Anyone reafy for The Amazing NUKE of Gumball?

Anyone reafy for The Amazing NUKE of Gumball?

Other urls found in this thread:

>being excited for
>the ameming r/world of Gumbbit

We all know where this thread is going, so let's just skip to the end.

Ooh, buzzwords!

Bloody fucking wonderful. We still have to fucking wait a damn week.

Watch it all get leaked

They were still voiced by Hopkins and Terrell, right? The ad, that is. ;_;

Are CN's servers literal Game Boys?


Is this real?

>28 new episodes back to back
I just hope it isn't overwhelming desu. Should be fun though and Gumball gets a month to it's own so it's refreshing.

Best show is back

The old voices have really aged, will miss Logan.

Every now and then I go back to rewatch S1 episodes, and I'm reminded every time how Kwesi Boakye always did a better Darwin

So, they're burning off Gumball too huh?

What is this?

Nnnn-- Yes?

The Fury part 2

Logan was the best Gumball

A fake

Gotta make space for those TTG reruns.
But seriously, we were all looking forward to an extra few years of Gumball before the announced end, but what's going to happen now? Season 5 dumped in one month followed by a huge hiatus as we wait for the sixth?

Animated exclusively in Ant--O-Vision?

Figured CN was going to try to burn off it's other shows as fast as possible after Regular Show and Uncle Grandpa. Two weeks of Adventure Time and whole month of Gumball does not look good for the shows or the network.

>he still thinks it's fake

Budget constraints kek

>he still thinks it's real

Yeah, as much as I don't want to believe it, it makes sense.
But then Adventure Time and Regular Show premiered after pretty much everything that was running on CN before that was cancelled and pulled from syndication.

new episodes back to back
Wow, they topped Regular Show's final season, which was like 23 or something in 3 weeks, 2 each on the first 2 days.

Sounds like confirmation they're rushing literally every show so they only have pure kiddy stuff for their main lineup and won't have any excuses to interrupt it with another show, since they don't want to be obvious and just cut shows down by cancellation.

BUT they also don't want to let the fans be happy so they still have a fuck ton of random breaks.

What is wrong with a mouth of new episodes? Do you want more hiatus?

Meant for

I would kind of like to enjoy them at a slower pace. Gumball is a comedy show and is much better in short doses. Shows like Steven Universe and Adventure Time are fine because they are an ongoing story and I don't really savor each one. I like to take in a new Gumball and have it resonate a while.

The problem with new episodes for a entire month means that we will have to wait even longer for new episodes when February ends.
Also, having to make time every damn day for Gumball isn't easy to do.

I'm still waiting for the movie finale to be announced.

Episode Summaries

>The Fuss
>Nicole tries, and fails, to hide her disappointment when Richard and the kids fail to remember her special day. Richard has to figure out what special day he has actually forgotten and then make it a day to remember or else.

>The Vase
>Sick of Granny Jojo's ugly gifts, Nicole encourages the kids to take matters into their own hands and accidentally break her latest hideous vase. But when Gumball, Darwin and Anais try to destroy it, they discover it is more robust than it seems.

>The Potato
>When Darwin has lunch with Idaho, he decides to stop eating potatoes in solidarity with his brotato, but he finds his obsession with his favorite food harder to kick than he ever imagined, so Gumball decides to help his friend curb his carb cravings.

>The Sorcerer
>Gumball refuses to accept he is the only kid at school that doesn't have special powers. He convinces Mrs. Jotunheim, Hector's mom, to take him on as her apprentice but she soon learns leaving Gumball unsupervised around magic is a big mistake.

>The Console
>When Gumball is given a cursed video game console, Elmore becomes trapped inside a fantasy RPG world. Gumball, Darwin and Anais have to battle their way through town, unraveling the secrets of their new virtual reality.

>The Outside
>The family goes to visit Richard's dad. Based on his basic living standards and extended absence from Richard's life, they assume Frankie must have done a stretch in the slammer.

>The Copycats
>Gumball and Darwin are confused when they meet Kiki and Quack, a pair of siblings that copy everything they do and say. Then they find out this copycat family is making money online from imitating the Watterson family.

>The News
>From police chases to the inside scoop on Daisy the Donkey, Channel 6 Elmore News has all the top local stories. Experienced newscaster Kip Schlezinger brings the latest news, sports and weather, even when there is absolutely nothing to report.

I don't think they are. Gumball is the second most rerun show of CN currently (not far behind the rerun count of TTG) and is still among the highest rated shows of the network.

I think the whole situation is more similar to the Summer of Steven where they are very far ahead in the production of episodes compared to the airing of them.

Is gumball ever going to get a movie?

Are there more episodes to be announced, or are the rest of the "new episodes" already leaked?

