What superpower would you give Hawkeye or Green Arrow?

What superpower would you give Hawkeye or Green Arrow?

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can talk to dogs

Enhanced senses that give them a keen awareness of their surroundings. Think Daredevil, but not quite as powerful and with super vision.

A gun.

The power to turn things into sand


The ability to perfectly read and subtly manipulate wind currents.

The superpower of being worthwhile without being shoehorned into teams with god-level beings.

Kinetic charging
Healing factor
Enhanced vision

Magic arrows.

He and most so called normal heroes already have powers.

Nothing. They're fine the way they are.

Though I wish Hawkeye would get a proper fucking costume again. I'm so tired of him just running around in bland shirts with a vaguely arrow shaped symbol.

He was a circus performer who loved what he did. Outlandish costumes fit his character perfectly.

the power to make the turn signal change green, but only for a different side of the intersection

The power to always shit clean and never have to use paper again

Concentration. Like autism-level of hyperconcentration. With enough practice, they can pull off Cyclops-level ricochets and long-distance sniping just by spitballing angles and wind directions.



low level telekinesis on anything they touched in the last few minuets

not enough to stop a bullet as it hits them or even realy bend it in its flight, but enough to alter the set of an arrows fletching or force someones eyelids closed

Is there a name for that one power where your brain processes things so quickly, the world moves in slow motion? I'd give them that.

Or maybe just super human eyesight. I heard snipers with great eyesight can t rain themselves to see the ripples created by flying bullets in the air.

give hawkeye x-ray vision and give green arrow a vaguely defined enchanted bow

No powers, just have Tony build him a bow with an arc reactor that shoots repulsor arrows.

Hank is a qt