You have to make a lucha-themed superhero for Marvel or DC. what kind of powers do you give them...

You have to make a lucha-themed superhero for Marvel or DC. what kind of powers do you give them? how do they work into the universe?

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He's actually Huitzilopotchli, immortal Aztec god of sunlight and warfare. An eldritch being of pure solarkinetic energy and will, he has walked the earth in quiet since the fall of his adopted people, taking a mortal guise thanks to a power-inhibiting mask that has changed over the centuries.

He's been toying with the idea of destroying humanity for their transgressions and abandonment of his worship, but all his long-term plans will take millennia to play out and he figures humanity can try and prove themselves in the meantime.

Why yes, I've been thinking about this for some time now.

>what kind of powers do you give them?
Super strength and super inteligence(To know when to suplex or not)
>how do they work into the universe?
It's not about how his powers work, it's about his moral code.
He is always morally right, El Santo never loses his way

Just have a crossover with El Santo again.

Luchadores don't need super powers they just fucking wrestle vampires and mummies to submission.

I hate Mexicans and Mexican shit. So no. I would never do that.

On the other hand I would totally do a Brazilian character with garbage powers.

>not capoeira powers

Sin Cara had his own comic while he was still Mistico.

Maybe I'll storytime one day when I can get my hands on them.

Assuming that there are English versions.

Powers are superstrength (a shade shier of Ben Grimm) and a more magical ability to have all-but-unbreakable holds. If this hero can hold something, it's gonna stay fucking held.

But: their powers are tied to their enchanted mask. No mask, no powers. Not only that, but their powers won't work on anyone who knows what's behind the mask. Anyone who knows that their secret and hero identities are one and the same will be wholly unaffected by their superstrength and enhanced grappling prowess.

I see an early plotline where he reveals his identity to another hero in good faith, and ends up having to fight them (powerlessly) later on.

Didn't Hellboy cross over with El Santo?

>I can't predict a thing he will do.
>He messes up every thing he tries
>and he is completely beating me.

If we don't know what we are doing, the enemy certainly can't anticipate our future actions.

Just make comics about lucha underground characters. In fact, just make a pentagon comic.

user... that sounds pretty cool.


I'd go full cheese.

Luchaman. A mysterious hero whose power is gathering the strength of people's hope. The more people that believe in him, the stronger he is. He is aided by Miguel, a young man who has a lot of potential.
His villains are luchadores and monsters, Azteckaiser/Kamen Rider style. He arch nemesis is La Sombra, another mysterious luchador who is powered by fear. His biggest goal is to one day feed off of Luchaman's fear.

I make these guys Mexican Punishers.


Silver Potato, motherfuckers

The later twist was lame.

A mix between The Mask and either The Demon (magic version) or The Guyver (sci-fi version).

In the magic version, it's a luchador mask given to a scrawny Mexican college kid by Neron/Mephisto. Every time the kid puts it on he becomes a hulking bastard, stronger than any other luchador on Earth. After quickly becoming the best luchador on the planet and an overnight celebrity, he finds himself with a lust for combat, his strength growing to the point he accidentally kills a fellow luchador. Eventually he starts fighting the big guns of his universe, like the Hulk or Doomsday. Whoever, he doesn't want to keep fighting and as such must contain the urge to do so or risk catastrophic consequences.

In the sci-fi version, it's the same basic set-up, except the kid finds the mask in a crater after a meteor shower. Much like in the previous version, the mask turns him into a muscled luchador, but as time goes on, and his strength grows, he discovers the mask is slowly merging with him. He eventually discovers the mask was a prototype weapon created by a long gone race to rival the Green Lantern Corps/fight off alien invaders like the Kree or Skrulls.

that's not very good, desu