Voltron: Legendary Defender

Varkon is best boy edition

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>Oh, and I've heard Shikamaru fucked a kid outta Temari. Can't confirm.

I can confirm. It actually happens.

Damn that's hot. But I am also an equal opportunity sort of person, especially after Keith got pretty damn manly in season 2, and so after she does that Keith says "My turn."

I want this scene to turn out to be more than just a bad dream

>after she does that Keith says "My turn."
Sexism is over

Going through tumblr right now. And god, why is wlwvoltron such a fucking cunt?

Man, Haggar is even hotter without the hood.

I want him to be purple and fuzzy when it happens. Throw the galrafags a bone.

Reminder of the best thing to come out of Season 2.


She's the Dead Sea, user. I just blocked her and I am much happier for it.

I'm going to need some zeith foot worship fic, stat.

They think keith is "gay coded" and allura is "adult coded"
They're just a shallura and klance fag

they are insecure

the fuck is this edition shit?

It's what happens when you stare into the void for so long that you become the void.

Imagine Zarkon holding Keith's dainty little foot in his huge hand.

>keith is gay coded

Thats my guess too. Keith and Lotor being siblings would be flawlessly good. Also I really want Lotor and Allura to have been friends growing up.

Like, actively playing together as little kids as Zarkon was the Black Lion paladin and staying at the Palace.

And I want Lotor's leaving her after the betrayal of Zarkon to be one of the big motivations for Allura's hatred of Galra. They were honest friends. There was talk of them possibly having an arranged marriage.

I want this to be a thing so badly.

And when Lotor shows back up again it needs to be hugely dramatic.

Will it happen when Keith first meets his mom(if sh's still alive) or When he's face to face with Lotor?

So is Sup Forums the Pance heartland?

Red Lion is best lion.

That's how general thread fags can still have their general threads while not painting a target on their backs for mods/janitors.

For real man. I want purple Keith. If his hand turned purple, why can't everything else?

I don't know if my dick could take it. Especially if Keith gives Zarkon a footjob.

this isn't 5 stages of grief
this is denial denial denial denial denial

Did /vld/ meme magic racist Allura into existence?

We need a bone thrown after this season. We got some cute Galra, but man, the death toll.

>already this entire thread

I don't know if Keiths pretty, delicate toes can handle Zarkon's monster cock.

You are speaking my language.
I ironically love the Sincline sibling theory.

I really do want Allura and Lotor to have known each other since children and that affect their relationship when the Galra-Altean alliance sours and 10,000 laters. It would be a wonderful thing to see develop.

Plus it's a novel angle for the Keith-Lotor rivalry.


But if you have a beautiful woman who can shapeshift, not allowing her to use it in bed is totally pathetic.

But imagine when Allura is on the receiving end and all the things she could do with her pussy or ass... virgin tight, muscle control... mmmmnf.

Zarkon's dick would be bigger than Keith's foot.

Doesn't mean he can't try to give him a footjob.

The power of meme magic is real. Looking forward to her taking out her coat next season.

you’ve got to show affection towards the snails
t-those are snails, right?

Oh but of course he'd take advantage of that. I know I would. But I see them as the sort to be versatile and not fall under the sexual stereotypes and have loving, trusting sex with one another.

I believe we did.

I'd like to think so. People seem to enjoy themselves here without getting shit on or feeling the need to shit on others.

Pance is a ship of peace.

I really hope they do this. Lotor is one of the epitomes of villain. He is the Dragon. And now that Zarkon has failed and suffered for his obsession... its time for the true villain of Voltron to make his grand appearance.

But god, if Zarkon is as amazing as all this, Haggar to... I cannot WAIT to see what they are doing with Lotor.

So what is the transformed mice power rankings? I put squirrels at the top, but snails are good too.

On ep 5 of season 2. I'm not sure if I like or hate Coran. Like he has a great design and his role is cool, but being comic relief has defined his character, and his joke stopped being funny a while ago.

Also, when does Keith stab people?

Zarkon likes Keith cause his dick looks that much bigger when getting a footjob from Keith's delicate little foot.

Er unironically. I UNIRONICALLY LIKE IT.

Did meme magic make Keith part Garla?

I still can't believe there are supposed to be SIX seasons of it. One one side, I am overjoyed. On the other, I am crushingly depressed.

I'm imagining Keith all blushy and frustrated as he tries to please his lord.

Why is no one talking about the sexy mermaids?

mega when?

Goofball flirt and snarky geek A+ good combo.

RIP in peace, Ulaz. Gone too soon from this cruel world. ;_;7

Everyone's too busy being gay.

No. That were the blatant clues and finally had the gun fired in season 2.

