Was the Dude actually happy? Was he really content with wasting his life?

Was the Dude actually happy? Was he really content with wasting his life?

Fuck yeah he was. You Sup Forumssters with a stick up your collective asses about weed and NEETbux really don't know what you're missing.

The Dude was a lot happier and mentally sound than the supposedly successful Big Lebowski

>wasting his life
As opposed to not wasting his life working for Mr. Shekelberg so that his boss's boss could buy another boat while you slave away for 1/5th of the money you actually deserve?

you're only wasting your life if you're doing things you don't enjoy

He was until that chinamen pissed on his rug

he felt whatever the people making the movie wanted him to feel since he's a fictional character

Why are you even here?

Idk if it was me I wouldn't be happy

Pretty sure he was happy even then. Also dude, chinamen is not the preferred nomenclature. Asian American please