RWBY/RT General #1151: Branwen Twins Edition

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first for lancaster


Why hasn't anyone tried using chemical weapons on the Grimm?


it's not gonna happen user

How do you know they haven't?

on a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being the maximum, how big of a bully was Raven during her time at Beacon?

Is Hazel a big guy?

well not with that attitude!

>does Weiss ever hit on Ironwood?
Weiss will hit on anything with a dick.



For Oscar


who is hottest dad?

then Im going to keep this attitude up

never gonna happen

>dubs trips confirmed for Remnant tried to use chemical warfare on Grimm


I like your attitude.

I see Qrow as more of the bully, like if he actually liked Summer then he would tease her alot


What's the edgiest possible weapon combo for an OC?

Don't be that way, m'love.


Taiyang duh

Blake a shit

Belladaddy is pretty hansome

Swastika nunchucks with scythes on the end and the scythes have spikes.


she's perfect for weiss then

A semblance that manipulates their own blood into a weapon

Best mom.

Hazel seems like a decent man, in that he is willing to assault a ticket machine for a stranger. So why work with a monster?

>Comforting a friend during a very stressful time for her.

Press F to pay respects.

Damn how strong is Salems crew for QROW to job to them

>But again, the WoR didn't have Menagerie on screen when showing the towers, and we further don't know if the towers shown were the ONLY towers
That's fine, I'm saying we've seen lots of views of Menagerie and still haven't seen one

>But she would have left after realizing that it was working
W-What? What are you arguing here?

>Her backstory doesn't actually claim the opposite, you're assuming it does
She says she was at the front of every rally in V1, talks about living outside the kingdoms and needing to fight to survive in V2. The only part people are taking into account when they say she lived there all her life is that her parents own the largest house in Menagerie, and seem to completely ignore the other two parts

>Now, after they changed, not when he was leading it. And the fact that he stepped down into a chieftain positions shows he already had a lot of power and influence
True, but the White Fang had to be built from nothing at that point. It's likely the White Fang was a lesser organization to the Chieftain position, and felt he could be a greater help in establishing Menagerie as a full-fledged Kingdom. If that were the case, it wouldn't have been until after that the WF would have increased their influence to the point their at now

but Qrow would have won if Ruby hadn't interfered

>listen I know I was a piece of shit to your uncle who you idolize and is currently dying but do you wanna get lunch later

After a romantic night with Sage Arslan had a child with him. which lewds are you commissioning again

Reminder that the knife from the flashback is probably still in the village

Reminder that Ren is gonna pick it up and use it to kill the Grimm after going berserk from turning off his semblance

He just really hates ticket machines
One fell on his parents and killed them

That's every shipper ever.

>yfw it starts to rain during the super Grimm fight
>yfw Ren gets hurt

>but Qrow would have won if Ruby hadn't interfered

We actually don't know that.
Both of them had lost their aura by the end of it. Scorpion Kefka and Qrow were pretty evenly matched, and given that Qrow has no control of his semblance, the battle could have gone either way.

Blake and Sun will become the biggest models in remnant

when are we going to see Jaune's semblance in combat?

Doing some lewds of Arslan/Sage (Parental Supervision I think is the ship name most have agreed upon) and I also want a pic done of the Vacuo Cow Queen.

I want them together again

Find out you have been lied to and were being used as bait. Doesn't have the right to be pissed.

You have some pretty high standards on your characters user.

This. Ruby is awful. I'm pissed that they haven't acknowledged that Qrow's injury was 100% Ruby's fault.

>he joined Salem solely because of his hatred for ticket machines

>Lightning strikes
>Nora's slaughters it

I was talking about his snappy comment about Qrows semblance but whatever.

It's OK, they can always build her a new body and upload her consciousness from the Cloud directly from the moment of death

Nuts and Dolts was comfy


Wow- thanks for the reminder!

>implying it won't be

>the Cow Queen is staring at the Vale King's ass

I hope they use some kind of combo attack to take it out.

I want to see Hazel naked haha

>bow down to dat sweet ass


Qrow was on par with Tyrian. He lost because Ruby interfered, and even then he weakened his aura enough for Ruby who was initially helpless against him, to maim him permanently.

Qrow will be fine.
Eventually he and RNJR will reach Haven and he will split to go travel with Oscar/Ozpin on a search for the philosopher's st-I mean the Relics.

You mean he and JNR will reach Haven.

A new body with "special" upgrades just for Ruby


So they're gonna have to chop off one of his arms and one of his legs?

we can add Ren's mom to the row of milfs right



Hazel and Taiyang

Turkish oil wrestling



Then, when Ruby tries to use said parts, she hears Penny say "Woah there, Little Red! Getting a little frisky, are we?"

still waiting on the one with Mistral emperor

define "special"

Like, machinegun fingers and stuff.
Or laser eyes, so they both can have special eyes!

those poor kids deserve to be in a better show.

delete this

Arkos is best ship!

I like where this is going way too much

>Lancaster becomes canon
>Ruby still has nightmares of Pyrrha's voice
>but instead of repeating phrases from the past, it's Pyrrha sobbing quietly
cucked across time, space, and the veil of death

So Comf. So Cute!

The amount of salty ass Arkosfags pissy over the Jaune-Ruby scene is hilarious

I wonder if there will be another beret girl in the next volume. The trio is incomplete.

So dead! :D

Its hard to say for sure since we never saw them fight normal students, but Coco and Yatsu didn't seem to have much synergy.

Yeah, they had a ranged and melee option that each hit like trucks, but they were both relatively sluggish and can't really do anything besides point and shoot/smash. I think someone like Weiss, Ren, or Neon would have given them a hard time for the same reasons Merc did, especially with a partner helping instead of fucking off to the forest.

For now....

>yfw slow Boop started playing

>Fully charged Nora rampaging to this
I dare that's worth losing Ren over.

If Nora is Monsoon, who is Armstrong?

For the record, I'm one of the people that think that people become grimm when they die, so maybe there's a chance.

Honestly, I would've preferred Fox and Yats for a team up, since it's almost like the Colossus/Wolverine combo. At least Fox would've been speed melee and Yatsu the tank

>those poor kids deserve to be in a better show.

You know, if this was the JNPR show, it would probably be much better.

All the development Jaune gets would be expected and looked forward to, instead of vilified and wishing for it to be over.
They could have done a lot more with Pyrrha after the tournament instead of just killing her. Explored how fucked her mind is after "Killing" Penny and becoming a pariah, as well as how she copes with her utter failure at securing those maiden powers.
Ren and Nora's backstory could be explored more and fleshed out, and they'd get more screentime.

And everything would be peachy.
It kind of sucks that RWBY is quickly becoming the worst part of RWBY.
Ruby's story keeps piggybacking off the remnants of JNPR, and she feels like a side-character in Jaune's story as opposed to the main character of the show.
Weiss's story is just so, so fucking bland and boring. Best girl is rapidly taking Blake's place as worst RWBY.
Blake's story gave us Kali to fap to, and little else. Just another 'run' of the mill Blake story to take 'away' from everything else.
Yang's story is the only one that's enjoyable, but they show the least of it and thus it never gets anywhere. It's like them handing you a bowl of your favorite ice cream and then taking it away after one bite.

And this build up for two volumes before getting to a volume where something happens model is really, really shit.

>DON'T MESS WITH THIS businessman

Reminder that Blake and Ren have the best parents in the show.

My heart.