How did you react?

How did you react?


Ozzy literally did nothing wrong.

Alan Moore is a shitty hack writer whose entire career is based on taking someone else's shit and making it edgy and throwing in some rape.

Fuck off, Truman

The person who recommended it to me did it by telling me about that scene. I thought it would be something that happened at the start, not the climax. God I hate retards who do that shit without even realising how stupid they're being.

Capeshit readers are fucking retarded.

>Spoiling the climax
What the fuck? Why?
I know people who do this and it pisses me off.

Watchmen is one of the greatest novels ever written and will forever go down as one of the greatest written thing in human history.
Stay salty.

It happens even more often with movies, though.

>dude this movie is insane! Like it starts out like this and then at the end X happens! It blew my mind! You should check it out!

I've just started blurting out "Oh I'm planning to watch that please don't spoil anything!" as soon as someone brings up a movie, even if I haven't had plans to watch it.

>Watchmen is one of the greatest novels ever written

LOL, no.

Only autistic retards who only read capeshit think it's any good. Capeshit writing is the bottom of the literary barrel.

Moore's novels are fucking garbage and only capefags who've never read a book think otherwise.

>Character dies on screen
>Mention that I liked that character
>"Just wait and see"

Nice butthurt hipster.
I read for 2 hours a day and still consider it to be one of the greatest novels ever written.

Post your tastes if you are so great.

>I read for 2 hours a day

Read what? Capeshit and message boards?

Moore is a fucking nobody outside of capeshit for a reason. No one knows who he is or cares about anything he's written except for capefags. He's only considered good in comparison to other talentless hack capeshit writers.


>"oh man I can't believe they killed him" in reference to any type of media
>they give you this look and think they're not spoiling anything

Unsubtle motherfuckers.

>No one cares
Except it constantly gets put onto lists of the best books ever written.
Sorry you are still butthurt user.
Also why are you here if you don't like comics? Oh yeah, for those shitty cartoon generals.

>Stills hasn't posted his tastes
>Doesn't read but pretends to not be a butthurt hipster


>Except it constantly gets put onto lists of the best books ever written.

Lists of what, capeshit?

>Also why are you here if you don't like comics?

All comics aren't shitty capeshit.

No, Time for example.
>Being this ignorant
Admit it, you don't read and are pissed because your hipster trash isn't liked.

You still haven't posted your favorite books/comics.

Put up or shut up, user.

Nice samefagging.

What lists consider Moore or his work to be among the best?

Stop responding to contrarian trolls.

>multiple people call you a retard

Answer the question retard.
Going "NO U" is pathetic.

Shut up. You have no grounds for claiming samefaggotry. Claiming samefag for no good reason is cancer.

And before you even try to rationalize your completely unfounded claim with ad hominems and such, how about you actually take a look at the post times.

The only people who throw out samefag claims willy nilly are the people who actually samefag a lot.

Let's be honest, this thread was going to be either this or a circle jerk from the start.

I hoped for funny reaction images too be honest.

It's not a contrarian opinion. Only capefags think Moore's writing isn't garbage and capefags are a tiny group.

Again, who the fuck other than autistic capeshit reading manchildren think that Moore's writing isn't shit? He's a fucking hack.

there was probably a solution that didn't involve murdering millions of people but he failed to find it

Not that he cared about that, saving the world was just a means to the end of him being remembered, he probably could have found a solution where nobody had to die but he didn't care about people dying in the slightest

Watchmen won a Hugo in 1988, was the only graphic novel on Time's 100 greatest novels list, and won Moore an Eisner for best writing.

One of the few times I dropped my jaw at a book

>Again, who the fuck other than autistic capeshit reading manchildren think that Moore's writing isn't shit? He's a fucking hack.
It's the internet. People who are wrong always find a way of finding other people who are wrong.

Fact is, I have nothing to do with the discussion. I just hate it when samefag gets thrown around for no good reason. The anonymity means we have to assume no one is samefagging on good faith and resist the urge to samefag ourselves. You should have a buttload of circumstantial evidence to guess that someone is samefagging let alone state it matter of factly.

