Vanellope is the protagonist of the last videogame you played. What happens?

Vanellope is the protagonist of the last videogame you played. What happens?

She constantly glitches the fuck out and I want my money back

I'm having enough trouble with Tracer glitching around the map

"So like, is the creepy chick glitched too? I could've sworn she walked by me a second ago."

>God of War 3
Wew lad.

>New Vegas
Princess House

>Fallout 4

She isn't glitching, it's a feature!


I stop playing.
Christ that bitch was the worst thing about the movie.

>Killing Floor 2/Sugar Rush crossover
man that'd be really fun

>mfw Shantae

>Super Mario 64
Good. She'll make my 0 star run much easier.

Fallout. She falls out from the wolrd, it has nothing to do with her powers

I bet she can half A press without taking 13 hours.

But user, an A press is an A press. You can't say it's only half.

>Quake 4
Uh, I don't know if she can handle it. Maybe?

>Bravely Second

>Every job class winds up being something totally out of left field instead of what's selected

>DC Legends
Awwww Not agaaaaaain

Vanellope driving the Regalia...dear god...

>Binding of Isaac
So basically just start with GB Bug and Undefined.

Epic meme dude, I don't even care that you clearly are just parroting words XD
God, everyone bitches about Sup Forums hating video games, but then you visit other boards and see dumb shit like this.

last game I played was corruption of uh..."i'm gunna wreck it!" ?

No really, I'm unironically fascinated by those videos.

>Diablo 3: RoS
Screw the Templar, with Vanellope on my side, soloing Greater Rifts +75 will be a breeze. If not, I guess we're both going to die since its HC. Only real men play on Hardcore mode.

>friend shows me pannenkoek video
>nod my head intently even though I get completely lost halfway through


She's now in crusader Kings 2.

She get married to an ugly inbred king because he wants her hot glitch stats, and when he dies she is either auctioned off to some horse lord on the steppe or committed to marriage with one of her children

I can't see this going well for her, to be honest.

She might have better luck in Digital Devil Saga, her stats might glitch or something.

>Senran Kagura


She gets swole as fuck

She gets dunked on a lot. Also her friendship with Vic Van Lier would feel weird.

>Fire Emblem

She clitches out in the final chapter and all my characters are now level 1 villagers. I still win because I'm a strategic genius

She gets raped by all the murderers, thieves, arsonist, cannibals and rapists in Arkham City.

>strategic genius

Her polycount alone would completely wreck the N64's hardware capabilities.

>doom 2016

How the hell is this even going to work



Keep making her jump off a cliff and not forget to add realistic dismemberment mods


she's dead, jim

>Champions Online


As a superhero, she actually works pretty good.

I was playing Minecraft.

I become Vanellope.

I use my glitch powers to change the rules of the game, but nobody notices because it's fucking Minecraft.

>Borderlands 2
I wonder what her action skill would be. Or her skill trees, for that matter.

Vanellope butchers hundreds of thousands of ancient Chinese soldiers.

Do not pursue Vu Bu.

Either that or Calculords. I'm a terrible person.

I ship it.

Why is she so cute, Sup Forums?

I have an even easier time clipping through walls and doing anything but what the game was intended to do

>XCOM: Enemy Within

Rk. Vanellope von Schweetz
Kills 0
Missions 1
Last Mission: Operation Morbid Dream
Cause of Death: Mauled by Chryssalid.

That went well then.

Nah, that game doesn't have playable females.


Jumping improved.
Smaller target that foes can't shoot well.
Improvised candy swear words.

>Day of the Tentacle
I have no idea, honestly.

Either nothing changes or everything does.

Does she get "cuter" as she gets older?

She's already well into her late 20's, so Vanellope is as grown as she will ever get. If she wants to look taller, she might have to borrow some power-ups from other games.

Guilty Gear

I honestly don't think much changes...

Nah, she's already perfectly cute the way she is.

Dead Space. She's dead in space.

she`d be in persona 2

How do game physics work when characters enter other games?
If Fix It Felix has no fall damage, but Hero's Duty does, does a character from Fix It Felix Jr take fall damage if he enters Hero's Duty and falls from a far enough height?

With her glitches it'd be like having the Old Hunter's Bone active all the time, which frees up bullets for the other hunter tools.

>Pokémon Sun

Unlimited 6 Perfect IV Mons FTW

Unlimited Missingno more like.

They keep their own attributes. Ralph still wrecks with his fists. Felix still hops at lightning speed. If they were impervious to falls before, then they still are.


I like it.

>Riddick: Dark Athena

Can't shit talk or bully her way into tjhe prisoners' good graces and ends up living like a vent rant.

>Dead Island: Riptide

Pretty well until the water parts.

>WWE 2k16

She warps out a Pedigree and pins Triple H as he's spazzing out about someone countering him, like it hasn't happened a thousand times, and the referee gives a fast count to make things more intense.

>The Last Guardian

Pretty much the same, except glitch powers make escaping faster.

>Devil Survivor 2
Oh. Oh this will not end well.

>Asuras Wrath

i orgasm for hours is what

She celebrates her victory with a thumbs up.

>Kerbal Space Program
It probably wouldn't change much the game

Final Fantasy 14. I'm going to get banned...

>Star Wars Tie Fighter

Is she even tall enough to control the ships? I know that fighter pilots tend to be manlets IRL but I dunno the Star Wars rules.

Why? Don't you want to summon Glitch Satan?

>Resident Evil remake

She would get eaten by dogs.


>Payday 2
>Masterforcer hostage/intimidation build

Fuck me, she'd fit right in.

don't think they'd get much taller(like maybe a foot at most) since the Sugar Rush characters have that whole Chibi aesthetic, instead it'd show in other ways

so yeah they'd be a bunch of shortstacks

>NiOh Demo
>Nonstop iFrame roll spam
Hell yeah bitches