Everybody loves Superman. Post SuperLove

Everybody loves Superman. Post SuperLove.

Other urls found in this thread:


the best boy.


But would Superman love me?

Superman/Iron Giant is the best

Superman is best boy.


I'm feeling really shitty, but Supes always cheers me up, so thanks for the thread OP.

God Supes can't help being awesome can he?



Damn, I've never read superbro before but he seems awesome


I'm also surprised by how good American Alien was, when it was being released, all I heard was hate for it.


He'd probably die for you

Come on people, keep this thread going.

That's because Landis is obnoxious and /c/ can't judge his work objectively

I need more slice of life Clark stories.



Pfft, when has Sup Forums let a Supes thread die?

Anyone have this one in phone size?


Also excited for pic related




Superman loves everybody, buddy. Even if you don't love yourself.

Ants love Superman too, but let's blow that up for everyone else, huh?

>tfw have a key chain of this
Never fails to brighten my day for a sec

eh, the threads were fine then.

if you let Sup Forums influence what you like or not, then you are a truly shitter.

AA is cool.



I guess you're right user




Superman needs to be sexualized more



That Spitcurl is already enough user


Bruce and Clark from New 52 are the best friends.

I really like it in new 52.

Sad there's only two pictures of this. Gotta love Clark with dark/magic/bad girls.





Y'know, usually when a stranger walks in to a homeless kid's room and starts taking off his clothes, it's a good sign to start running.

Man, Quitley's art can be so good when he reels in making everything look like worn leather.



>Everybody loves Superman
Are you sure about that?




Everybody loves superman. Even this kid.

>there will never be a better krypto story

everytime I read this, I cry.

How upset will co be when it turns out it's not prime, but some random asspull.

You can tell what kind of person someone is based on his opinion on Superman

I'm a grown ass man.
I love Krypto.
It's silly, but he makes me happy.

>there are people in this thread that never read Its a Bird

I hope I am wrong.

They tried that. He couldn't do his job effectively with his swag on all the time.

God the new 52 costumes were ugly. Batman looks so plain....

I haven't. Can you help me user? Storytime?

I still don't know what Snyder and Warner were thinking when they decided to make Superman a scowling edgelord. He's one of those characters who's meant to be a paragon of cheesy morality, someone who demonstrates what we could all become if we just stopped being dickheads to each other.



Seriuslly why is this not a thing yet?

>Texas Hold'em with 3 card starting hands

Wait what

Alright lads, post your favorite Superman ship, no matter how strange.

That fucking ass in the second panel, also all-star wearing Lois.. HNNARGH

Bearded Superman is best.

Posting best super-ship!

>Everybody loves Superman.

you are wrong.

Snyder may be kinda shitty with his Superman, but Superman as character is someone who is always mutating, having different meanings and options to go.

Everytime there is someone saying how he should be portrayed is a dumbass.

In MY VERSION of Superman, he is on who struggles, he is someone who have to make choices everyday, not an icon, not a paragon, he should be more man, he must fail, he must encounter challenges, and he must rise again.

And well, this is MY VERSION, that doesnt invalidate any other version other authors strives for.



It's not bad in panel 4, either.

I suppose. Though I'll always kind of miss mullet Supes.

this is the best Superman look ever.


Why was AA such a perfect modern superman story?

OK Billy this is the part when you go get the lube...

because god made us to suffer.

he loves to hate him, still technically love

My African I wouldn't be surprised, but then again, DC did bring back Pre-FS Wally so anything is possible.


>I'll teach Luthor a lesson...
>By cumming all over his windows!

someone asked kon-el?




Where's this from?

You're a prince, user

No one loves Superman as much as Doc Shaner.

The filename.

American Alien is not what I would call definite Superman, but it was a lot of fun with some poigent moments


Take out Diana and it's perfect

>The Iron Giant

Do Superman homages and pastiches count?

I'm dying