>winning awards for being the best turd in a septic tank that year

LOL, such an honor.

>all that money and intelligence
>not just stopping human trafficking, monopolies , and terrorism
>not just solving world hungry
>not just terraforming the moon, Venus, Mars, Titan, Ceres, Europa
>not just dealing with the high cost of living to reduce crime rates

>Nobody posts the obvious

You disregarded the Time's 100 greatest novels list and still haven't posted your tastes. Until you do both, your opinion is invalid.

Plus he had a blue god on his side it would be easy as hell for manhattan to help with any plan that didn't involve mass murder

>missing the point this hard

he was trying to stop a nuclear war, not reduce crime

He didn't give a shit about helping people, he just wanted his legacy to be remembered

WHAT A joke

I thought ozzy on some level wanted to help people in some deluded way for him to be a self made king

You're forgetting the part where Moore is a bad writer.

Time is trash, but Watchmen is only considered good because it was edgy in a medium that was castrated by the CCA.

I've read a lot of books, some shit to kill time, some great. What do you read and compare Moore's work to?

Moore's greatest works are fucking garbage in comparison to shit that King would write in a coke fueled drunken bender.


>Moving the goalpost
Now post your shit taste already. Oh wait you don't read.

Okay your obviously baiting wether you like his work or not Moore has written some of the critically acclaimed comics ever V for vendetta, his Miracle man run, even killing joke the level of attention and detail going into his work is more than most comic creators ever does

Came here to post this

Jesus pal fuck off. I love the book and my favorite chapter is Dr. Manhattan's origin story on Mars, like the least edgy section of the book.

king and his army of ghost writers could never reach even 1% of the writing prowess in something like Voice of Fire or Jerusalem.

Why the fuck didn't I think of that.

he just delayed the inevitable and killed millions of people in the process.

>critically acclaimed comics

So his work is only acclaimed among capefags? That's not a good thing.

>I guess is time to shit

3/10 bait.

Because you're a fag.

>Voice of Fire or Jerusalem.

Trash writing that's only considered good by capefags who only read shitty capeshit and don't know what good writing is.

Being considered good in comparison to capeshit isn't praise, it's a statement about how shitty capeshit is.

But it's considered good even compared to other books. That is why it is often on top novels of all time lists.
Also since you don't read how would you know?

So what was the joke?

What were they doing on the island?

>That is why it is often on top novels of all time lists.

Near the bottom as the sole token comic book in lists written by people who don't read comics and just google "best comic book".

They were doing a goddamn game show where candidates get to vote each other away every week and the last one wins a thousand bucks while the rest of the world was preparing for the nuclear war.

Buncha jokers.

People still don't realize the doomsday clock and the end of every issue was a countdown to Veidt's atrocity

So they could have stopped him?

>Number 17 out of 100 is near the bottom
How does it feel being retarded user?

So why don't you post your shit taste in books yet?
>Implying you even read

You still haven't said what books, if any, you actually like.

If he failed to find it no one else was going to. It was literally the only choice.

How was he going to fix any of this? The problem was the people not the situation. They were refusing to change for the better without an extreme drastic motivation. So why should he waste his time on them except to do the only thing that would motivate them?

>he just delayed the inevitable

That's all anyone can do, user. That's the, "joke," behind the entire comic. Being a hero doesn't fix anything.

And in this case, to prevent everything from fucking imploding for a little while longer, the sacrifice required was an supervillain's atrocity.

>Only autistic retards who only read capeshit think it's any good.

So it's just some comic fans plus the Time and the BBC then?

Maybe he thinks everyone but him has autism because he actually has major autism

I have a friend that does this all the time. He literally is autistic. He works for movie company and tells me spoilers sometimes.... its suffering. He gets so excited like "I know something no one else knows and it made me feel good to find out, if I tell other people they'll be happy to!"

Like no bro..... no

>assuming the people who compile those lists read even a fifth of the books on them

You're an idiot. They're fluff pieces and watchmen is their token comic book chosen by people who havent read it.

They're about as valid as the Oscars' voters when it comes to voting for "some chinese cartoon shit" for the animated feature category.

