They can't find the body of D.B. Cooper

>They can't find the body of D.B. Cooper
>Big Foot skeptics expect to find the body of a big foot just randomly

hurf, durf

Any good documentaries on Big Foot?

>in b4 "b-but Sasquatch can't into REAL!"

Then you have ten seconds to explain the more than 400 sightings of Bigfoot in America alone since its founding.

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harry just wants to be friends stop dicking him around

Didn't Bigfoot and DB Cooper square off? Probably why they can't find him, Bigfoot ate him.

wadiyatalkinabeet OP ya fucken druggo

They cant find D.B.'s body because he survived ma nigga.

ff to 0.45

gigantopothecus was real

bigfeet is not

Duh. Put the pieces together, retard.

DB Cooper IS bigfoot!

Think about it.

>implying there's a body to find
he's still alive

Yeah, nah... yeah

>Then you have ten seconds to explain the more than 400 sightings of Bigfoot in America alone since its founding.
People are really REALLY stupid. If you tell a bunch of people to "Watch out for the neon pink raping elephant", half will come back saying that they nearly got raped by the raping elephant

So an animal exactly like Bigfoot was real but you scoff at it existing this is the power of skepticism

Is Bigfoot autistic?

Except this is a completely plausible animal to would just be a large primate idiot...did you know in the 1990s a 6ft tall species of chimp was discovered in the Congo? It was thought to be a myth until then. Do your research next time moron

A Bigfoot would need to roam a large amount of land to consume food to sustain it
And that would be a lot of food
This would lead to inevitable contact with people
Like bears and cougars and mouse wander into human developments

how could a massive creature with so many ""sightings"" have literally no footage of it in this day and age?

>a 6ft tall species of chimp was discovered in the Congo

This isn't true.

The population is likely small and located in remote forests in NA.

There was footage of it, google Patterson gimlin

Serial numbers of the money he was given were recorded
They never showed up in circulation
A wad of cash matching some of the numbers was found half burried in mud on a river bank back in the 1980s
Funny how the skeptics are scientifically illiterate

Google Patterson gimlin stabilised

Everyone knows sam-squamptches aren't real.

What if Bigfoot is just Cooper but hairy? He could've been living in the forest all this time

The Bili ape has been reported to walk upright, bipedally 5 to 5 feet 6 inches tall

Americans claim to have seen Jesus even though it's clear he doesn't exist

i seens bigfeet eating out of my trashs can

>Patterson gimlin

>guy trying multiple get rich quick schemes
>prior interest in Big Foot
>friends in Hollywood
>decides to go get footage of Big Foot
>immediately finds him

The civil war in the Congo is why they weren't found earlier


>Scientists believe they are dealing with a very inbred population, in which even a large number of animals could share identical or near identical haplotypes.
>In June 2006, British Science Weekly reported that Cleve Hicks and colleagues from the University of Amsterdam had completed a year-long hunt for these apes during which they were able to observe the creatures a total of 20 full hours. Hicks reported,"I see nothing gorilla about them. The females definitely have a chimp's sex swellings, they pant-hoot and tree-drum, and so on."[9] DNA samples recovered from feces also reaffirmed the classification of these apes in the chimp subspecies Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii.

Yes well it's not entirely established yet that's kind of semantics.

Why did movies not even have costumes as good as that back then? This guy somehow made the best costume ever seen? Give me a break
The point isn't about what exactly the Bondo chimps are it's that they're a big animal not found until recently. The same people saying Bigfoot isn't real would have said the same about them.

As a side note expert Jane Goodall believes in Bigfoot. People itt think they're smarter than an expert lmao

>Yes well it's not entirely established yet that's kind of semantics.

What has a 5ft Chimp got to do with a 10ft cryptid? Other than being able to find a smaller creature in a larger area.

>The point isn't about what exactly the Bondo chimps are it's that they're a big animal not found until recently
That's not strictly speaking true.
Everyone knew there were chimps in the Congo. It's just that upon closer inspection, it may be that they're different than regular chimps.

Also, the costume only looks good because the footage is blurry piece of shit shot from 100s of yards away

When I watched this documentary I felt I learned all I needed to know about bigfeet. It was eerie and I can now honestly say I'm a believer.

>Why did movies not even have costumes as good as that back then?
King Kong came out in 1933.

>Then you have ten seconds to explain the more than 400 sightings of Bigfoot in America alone since its founding.
People are retarded.

Is that Ron Perlman?

He obviously lost the money during the jump.

This is now a DB Cooper vs. Bigfoot thread

Or he just went to Mexico and didn't spend his stolen money in America

>Eric Roberts

What a stupid fucking comparison.

