Sup Forums figures

Post Sup Forums figures and statues.

I'm going to spend a while posting Kotobukiya ones since there's so many of them.






Not really fond of this interpretation.








Kinda skinny for Black Cat, isn't it? Where are her hips?










My main problem with this is how short her jacket is.







one of my favorites. got one for 110 at a con, no regrets.

I think this one's kind of stiff.










Not Sup Forums fuck off Sup Forums








Wish I had it.

Alien has had comics for just as long as Sup Forums characters














I quite like this one.



Oh shit when did this come out?















I wonder if white guys can really look like this anymore




Variant of








Neat touch with the disappearing effect


A problem with the whole Kotobukiya bishoujo line is that there's some samefaceing going on.