At least they read books unlike you who can't even name a book you considered good.
Keep moving that goalpost though.

>can't even name a book you considered good.

I liked House of Leaves enough to read it a several times.

Should just copy and paste a list of pretentious shit to appease you?

>I read for 2 hours a day

What do you read?

>Took 20 different posts before he posts something
>Post what you read
Sure since you lost the argument posts ago I just finished Startide rising and really enjoyed it.

>Rape is Art
And like that the downfall of mankind started.

They were planning the squid attack, essentially.

Dolphins are stupid animals and all the bullshit about their intelligence was made up by some hippie who was completely fucked up on psychedelics when he came up with it.

Shitty nerd sci-fi ain't exactly high art.

Now explain how that and the other books you read are better than watchmen.
Hi Tumblr.
Literally anything can be art.
>High art
I was right. You are a hipster faggot.

>Now explain how that and the other books you read are better than watchmen.

Literally everything about it is better.

What's good about Watchmen other than being edgy capeshit that came out in a time when capeshit was all childish trash (without the edginess, capeshit is still childish trash)?

Why is every fucking single Watchmen or Alan Moore thread is a shitfest?

Nice buzzwords.
>High Art
You basically went and let the whole thread know you are a faggot with this.

Because he's a blatantly shitty writer and the people who can't see it are autistic capefag retards who can bear to have their fragile world view challenged. Capefags flip the fuck out over everything. Look at what happens any time a writer changes anything about their favorite character.

The word "capeshit" really needs to be a bannable offense.
No one asked your opinion, faggot.

What's good about Watchmen?

Why'd aliens have to be the villains? Why couldn't he himself have played the villain?

>The word "capeshit" really needs to be a bannable offense.

See? Pointing out that the cape comics the big two shit out are shitty breaks their autistic brains.

Cape comics are poorly written garbage that only autistic manchildren read. That's why Marvel and DC keep hemorrhaging cash with their comics departments. No one who doesn't have assburgers wants to read that shit.

Just report him. He clearly only wants to shitpost.

Good characters, nice art, knows the reader and uses what the reader expects to surprise him and does things that only the medium of comic books can do.

>Dissenting opinion = shitposting

No, really, what's good about Watchmen?

>I'm not shitposting, I swear XDD
Kill yourself.

>Good characters,

The slightly changed Charlton Comic characters DC bought the rights to?

>nice art,

No thanks to Moore.

>knows the reader and uses what the reader expects to surprise him and does things that only the medium of comic books can do.

Knowing that capefags are dumb? Being edgy fan fiction with a twist ending?

Yes. Those characters are all good. Though they are far more than slightly changed if you think Nite Owl is anything like The Beetle.


They all play with superhero archetypes.

Nite Owl is a Batman style hero, but he's not a cool badass, he's a fucking schlub.

Dr. Manhattan has a massive amount of power, but instead of being a do-gooder like Superman, his power has caused him to distance himself from humanity.

I could go on, but I'll give you benefit of the doubt and assume you've actually read it, since you hate it so much.

Watchmen is one of the best comics I've ever read, but I don't place it on the level of mindblowing high literature or anything/

I place it more in the category of "this is very well-thought out and perfectly executed" than "this gives me a lot to think about and it will stick with me for days."

>generic masked vigilante with high tech gadgets

So brilliant! Never been done before!

Nite Owl is actually Not!Blue Beetle and Dr. Manhattan Not!Captain Atom

>They are superhero Archetypes
That's the point
No, Blue beetle.
>Batman, Cool bad ass
No, he's a case of mental illness mixed with money.

I know, but they fit the basic archetype I was talking about.

>Nite Owl is a Batman style hero, but he's not a cool badass, he's a fucking schlub.

After he chose to stop being a vigilante

>Dr. Manhattan has a massive amount of power, but instead of being a do-gooder like Superman, his power has caused him to distance himself from humanity.

So distance from humanity he spends the entire time he's in the comic working to make things better for humanity and the thought that he harmed those he cared about causes him to have a mental breakdown.

WOW 2deep4me