So this dude went from a god of gods of gods to a regular jobber in less than two years

So this dude went from a god of gods of gods to a regular jobber in less than two years.

I mean, he did get attacked by millions of beyonders, no?

It's not like it was the Thing or some shit.

don't worry dude, he's dead again in the current timeline now

>Still reading Marvel
You deserve it for continuing to patron a company that literally thinks aggressively pissing off their own customers and readers is a long term viable business strategy

This time he got murdered by two comics aspects of a single universe, which should sound believable, but considering he is supposed to be the seneschal of multiverse feels like a human being taken down by two squirrels.

Not at all, Living Tribunal literally just stated the previous cosmic hierarchy was meaningless, which prompted Order and Chaos to test that hypothesis out.

Order and Chaos are multiversal in nature not universal. Secondly, the entire point of Ultimates^2 is that the hierarchy has yet to form and all the aspects are equal, which is why Galactus was able to stand up to Order and Chaos just as they stood up to LT.

Finally, Living Tribunal was the strongest thing in the old multiverse, but in terms of aspects he specifically represented justice, hence him being a tribunal and Chaos, Order, and Galactus going to him to be the arbiter to settle their dispute. This has huge ramifications on the new multiverse, justice is not the single strongest force in it unlike the old one.

As of now this nigga is top dog. Well him and the dude who chained up Eternity. For all of Marvel's faults I do like their cosmic stuff.

I mean, that's not the same Living Tribunal though. That's just Adam Warlock.

Starlin did it first. Marvel The End. Got sucked right up like everyone else.
He himself explains why it's possible in the prior issue, it's what spurns Order 7 Chaos into action.
Not to mention it was an all-new all-different Living Tribunal from the last one who hadn't even fully adjusted to his own role or power.

True, buy he assumed the position of the old Tribunal, for all intents and purposes, becoming it in the process.

You can't really say it's JUST Adam Warlock. He had all of TLT's power, just none of the experience. Shit he had detrimental experience, dude spent a lifetime as a mortal (kinda). The upgrade's damn jarring. Takes a while getting used to.

The best part is that after becoming the Living Tribunal, he says he won't make the same mistakes that the last one made and is waaaay more powerful than the last one so there's no chance of him getting killed.

Then he dies in his first appearance.

What's the status on the beyonders? All dead, or what?

100 percent just playing dead for some cosmic reason, probably to see the how the universe would faire without his interference or some similar reason.

>and is waaaay more powerful than the last one
Citation needed.

Whatever happened to the black priests, they sorta just fiddled out from what I remember.

Until someone decides they aren't I guess.
Probably ain't gonna show tho

Am I the only one getting tired that 616/Earth 8 gets to dictate the entire Multiverse?

Owen is still top dog

Agreed, but it's just the nature of the beast I'm afraid.

Earth is the planet that dictates the entire universe because the comics needs to be sold on the real Earth and therefore mainly Earth-centric and 616 is the universe that gets to dictate the entire multiverse because that's the main one most follow.

On that note did the ultimate universe get resurrected as well or just merged with the 616 one since they're so similar.

I do like how creeped out Galactus is in the second panel there.

He almost shouldn't be, he himself committed a similar act of defiance against the law of the cosmos by beating Chaos and Order, now they just did the same thing to an even higher power. Calactus himself could probably have killed him since the new order of things seems to be in flux.

Doom said he killed them all. The Shaper of Worlds' Ghost said "Nothing Dies."

Make of that what you will.

The Black Swans killed them all when they did their all out attack on the Library of Worlds.

Relax everyone, being killed and coming back is a fetish for Warlock at this point.

He'll be back in no time.

Bummer, they were baller as fuck.

Looks badass. I'd worship this.

I remember when this panel and the Beyonders were shown for the first time.

>justice is not the single strongest force in it unlike the old one
that explain CW2

They are gonna break his arms and eat his wings like a little bitch


Owen for the lulz, and Order has a shitty attitude he wont make friends.

His pride is his doomfall, it's should be obvious.

I really didn't think he existed in a format that could be beaten up and knocked out in the first place.

Yo since this is basically an Ultimates thread; I was supposed to do a Chaos/Order/Inbetweener storytime only for Windows 10 to fuck up my PC threefold. By this point I was gonna cut my losses and save it 'til just before the next issue comes out... but everything seems to work again now and gathering all the issues turned out to be way easier than expected sooo... I could plausibly do it tomorrow?

