old virgin" is usually portrayed as some overweight unhygienic loaf obsessed with superheroes and anime.

Comic book stores, gaming stores, clubs, conventions - these were their safe spaces after all. Not so in an era where giant banners are erected at the entrance warning you not to look at a cosplayer the wrong way.

Look, everybody can enjoy comics, but this entire thing seems predicated the on the idea that "if I'm going to enjoy your hobby, you have to cater to me." And yes, when you frame it this way with an article such as this, where inclusion is so important and nonexistent and steps need to be taken, you do make that separation that this is not "our" hobby.

I feel like SJWs are like the natural end result of the hipster phenomenon a while back.

I remember when I was still in HS that SJWs wasn't even really a term that was used that often, instead most people hated hipsters or fake nerds who tried to be a part of the 'geek culture' because it was trendy.

At some point they started using feminism and other social justice bullshit as a shield to deflect criticism and it just ended spiraling off from there.

>comics is a breeding ground for the driving force of 2010’s internet antifeminism

What did xhe mean by those buzzwords?

I don't see guys like Alan Moore or Gailman as forces of "antifeminism", whatever that thing may be.

Are they basically saying the medium should be changed because the people reading it are toxically masculine and on top of that it would be the fault of the medium?

When I think of a real macho, I think of /r9k/'s Chad, not of the average comic book fan. If comics make people more masculine, they did a shit job on me.

I blame movies.

It's possible. I have always seen it as an extension of narcissism.

Primarily out of how the method they use, of going in to a fandom and refusing to make any effort to adapt to the previously installed culture of that fandom and instead demanding everyone else change to suit their tastes, is an act of extreme narcissism.

It's in essence cultural colonialism, which is deeply ironic considering how those people protest this exact thing when done to other groups.


>3 on 1
>fair fight

its deeper than that. i think it all stems from the post-modern self esteem movement. you tell all kids that they're special, and most believe it. then you tell them that disadvantage is a virtue, then they do that. then being poor is cool, so they gentrify neigboorhoods, then the genuinly poor people complain, and with head firmly up ass, they pretend to be on the side of the disadvantaged, and then they bring race into it. all white people are bad. then they bring sex into it. science doesnt exist, all genders are real even if they arent. karl marx was right. then they come out a polygender transracial otherfurry when really they're a rich white girl who has no skills or virtues.

To be fair, the way this typically goes is a small group of feminists trying to claim huge amounts of people are sexist assholes just for liking games/comics or something.

If you didn't want a lot of people telling you to fuck off, you shouldn't be trying to tell a lot of people to fuck off first.

Don't start none, won't be none

you put your opinions out in public, the whole public responds. so yeah, its fair.

>give people the opportunities to explore, develop and reify their identities.
That's not what a safe space does. There can be no growth without challenging your beliefs.

I think in like 5 or so years a lot of it will blow over once they start looking back at how stupid they're acting.

Like, look at what happened to the Die Cis Scum girl.

SJWism will probably never go away forever seeing as how it existed even before Tumblr, like on Livejournal.

A lot of them are going to get old enough that they have to start participating in real world shit and then they will get more perspective and realize that the battles they were fighting were stupid and ultimately a complete waste of time.

but thats the thing, they were all scene kids or hipsters or whatever fad was before it, and then they'll move on to the next one. they wont grow out of it, they'll just put on a new costume.

These women need their heads broken in until their are braindead. This is why women need to be raped