What was Aragorn's tax policy?
10% flat income tax.He had just ended a great war and needed to give bussineses an incentive.
how did such a shitty fucking topic get forced this hard
Salty Tolkienfags butthurt that their boring as shit novels aren't relevent anymore so they lash out at the author of the novels that have replaced them with these """hilarious""" memes
What was Bilbo's job before the dwarves and wizard show up?
He explained it through song and everybody was too moved to actually jot it down, so nobody knows
Write the next book already buttlicker.
I think lotr is great and all but fatty's existence seems to anger a fair few tolkien fans on Sup Forums for some reason
He's landed, he doesn't work, plebs work his land for him and give him his share.
How can he afford to pay taxes?
Who let him out from under the stairs?
Hobbits are communists. All profits belong to Saruman.
lowest rates in their recent history since a lot of repopulation had to be done after the greatest war the continent has seen was won. there would been a lot of fallow land he would want settled.
What about the rebuilding of Minas Tirith, Osgiliath and others? Doubt Mordor held enough riches to pay for that.
It encapsulates what a banal and petty self important pile of shit Martin truly is.
>limited use of women
fuck im gigglin
By limited I assume it means all but nonexistent, basically only Galadriel does anything ever.
>I am no man teehee silly
Not in the books. Movies boosted Arwen and Éowyn for that woman $, but in the books they exist only to be waifus of male characters.
>future of the world depends on the fellowship
>gives gimli three hairs
Your pic is a Tolkien fan. LOTR threads are full of pretentious faggots and about 1/10 of them have really read the books. I always lose it when someone calls the fatman a retard saying baby orcs aren't a thing.
Three more than she gave Feanor
Just like real life.
it's mainly just some baiter taking the gurm quotes about tax policy and shit out of context and a bunch of tards gobbling it up
>aren't relevant
I love game of thrones and it is more complex than lotr but nothing beats lotr. Sometimes you want comfy lotr. I'm not always in the mood for grey ass tax policy books.
GoT fags would be more at home on reddit
grrm is one of the biggest tolkien fans though.
No, he’s a retard for saying that the story loses value for not being “realistic” enough. The whole tax policy thing is because Martin criticizes Tolkien for not telling us the Gondorian tax process, even though Martin never elaborates on the economy of Westeros apart from the Iron Bank and Littlefinger’s master plan of borrowing a lot of money and never paying it back
He doesn't criticize Tolkien, Martin would lick Tolkien's balls if he had the chance, he's a massive Tolkienfag.
His quote is about his own approach to fantasy. He's not a drooling retard, he understands what Tolkien was aiming with his works and the reason why those subjects aren't touched.
He isn't. There are several interviews and statements where he makes underhanded petty remarks against Tolkien but tries to tiptoe around it because he knows he'd get eaten alive for speaking his mind fully.
>he understands what Tolkien was aiming with his works
He doesn't. He calls Tolkien "dishonest" because of no sexual violence and his depiction of the fictional world a Disneyfied middle ages.
This. Just because books aon't tell you every time a charactyer goes to the toilet doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Martin's criticism as you said is laughable with the shallow nature of the economy of westeros. 'Master of coin'. kek Tolkien didn't care for the shortcxomings of men as it is a story told a thousand times.
Such as? Every interview i've seen he states he's a fan and his work wouldn't exist without LOTR. Yeah he says tolkiens world is just white and black and what would aragorns tax policy be like after the war but that's all I remember seeing.
>tfw appreciate the works of both authors
He thinks it was a major failing of Tolkien not to have killed Gandalf and Frodo. He also thinks LOTR is an allegory meaning his understanding is absolutely ass backwards
I don't know. How does ecosystem in Westeros survive decades long winters?
his unnatural long life must have required some punitive tax and interest rates.
What was Gwyn, Lord of Sunlight's tax plan after leaving his Kingdom to sacrifice himself to the world's source of life and death; the First Flame?
What was King Arthur's tax policy?
What's Aragon's tax policy?
IIRC it's about 30% from every province, but he didn't need too much gold anyway because towards the end of the campaign, heroes become vastly more important than soldier units
oh man that game was bad
Powered by Undead Sacrifice. Dimwit, haven't you seen Vaati? ;^)
No it wasn't
yes it was, it was a godawful sluggish Total War clone with stripped down elements
people can't use this meme