Anyone comping at the bit to see it ASAP, or should I sit on it for a couple weeks? Maybe I could do it halfway between now & next issue, as a sort of pitstop.

Looks like a less Tree-like aspect of Eon/Epoch

>Killed by something Doom cucked

>Then killed by floating heads

Why are Marvel cosmics so damn weak? Step up your game Marvel.

Earth has consistently produced some of the most powerful beings in the 616 to multiverse, or someone who is incredibly important to the movers and shakers of the universe.

>Molecule Man
>At least 4 cube beings, with the ability to make as many cosmic cubes as they want
>Franklin Richards
>Sorcerer, Scientist, and Explorer Supreme which are all Eternity's go to boys
>Celestials' goto boy in Apocalypse
>Quasar=Guardian of the Universe
>Mad Jim Jaspers
>Eternals to Thanos
>Phoenix is usually a Human

>Phoenix is usually a Human

fuck you now you got me hoping Ewing brings that into Cosmic Play and writes X-Men stuff

Marvel has been depowering nearly everyone for a few years now. The cosmics keep getting killed, the skyfathers are pretty terrible now, and then most gods are mid tier bricks.

But Carol and a bunch of street level heroes are getting amped way up at the same time.

>he thinks Carol is just now getting cosmic level powers

Casuals go home

>step up your game Marvel
>posts Marvel's current cosmic big bad, The Cosmic Jailer

>Why are Marvel cosmics so damn weak?
because all of their power level are set the same after being recreated.

>Molecule Man
planting by the beyonder as the bomb
>Franklin Richards
Cosmic parents+mutant
>At least 4 cube beings, with the ability to make as many cosmic cubes as they want
Seriously though,is the cube so easy to be made?

>posting something he read on a wiki

Yea try reading everything through the 80's and 90's and then onto the mid 00's and you will not see Binary. Carol was back to her same old powers until 12'

Try to pretend your wiki read from five minutes ago matters casualfag

Apparently so, AIM made the first one and that was supposed to be some incredible feat..

But then the Badoon and Skrulls figured it out and made their own. Then Reed makes them on occasion. Doom had one on him without explanation, then Modok had one also without explanation. Then that one scene where Reed just happened to have one in his pocket.

Kree never got one, even though they can manufacture near cosmic level characters and make nega bands all day.

Tldr the whole beyonder thing for me

Get mad casual

So, why is it called Logos?

>The Empty Hand is the Cosmic Jailer

God that would be cool. Don't fuck this up Ewing.

Was it ever explained why she could not turn into Binary after the Starjammers stuff?

Pretty sure she was back as Marvel because they wanted Marvel back, but what was the in universe explanation for not turning into Binary any longer?

Pic related is an image of the Cosmic Jailer. See how his hand is empty?

They're dead but "Everything lives" they'll comeback eventually

All you need to do to make a cosmic cube is basically be in the right place at the right time. The Beyonders would occasionally poke a hole into the universe and let out some beyonder jizz. If you have a strong enough container waiting in place, you can capture the jizz and it turns into a cosmic cube.

Which whole Beyonder thing? There's been a few.

Oh fuck, so he is directly connected to both D.C. And Marvel now?

>Beyonder was the guy responsible for the original 80's Secret Wars. He wasn't given much description. He was from "Beyond" and wanted heroes and villians to fight on Battleworld for shits and giggles and to see how "good" and "evil" worked. Basically an OS Star Trek Character

>Becomes human in Secret Wars II in an attempt to finally "get" these human creatures. Turns out he's an evolved cosmic cube.

>But no really there's a race of Beyonders and they're the big guy final bosses of the multiverse.

>They're so big and powerful they cucked the Living Tribunal, the Celestials, all the established "best of the bests".

>They also look like Ay Lamaos

>They want to destroy the multiverse for shits and giggles. It turns out each universe's Molecule Man is one of their anti-universe bombs. This leads to the Incursions and Times Runs Out because of really silly and convoluted reasons.

>In spite of being the big guys in charge Doom BTFO them because Hickman has a huge Doom boner.

>616 Molecule Man is now the top power of the multiverse. Beyonders are dead but are probably going to be not-dead soon because the Shaper's Ghost said everything is coming back to life.

