>On closer inspection, these are loafers
And this is funny because...
>On closer inspection, these are loafers
And this is funny because...
Australians are dumb
Loafers don't have laces, therefore his shoes could not be untied - the excuse Jay used in order to run away.
It's supposed to be funny because he's a "Chad" and I guess they're saying Chads are dumb.
The writers were clearly Virgins.
It was years later before I found out this was a crossover episode with another cartoon
Why did they make Schwarzenegger president instead of Wolfcastle?
Keep sucking that chad dick, maybe they'll let you eat lunch at the same table as them some day
yeah, that was fucking weird
they didn't even get him to guest star with his own voice, he still sounded exactly like wolfcastle
Because Chuck never sold loafers.
I was elected to lead, not to read
because they wanted cred if Swarzewigger was ACTUALLY voted prez like they got all that red when DRUMPF was elected
>I was elected to feed, not to seed
Well par-done us, Mr. Gucci Loafers.
because it was the simpsons MOVIE and they need a big movie star to be featured in it
> Al Jean pushes to have an entire episode of a hugely popular show written as a commercial for his failing other show
> Matt Groening removes his name from the episode and badmouths it claiming reasons of integrity, when he had already allowed for it to be sold out to all kinds of cheap licensing
Who WAS in the wrong here?
what's this?
Yeah both, but at least Al Jean made it work, like it's regarded as a classic and desu 90% of people just thought Jay was a one off character and still don't know what The Critic is
You don't get it. You're the joke.
The film is just me in front of a brick wall for an hour and a half. It cost eighty million dollars.
>How do you sleep at night?
On top of a pile of money with many beautiful ladies.
Admit it, you read it in his voice
Same here
le enlighted fedora tipping neckbeard netpicking on one of the best shows ever created. Pitiful.
isn't the guy on the left the gypsy that steals their house in one episode?
Matt was wrong. This show had crossed that line long ago.
He looks exactly like Wolfcastle too. It's like the writers of the movie forgot their Schwarzenegger parody had a different name.