What went wrong? Where will they go from here? How long do they have left?
What went wrong? Where will they go from here? How long do they have left?
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where did they come from?
where will they go?
Where did you come from, Cotton-Eye Joe?
>What went wrong?
Literally nothing.
>Where will they go from here?
They'll keep being the number one comic book company in the world I guess.
>How long do they have left?
At least 200 years, give or take.
As long as the money keeps rolling in, nothing went wrong
It's too late.
They need a Rebirth esque reshuffling and reconstruction to welcome back the fans, instead of the whole shock tactic thing which is just leaving people more and more burnt. However, they have had way too many reboots and it's already a snowballing clusterfuck that is just pushing everyone away.
Secret Wars was literally the perfect opportunity to do anything they wanted with a new face for Marvel. What did they fucking do? Nothing, except rolling in a few alt-universe characters into the main one and pulling a Poochy with the Fantastic Four. They could have made alterations to the continuity to any degree, hell they could have even reset the continuity (that would however be an awful idea).
The movie pandering is a consistent cancer that just makes them look pathetic. Instead of being strong, fun stories that people want to read they're turning well known characters into either the comic form of clickbait or MCU pandering garbage that looks like it's a dime comic from the inside of a happy meal, hilariously failing to predict and adapt to the movies/netflix series.
That said, there's a handful of exceptions such as Moon Knight, but overall it's all trash.
>what went wrong
What's your problem, fag?
Until the capemovies stop being popular, then the Mouse will shut it down and keep it as a IP farm
>Literally nothing.
They made everyone a nigger, a woman, or both
go cry somewhere else about that bullshit, faggot.
>What went wrong
Shitty writers, constant events no one gives a shit about, plot """""""""twists""""""""" designed to sell through internet outrage
>How long do they have left?
Marvel would first crash the comics market with no survivors and become and IP farm for movies, cartoons, and games than to 'give up' and leave comics for good.
Their years are counted, their comics are basically MCU merch at this point so they'll last as long as the MCU itself
>what went wrong
They though that they had an untapped market of "progressive audience". So they removed/wrote out what made marvel, marvel. And replaced them with a bunch of marysues with no flaws.
>Where will they go from here?
probably a couple of more years of forced diversity. Depending if bendis leaves marvel or not.
>how long do they have left.
Their owned by Disney. The only imaginable thing that will happen is a draining of the swamp situation.
fuck off 4chin is the only place ppl dont tolerete marlel bulshit if you want cucks who suck marvel dick like you this isnt the place
>thought they had an untapped progressive audience
>forced diversity
>wrote out what made marvel marvel
are you this fucking stupid or just underage? The x-men were created to call out racism and mirror the civil rights movement, don't pretend marvel just up and became "progressive" in the past 10 years.
Also the "marvel is failing because of their SJW agenda!!!" meme is fucking retarded, Marvels doing better than DC is and nothing there has really changed since the 40's.
disney on the other hand can shut down marvel comics division wenever they see apropiate
Aside from the stuff we complain about ad nauseum:
The fallout from events and big arcs is seldom explained. We're just supposed to take it at face value. For example, there are still unanswered questions from Secret Wars that we won't be resolved any time soon, and the consequences of Civil War II were trivial at best.
Furthermore, these big changes seem to happen with little thought other than to shock, enrage, or entice readers. They like breaking stuff, but they're not very concerned about how to put it back together, or how to explain how it broke in the first place. The destruction of Hala and Cyclops' revolution are examples.
No matter what you feel about it, the fallout from the first Civil War managed to make for a decent story. Why they can't tell a story like that again is beyond me.
theres a diference in beaing progresive and pretending but you are to retarded to see that
>have to give away free comics to pretend they aren't collapsing
>e-everything is ok kids! this new event will turn things around
kek that thor looks retarded
This is the designated board for that shit faggot
This is a thread about that bullshit, shitbrains
The X-Men is at the weirdest fucking place they've been in a while (possibly ever)
Marvel has dvds, films in theatres, tv shows, streaming shows, cartoons on tv, cartoons on dvd, internet videos, video games, phone based video games, toys, clothes as revenue sources.
Do you really think they give a fuck at all about the comics medium now?
Its dead.
Comics only use is to show proof of concept to a medium that actually will make money with its idea.
The MCU is now the REAL marvel universe to me as a long time comics fan and is the REAL marvel universe to millions and millions of others worldwide.
old marvel is not coming back, and IF it does it is only to get some lame attention in the media or to promote a film, after that ends, it will return to straight up SJW fanfic, and this cycle will continue, for as long as they have a comics division.
The comics division and movie division are separate companies.
>Comics only use is to show proof of concept to a medium that actually will make money with its idea.
Comics companies have been able to make money off their own ideas. It's not a failure of the medium if a certain idea doesn't make money, it's a failure of the company.