>Logos, ( Greek: “word,” “reason,” or “plan”) plural logoi, in Greek philosophy and theology, the divine reason implicit in the cosmos, ordering it and giving it form and meaning.

Molecule man? Wasn't he a fucking gag villain a long time ago?

>Dat Intellectron Eye
>Dat attacking through dreams like on Earth Me
>Dat Empty Left Hand

Ewing Marvel doesn't deserve you.

The Empty Hand is a being from beyond the omniverse that feasts on the carcasses of dead multiverses. In Multiversity #2, he says that he's already defeated Multiverse-2 and this came out right at the same time as Secret Wars #1 where the Marvel multiverse was destroyed. He also says that now he's devouring Multiverse-2 for sustenance, and the Cosmic Jailer is currently keeping the multiversal Eternity in chains and feeding on him.

One can assume that Multiverse-2 was referring to the Marvel Multiverse, which would mean that the Cosmic Jailer is The Empty Hand, or at least an aspect or agent of his. Since his body as it appears in the DC multiverse is that of Ultra Comics, it's likely that he has different versions of himself for each multiverse. I imagine he'll appear differently and have a different name as the Cosmic Jailer, mainly because Marvel obviously can't just straight up use him since DC owns him. Or does he own DC?

>Ewing and Morrison will never write JLA/Avengers 2


It is worth noting that The Beyonders were actually created before The Beyonder. The Evolutionary War happened because the High Evolutionary was dead set on proving that he could evolve humanity to be as powerful as The Beyonders.


He was supposed to be the scariest FF villain back in the 60's. His character was he was a wimp but he had near total power over all matter so he was damn hard to defeat.

wew fuckin lad

>Gag villain

His gimmick always was that he was a self-conscious insecure weenie with god powers.

Who or What the fuck is Shaper's ghost

>Ewing is easily the best writer they have on payroll
>cares more about continuity than any of the editors
>goes out of his way to reference his co-workers' books
>runs Guggenheim levels of damage control and continuity clean-up
>even panders to Marvel's need for progressivism without letting it detract from his stories

>all his books tank in sales
Ewing is the hero we need but not the one we deserve.

Shit if Ewing uses this to directly connect multiversity to ultamites I'd die a happy man it be really be cool if he put in a throw away line to the 52

He's got a cast of D-listers to try and tell his awesome cosmic stories with. Marvel stacked the deck against him.

He kind of already has, he's just being really sneaky about it.

The Shaper of Worlds (sentient cosmic cube born from the Skrulls' cosmic cube) died in the Silver Surfer's Secret Wars tie-in. Since "Nothing Dies," his ghost survived and managed to enter 616-8 so he could deliver his warning to Galactus.

The only ones who could appreciate Ewing fully are the pirates who download big collections of comics and get a big collection of comics every week from torrent sites.

To a normal reader--someone who is actually buying floppies--Ewing's stories are weird and confusing.

Damn you think ultamites is building up to another cosmic level event of destruction?

Well we already got Logos vs Galactus. Things are heating up.

It's very clearly building up to Eternity War. All of Ewing's books have referenced the fact that the "Eternity War" is coming on multiple occasions. Captain America 20XX mentioned it in both New Avengers and USAvengers, it's been brought up in Ultimates and Ultimates^2 that a "war" is coming, and I think there was one reference to it in Contest of Champions but I might be misremembering.

The common assumption is that Eternity War will be the big summer event meant to coincide with Avengers: Infinity War's release like CWII was for Civil War.

>Tie into Infinity War

>Bendis makes it Thanos centric

>Carol has a leading role


> tease that isn't even his real face.
> they kill all his other faces.

So-- he's basically reconstructing his body with his hidden face isn't he?

>le Hickman Doom Boner meme
Honestly people that believe this obviously never read his F4 run, obviously the Battleworld thing is a pretty big wank thingbut it had to be someone in the scheme, if it were Molecule man would it gave been MM wank, Reed (who has 10 times the feats Doom does in the run for the record) reed wank? Hell it should have been Franklin if anyone.
The things people cite as Doomwank for the run often are often taken out of context where the cintext actually has Doom btfo
>Doom was god of his own universe, what wank
>the universe was lawless and chaotic, inhabited only by monsters, Doom ruled through strength and intellect alone, and eventually he is dethroned bu those monsters and forcibly evicted from that universe
>Doom fights celestials, what Wank!
>he lasts 20 minutes and gets fucking wrecked

Let's not forget
>Doom needs Reed to fix his brain at the start of the series
>Doom gets owned by the evil reeds and needs Reed's Dad to save him
>He's not even involved in the final conflict

The "All hope lies in Doom" thing refers to him holding off the Celestials for 20 minutes, which gives the FF time to escape and eventually save the day.
All this is far from a "boner"

Stop being a casual parrot and read a comic

And Thanos is busy preparing his big love letter to Oblivion. The last time Thanos tried doing a big love letter to an abstract we got Infinity Gauntlet.