>it's a "the characters enter a video game" episode
oh boy

There's The Matchmaker and The Ollie, but the latter already leaked last month.

Those are usually fun.

>The Fuss
>yet another "Nicole is good and perfect and Richard and the kids are the bad ones" episode

Is The Matchmaker the shipping episode?

>those thick thighs

>The Copycat

Also, we have an Elmore behind the scenes episode each season, huh

>having to make time every damn day for Gumball isn't easy to do.
It's just 11 minutes, dude.


>Gumball decides to help his friend curb his carb cravings.

This better involve Gumball eating them instead and getting fat again.

Do you have a DVR/record in advance option on your TV?

If so, USE IT. It'll save lots of stress

It's more of a personal problem since I'm away from my home about three days at a time. Even when I do get home, I'm still pretty busy.
That's what I've been planning.


>The Matchmaker
Don't think I've seen that one ,you got a link man?

They just usually end up being references or
>lol video game logic

>I'm gonna have to purchase and rip a new pair of episodes every 2 days for a month

you could ask for small donations

No, I'll be fine, user. It'll only come out to like 30 bucks or so for the whole batch.

>Richard has to figure out what special day he has actually forgotten and then make it a day to remember or else.
This plot strangely resembles an episode from Chowder.
inb4 >Gumball:Hey! That's not the way to the kitchen!

Well that's cool, but I'm worried this is gonna lead to another year of hiatus. Why can't CN just have weekly new episodes like a normal season?

CN wants to kill all its non-TTG cartoons

>all those new episodes
>no Carrie episode

>Carrie gets a new episode
>It's a Carrie/Darwin shipping episode

holy shit :O can they do that ?

It's a localization parody of the series and there's a decent chance they had to get their permission to create that parody anyway, so yea they can. Even on the off chance it's a shameful parody without permission somehow, I'm sure they wouldn't mind lending their characters to the inspirational source for fun.

The thing I don't get is the plot, about them making money online by copying them, I thought it was a TV commercial for a product, not an online parody like the Adventure Time one.

>no regular show japan copy

>They're slowly starting to be aware that their life is a TV cartoon

There is nothing new about that

Quit being a faggot anytime.

Holy shit Ben likes Regular Show?

>they had gumball sing the cn tune
for the love of god fucking stop

>that fakefag gets BTFO

>they had gumball mewl out like a cat

Regular Show is a good show

What does "tappin" mean?

I like all of these except "The News"

>that Japanese dub of the "What is Love?" song in Gumball is now gone from Youtube


also, I think they are friends, along with Rebecca Sugar.

>The Fuss
Sounds like the weakest of the bunch

>The Vase
Ten minutes of slapstick here we go

>The Sorcerer
I wonder if they're gonna address Gumball's toon powers at some point

>The Console
I'm actually excited for this, this isn't a show that usually fucks up pop culture references.

one of the governments is ps3s so who knows

Nigga those episodes are comfty

>The Matchmaker

Personally I think the ship is kind of shoehorned, and that Gumball x Darwin is a better ship/ Of course thats just my opinion.

I ship Gumball and Nicole

Best ship

Chine can copy shit without repercussion because they didn't sign some shit.
This also means that everyone else can use anything china shits out without permission



A reminder this happened.

I unironically love that episode.

And I'm glad it did, I will miss Jacob Hopkins.

>that episode when Nicole got BLOCKED by the red guy

Wait, everyday? That's pretty good, but also makes me concerned about how fast they'll burn through episodes.

>The Sorcerer

I'm looking forward to Gumball's take on all his classmates 'powers', since his classmates include a potato, a piece of paper, and a balloon on a string.

I guess CN must have liked how the Steven Nuke went and decided they'd do another with Gumball.

Maybe these more "Burst" formats are meant to compete with shit like Netflix that releases whole seasons at once.

I haven't watched any of the 2016 episodes.

Are they any good?
Do they keep up continuity?
Are there any Nicole episodes? I like me some Nicole.

Season 5 will pretty much be done when February ends.
I can't believe that I thought that it would take about a year to finish up this season.

>a potato
>can rejuvenate from toxic sub-urban lifestyle just by burying itself on dirt

>a piece of paper
>surprisingly strong (The Virus), waterproof (The Flower), still pretty much alive albeit upset even after getting torn in half including her hymen (The Advice)

>a balloon
>can float... well, that's about it.

Dude, you're missing out.

Also her.

>tfw Gumball and Nicole are better at shapeshifting than Penny

Is it wrong that I kinda like Gumball and Carrie?

No. It is way better than GumballxPenny.

Wasn't there a Season 5 episode that's planned to include Darwin's biological parents?

What are Tobias's powers?