Its still all under Disney, retard.
Disney cares about profits and IP only. It doesnt give a fuck about the comics division.
Marvel Studios also does not give a fuck about the comics division.
Marvel TV doesn't give a fuck about the comics division.
Marvel licencing to vidya, clothes, accessories, toys doesn't give a fuck about the comics division.
They could close up shop tomorrow and it wouldn't make a dent in Disney stock or the actual value of Disney as a company.
Its a dead medium. Totally dead. Get over it. Marvel wont be doing any paper comics in 5 to 10 years.
>using "dead medium" meme because you don't have an argument
What did he mean by this?
As much as Sup Forums tries to shill DC, Marvel is still the #1 comic book company in the world
Go ahead, call me Marvelcuck, I don't fucking care. You don't have to be a fanboy of something to know the objective truth.
>marvel have 1 or 2 comics in the top 50 almost every month. marvel is stil the #1 comic book company
you arent a marvelcuck you are fucking retarded
They won't
The CEO of Marvel Entertainment, Isaac Perlmutter, is a fairly large stakeholder at Disney.
As long as Marvel E continues to make a profit, even if it's small, it will remain a going concern.
>Marvel Studios also does not give a fuck about the comics division.
>Marvel TV doesn't give a fuck about the comics division.
>Marvel licencing to vidya, clothes, accessories, toys doesn't give a fuck about the comics division.
TV and licencing are in the same division as the comics. They're all under Marvel Entertainment.
It's only the movies that are under a separate division, Marvel Studios.
Why is it that when people talk about how shit Marvel comics are now that Marvel "fans" resort with talking about all the other media Marvel has. Have you all given up so easily?
WB uses DC in many mediums which they make a lot of money from. Find me a Marvel game as popular as the Arkham series.
But you never see DC fans turn their backs on the comics like you have
Does Sup Forums still use that name? Fucking embarrassing
Marvel Comics gets fat and self-important off the wild success of Marvel Studios and their television efforts. Simple as that.
Not much can be done, even if the comics division flops the other divisions will easily keep them afloat a la Sony Entertainment. The comics division now exists mainly as an IP farm and signal boost for Marvel Studios.
Honestly I don't see much changing until sometime between 2019 and 2024 when the entire Superhero Cinematic Universe craze goes up in flames.
>The MCU is now the REAL marvel universe to me as a long time comics fan and is the REAL marvel universe to millions and millions of others worldwide.
oh Sup Forums you so sensitive
>marlel lasting very long
I like how delusional marcuck fags edited the list of highest grossing movies of all time to Avengers 1 and 2 to being at the top.
It's so sad.
I've never seen DC turn their back on their comic audience like Marvel has. You can only treat people like shit (which they confessed to, might I add) until they stop buying.
I agree, but Marvel v. Capcom is still very much a thing, and Spiderman PS4 will probably be a hit all things considered.
The only reason DC games are "better" than Marvel is because until recently Marvel hadn't really licenced out their games. It's not as clear cut of a comparison as between the movie/tv divisions.
DC movies haven't been critical darlings and I don't care for the last 3 but they made money. Then they have their own tv shows and a lot of merchandise. I care more about their comic universe than I would their movie universe even if it was good
How sad is it that a fan would throw away decades of a universe just because he's taken sides in an imaginary war between movie franchises?
>fan would throw away decades of a universe
you mean like nu52?
Because Marvel can afford to.
I don't think people understand how much of a Monkey's Paw the MCU has been to Marvel. Marvel has all the good PR now, all the good coverage, which in the eyes of Marvel Comics justifies all the shit decision making they've been making since 2004. Meanwhile, while DC's efforts have been financially successful, they've all critically panned. So the general public still thinks DC = Bad, Marvel = Good. So DC can't rely on their films to boost the brand, and instead have to actually cater to the core comics audience.
That doesn't mean that DC doesn't partake in the occasional diversity throw or shit decision here or there, but it DOES mean that DC can't straight up ignore the fact that their comics have to still be good. On the other hand, someone high up at Marvel knows 100% that it does not matter how good or bad their comics are. Instead, they try to move copies with flash-in-the-pan events (because remember, they think that they succeeded because of their decisions post 2004, not because of the MCU), social justice pandering (not to actually garner the audience, but to get easy PR coverage), and of course S Y N E R G Y.
Is right, in the most autistic way possible. Marvel Studios is the real Marvel by all indications. It's what gets PR coverage. It's what defines how the characters look and act in the comics, not the other way around. It's what makes the money, it's what decides what games/comics/books/toys do and do not get made far more than anything else. Until that stops, Marvel will never improve.
It's the same bullshit as always. Shitty brand loyalty weaponized by companies into tribal warfare.
>console wars
>comic company wars
>capeshit wars
>fucking fandom wars
It's all the same bullshit, user.
You mean that thing that had good sales?