Speaking of Oblivion, we haven't seen his avatar, Maelstrom, in a while. The same Maelstrom that's the conspicuously unused Inhumans villain. I wonder if the new inhumans writer will use him at any point since it's weird that one of the few major inhumans villains hasn't been used since this big inhumans push started. And who is going to be writing the inhumans starting in April?

Oh right: Ewing

Considering both Carol and Thanos are being set up to have major roles in it already, that's probably a pretty safe bet regardless.

When asked on twitter, Ewing said his "death" can have "3 possible outcomes."

One can assume those 3 outcomes are:
>Adam Tribunal
>Magus Tribunal
>Goddess Tribunal

The reason she was Binary at all was because she was drawing power from a White Hole almost at all times. For some reason, during Busiek's Avengers, the connection was said to have been severed, so she was back her Ms. Marvel power levels. However, Reed's Ms. Marvel run established that, if she could draw on enough power, she could temporarily turn back into Binary.

I swear Marvel writers these days have no respect for anything they didn't create themselves

I love how Ewing writes Order and Chaos. They're actually kind of cute together.

It's Adam. Death isn't shit to him.

>Hickman defense team Go!

>Doom under Stan and Jack: Arrogant dictator who got his shit pushed in by the Thing so hard it broke his will and spirit

>Doom under Hickman: Becomes king of the universe, Kills the Beyonders, "I made the hard choices so you wouldn't have to and saved all of creation while the heroes dicked around".

Hickman is to Doom what Englehart is to Mantis.

Longshot with a cosmic cube can fuck up Logos, Order and Chaos
he should be the one babysitting Kobik



No it's also people who have been around forever and read all this shit. It's the meat and potatoes

They need to keep bendis locked in the cellar for the next event guy can't write big events for shit


I bet you he resets Galactus. And he won't even explain why.

user Eternity War is going to be Ewing's event. Events are the culmination of specific comic runs by the same writer. Remender didn't write Uncanny Avengers for 2 years only to see Humphries write AXIS.
Calm down, dear.

*The main character SHOULD totes be Carol tho

Speaking of bendis and shitty events are we ever getting that follow up to whatever the fuck happened to Ulysses?

who will be his main team?
I hope it's a crazy combo of
Sunspot, Loki,Songbird, Starbrand, Demurge saves the Marvel Universe

Probably by Ewing. Ewing wrote the Ulysses mini that tied into CWII and he's going to be writing the main Inhumans book going forward. Also he's the one whose handling all the cosmic abstract shit at Marvel right now and Ulysses is now hanging with the abstracts.

>yo look at these eternal immutable universal dieties, truly we are as mayflies

>they get punked and die and change every two fucking months, regular ass human characters are more consistent

Cosmic shit is a fucking mistake in cape books.

Seriously this, we have characters that are written as literal multiversal gods-of-gods that mean literally nothing because we never see them do anything other than cuck each other and die. Using the "cosmic" tag to describe a marvel character is the easiest way to set something up to be completely utterly meaningless.
>Hurr Durr muh multiversal level we wuz creating universes and sheit
Doesn't actually mean shit because they're power levels are so completely tell instead of show that the point is totally lost.
Seriously If I lived in the marvel universe and a cosmic entity appeared in front of me proclaiming himself as the master of multiversal time or space or life or death or something gay and retarded I would just walk away, because as far as the comics are concerned he can't actually do anything besides talk shit and eventually get fucked by his twin brother who happens to look like an androgynous disembodied head because memes.
Cosmic shit is the ultimate and most autistic cancer in cape books and it really needs to fucking die.

Agreed. Keep the characters on fucking Earth. Nobody can relate to space adventures

>muh relatability
Lol nah nigga.

You forgot Legion