Why is a fucking grown man obsessed with ducks. He's a fucking adult, he should do things that adults enjoy

Why is a fucking grown man obsessed with ducks. He's a fucking adult, he should do things that adults enjoy

Fuck you faggot ducks rule.

ducks never struck me as something children particularly enjoy

This has to be bait

Why is a fucking grown man obsessed with cartoons. He's a fucking adult, he should do things that adults enjoy

Ain't that just quacking crazy, Jimbo?

Hey Jimbo, did you know that black males account for a disproportionate amount of crime on average compared to other racial and gender groups? Ain't that just quacking crazy, Jimbo?

meme properly, scum.

Someone people just really like specific animals. A kids mom I knew had Turtle figurines and knick-knacks all over the place while my uncle had rooster stuff.


Question, what exactly do/should adults enjoy? Sports? Shopping channels? Oprah? Law and Order? I mean I'll watch football with my dad sometimes, but I really can't get into it.

My dad is part of the club Ducks Unlimited and we had a bunch of duck decoys in our house. However my dad hunted and I don't think Hugh does. It wasn't till like 7th grade when I learned it wasn't natural to use duck decoys in house decorating.

Adults love chickens. My grandma has tons of chickens everywhere.

Y-yeah, he should watch cartoons like a real man!


What's not adult about ducks. Anyway, it seems every character on that show had some kind of weird fetish. Ducks, llamas, science, Ultra Boy...

>Ultra Boy

Ultra Lord, not Ultra Boy

Whatever the fuck you want. So long as you can function normally, enjoy whatever you want.

This. My aunt has a thing for elephants.

See, my problem with stuff like that is either someone reads it, gets offended, and conversation is shut down.

Or someone reads it, agrees with it, and goes on to spam it, further shutting down more conversation. It doesn't really offer any solutions or new advice.

+1 for shilling yugioh though.

I feel like any one who says "you're not allowed to like [insert something a child likes here] cause you're an adult" is clearly upset their mom's took their comics away from them as a kid and said "you're a teenager now, you're not acting like a teenager. This is for kids" something along those lines


He or his father hunts.

My grandparents had wooden ducks all across their home. But then they died. I'll let you draw your own morals from that.

are you streaming today vinny?