Jinx thread

jinx thread

I don't usually like girls with neon colored hair, but with jinx I'll make an exception.

cmon son dont just start a thread with one shitty tumblr gif and walk away




Do people prefer her dating Kid Flash or Cyborg more?

Bald Indian Jinx is Superior Jinx.


>I don't usually like girls with neon colored hair
How can you live with such shitty taste

I like her being with Cyborg.

kid flash so I can self insert like the pathetic degenerate I am.

also, Im pretty sure theyre all supposed to be about the same age in the show, but cyborg always seemed MUCH older to me, which adds a weird age element to the ship that Im not super into.

Cyborg for sure.


They need to bring cartoon Jinx into the comics and just say she's a different character from the other Jinx.


SJWs made be suspicious around them

I think this is supposed to be jinx

What are you talking about? She is THE Jinx!



Cartoon Jinx is more interesting and has a good character design.


Writefag here, any requests?


Not to mention her name actually makes sense with her powers.




>Comics Starfire turned similar to her Cartoon version after Rebirth
>Comics Beast boy turned similar to his Cartoon version after Rebirth
>Comics Raven turned similar to her Cartoon version after Rebirth
>Comics Aqualad turned similar to his Cartoon version after Rebirth
>Comics Jinx is still that bald witch after Rebirth
Why DC Why

Starfire turned into her cartoon version during her solo series before Rebirth.

Because user DC thinks everyone is a batfag user, if it's not batman or batman related why even bother. I mean we never got to see mammoth, gizmo or billy pretty much ever...

>Mfw there's three threads up dedicated to teen Titans waifus

it was a good show with good waifus


Fat Jinx when?

What girl would jinx lez with?



>good show

Literally nostalgia talking. The show was mediocre at best and the only thing people liked about it was the waifus


Jinx accidentally switches bodies with Raven or Robin. One needs to deal with both the cops or her team catching on and the other takes advantage of the position they're in.

Something with "Boo-Yah" in it. In Neo-Tokyo. Cool Twist in the End.


Ah memories.


didnt mean to spoiler that


alright im out

Kid Flash


Found the underage who is growing up on TTG.


I love that DC Superhero Girls is using Jinx's design from the show.


This version of Jinx would be perfect for the Teen Titans current comic series.






Jinx is the most underrated Teen Titans waifu.

Snuff porn


Cy was driving before all the rest of them, I think an user deduced that he would have been 19 during Trouble in Tokyo from clues in the show.

Or just retcon the baldy out for the superior character that everyone likes more. That's what they usually do isn't it?

They can't do that now cause they brought back the comic version in Titans.

Hopefully one day

That's why they should be different characters .There already so different each other you can easy make them different.

Kid Flash. Cyborg and Sarah Simms forever.

Why no cat eyes?


Maybe the artist forget.

Just curious, but who was prettier?

>Be a superhero or villain in the area what do you say/do

No need, you've already stolen my heart.

I like the idea that cartoon Jinx is still Indian like her comic counter part but her being a meta human makes her skin grey/white and her hair and eyes pink.

Jinx trying her hardest to be a hero.

I really don't understand why I liked cartoon Jinx so much.



does the after party still exist?

Cause she's a fun interesting cool character .

The channels technically still exist, but it's not in use.

Always wanted an episode dedicated to that. Also wanted to see her awkwardly interact with the original five Titans.

That awful animu hair is not good character design.

Neon coloured hair is the female version of a fedora.

She did almost nothing in the first two episodes besides beat up the Titans and make some jokes inside their tower.


The hair makes a little more sense now. Still almost nothing like the cartoon

But she was cool while doing it.


It's because she is on Titans book, and not on TT one.

I wish I saved more pictures of Jinx from Hits and myths book.



Jinx's fucking eyes, I think banshee may have attacked her before that panel christ

Surprisingly accurate sentiment.

I like that Teen Titans Go! remembers that Jinx liked Cyborg . In the old show after the Kid Flash episode Her liking Cyborg was forgetting about.



>teen titans G*