And he certain does please his lord, and gets showered with lots of cum. Since it's xeno, it's going to be a lot.

because that episode was awful

Who is the cutest paladin?

What was his accent? South african?


thread theme

This. If I had to rank that episode, it would be rank 13. The Balmera episode being 12. I'm tired of the fucking Balmera.

I havent seen the new season yet but is keith/allura really a thing? Why.

That episode was such filler. And not the tasty filler, like in Twinkie's.

Was it just me?

Yeah, probably just me.

Post pics of Morvok/Marvok/Morvak (I can't remember his fuckin name)

I liked it. Apparently it needed a big funeral and a good cry at the end or some shit. Meh.

Angry jellyfish mermaid was cuter before she took off her jellyfish hat. After she took it off she just looked generic just like every other mermaid.

In my own personal opinion:
Three-headed animal
Unicellular organisms

Of course the mice are at the top, but the original species doesn't count.

Unfortunately I didn't save the Lance Trump as a sai file so I had to go over a PNG, so I got lazy.

Still, here's your updated season 2 version.


Just checked out her newest ask responses
>"allura is an adult because she is mature and I said so"
Also what's this about Shiro being her equal? Shiro clearly holds authority over her and she's not as mature

i learned from season two that if you look like a drow you're gonna die

What the fuck did I just read

Why does he wear the mask?



But i dont want her shit tier brown elf genetics getting on with keiths superior galra ones

It's fandom "space mom" bullshit

Traditionnnnn! TRADITION!

Important note:

Lotor looked like a Drow before anyone established what Drow would look like.

If anything, modern Drow look like HIM

Someone who doesn't realize that just because Keith has a self-acceptance arc doesn't mean that he is also gay

Don't insult Zarkon. He fucked a brown elf and made a baby.

Because Keith/Allura is the true pairing and point of the series. Keith/Allura/Lotor is the main focus love triangle that made the original series so good. If you dislike it, feel free to write fanfics and live in your own little world.

But its happening. Sorry. Its what Voltron IS.

well it's gay as hell

So does this mean Haggar gets the slipperies sometimes?

I never thought I'd see Fiddler on the Roof in a Voltron thread of all places. What a time to be alive.

Shot through the heart

Pretty sure Voltron is a series about a five lions glued together fighting monsters

I want fanart of this. And of Zarkon licking it off her skin.

>Its what Voltron IS.
And always will be. Every iteration of this series had this.

It's the perfect response I had to use.


No, that was just the surface coating. Voltron has always been about Keith/Allura/Lotor and the love triangle between the three of them.

So next season if Keith gets black lion, how do you think the other lions will be distributed. Who will get red.


Is it too much to ask for main characters to die.
I just want consequences for peoples actions. Allura should have died in the last episode and not only did she survive the blast she tanked haggars magic too.

Wonder if the production team was watching Captain America and taking notes when they were writing Keith and Shiro.
>Two inseparable best friends, brothers on and off the battlefield. Close in a way that gets fujos going while still being straight.
>Galra Trash Party, metal arm, amnesia and PTSD
>Small hothead who grows into his role as a leader.
Like they were designed to be the Stucky of the series or something if Dreamworks was looking at attracting fujos as a secondary audience.

There was more character drama than there was Voltron fighting monsters.

No, it's about gay romance. You're just watching it wrong.

Oh please let there be a callback to this in a much later Season, showing Haggar seemingly gliding across the floor as she performs her duties, while a team of Druids busily follows her with levitating mops.

That is the question. Will Lance stay in the Blue Lion or will he move to the Red Lion? Will Allura put on the pink paladin uniform and pilot the Blue Lion? Or will she pilot the Red Lion and have Lance stay in the blue?

I want it too, or at least for main characters to get seriously injured. I was hoping that castle hit would do serious damage to Allura, but nope. She was fine five minutes later, and then managfed to suddenly out-hax Haggar.

They shoved all of the real sacrifices onto the Galra, because they won't dare do major damage to the main team.

Red will only let Keith's wife pilot her.

>Yes, Lord Zarkon?
>Why are you gliding around like that?
>...I have the slipperies again.
>...you should have told me sooner. Come to my chambers. You need a tongue bath.
>Y-Yes, Lord Zarkon!

That would require Shiro coming back

It doesn't have to be Allura, it could be Coran or the mice

That was sort of weird at first, but thinking about it it makes sense she can do that. I dunno about her going fucking super after getting hit with an attack though. That was sort of bullshit. Surviving, fine, but drinking it up and then hitting Haggar with it? Shit why didn't Haggar absorb it right back?

And thrace was neat character too. I was hoping to see more of his adventures