What is the most movie movie?

What is the most movie movie?

Like, the quintessential movie?

Pulp Fiction

Well, if you listen to that fag who avatar-posts with pictures of DW Griffith, it's probably Intolerance or some shit like that.

But for true kino masters it's Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.



Hm. I can see this.

Just the way it shines / shimmers iconically, even from that thumbnail, seeming to announce itself: "cinema!" "the Silver Screen!" "the movies!"

And I mean: The Man. The Woman. (and being *that man and *that woman) and he's saying like the most iconic line there.

Probably the Wizard of Oz.

how about this?

Yeah that's a good one too.

I was thinking of like maybe Citizen Kane, but that's too long and serious.

Or The Godfather is too serious and dark.

Like the ultimate movie movie needs to be more romantic or magical. So yeah, Casablanca or The Wizard of Oz.

I feel like that one is emblematic of the movie as spectacle or capable of something big and grand. It's possibly in the top five or ten movie movies too.

Going that old as far as answering this is tempting because some of those early accomplishments such as King Kong really are almost symbolic of film (and its possibilities) itself

And if we were going that old and that Classic I'd probably consider a Charlie Chaplin film as well.