You care comparing a single body, to the countless bodies of an entire species, spotted all across north america.

>My ancestor


Cooper was working with airline employees

the original video is hilarious, it's clearly a fucking suit, his ass and whole torso piece for that matter doesn't move with the rest of his body, you can see his thigh fold beneath his ass in the shot if you look closely.

People will literally claim that the folds are fat/muscle movement

that's bullshit, how is there muscle movement if his ass cheeks are stationary the whole time

Occam's razor applies here.
Is it a big suit moving around on a smaller human?
Or is it the muscle of a giant ape that has never been seen before or since?

>he doesn't believe in inter-dimensional, forest guardians

>never been seen before or since?
You wot? IT's been seen before, and since plenty of times.

Its a big ape were talking about here. That's all. I find it hilarious some of you act like we're talking about a neon pink alien. It's completely plausible.

not to mention you can see the white soles of his shoes throughout the whole video

>It's completely plausible.
Not really.
It's like if all these years, no one has ever seen a bear but on shaky cam footage.

they won't ever find bigfoot's body, because D.B. tore it asunder into million pieces

>It's completely plausible.

Maybe to a retard.

>It's completely plausible.

Bigfoot corpses haven't been found because they don't have bones. They have a very tough cartilage frame instead. This decomposes rather quickly and cleanly.

In addition to this, bigfeet are a fairly intelligent species. They can be likened to a sort of proto-human species that we're read and learned about, being somewhat tribal, having early superstitions, early language, etc, although what's unique about these ones is that they're not "primitive" in the same sense, since they exist in the same time period as us and have existed for a long time.
Similar to the native americans, they found a way to live that just worked with the land. However, they stayed away from native americans for the most part too, because even they were quite violent.

Bigfeet have a similar "live with the land" stance that many native american societies had (before being mostly wiped out but colonists). They don't like humans and they know they're dangerous, that's why they're so elusive. To this point, they also keep track of their own and recover bodies of the dead to bury (and not be found).

There have been findings of grizzly/black bear carcasses found in deep woods, seemingly just riped up and torn apart by something bigger and/or stronger. The bigfeet do this, but not to hunt or eat or anything, it only happens very rarely in self-defense. They are incredibly strong things. I'm sure some have been shot by lucky hunters before, but since they don't actually have bones, they're not as badly injured by a bullet as most things we expect to be (the force of bones pushing up against the force of the bullet is actually what does most of the damage in a gunshot wound. Bigfeet have more of a shock absorption/spreading effect with all their blubber and cartilage.)

>Bigfoot corpses haven't been found because they don't have bones.

We don't find bodies because they are interdimensional beings. It's also why it's so hard to find them, because they just phase out of our dimension if you get too close.

That's also why they don't show up on camera


stealing that for an Unknown Armies game
thanks, wacko

>at least dozens of 10 feet animals cannot be found in the american west
you need a healthy dose of skepticism pal

>I haven't seen it so it doesn't exist
Have any of you anons seen an atom? I think not.
Checkmate, skeptics.

They can show up on camera if they want to. But mostly they try to avoid it

The patterson footage is rare, because they managed to catch a female bigfoot off-guard.
she was out with her kids, and used herself as a distraction so the kids could get away. Young bigfoot aren't capable of phasing in and out as well as an older one, so they had to move normally to get away.

They also won't phase out on film, to keep that ability hidden. So if you surprise one, it will likely run/walk away normally, rather than just fading away.

I actually have
There are microscopes that can show you individual atoms

I don't even know what that is desu
If anything, someone on the dev team did their research

What if Big Foots are aliens? Like they're the pilots of UFOs.

>primitive apes
>interdimensional beings
do you not see how incompatible those two things are?


They don't need to be compatible, because bigfoot isn't a primitive ape.

5'11" vs 6'

you clearly don't understand evolution at all

>bigfoot isn't a primitive ape.
In an alternate dimension he may very well be

If you guys found a Bigfoot, would you suck it's dick?

Think about it. No confirmed sightings, might as well try and learn about it's genitalia and how it operates.

And what does evolution have to do with this?

It's possible. But they aren't primitive by our standards. They just appear primitive because of their hairy, ape like, form

What if the Bigfoot that people are looking for is merely an illusion conjured into the minds by other beings that wish us to remain ignorant of what they really are

What if bigfoot is actually the loch ness monster in disguise?

Yeah and in the continental US we've only populated every single fucking corner of it and there's been NO significant scientific acknowledgement of the missing link fucking around in Arkansas state parks.
How likely do YOU think it is that there's a species of 7 foot tall fucking ape men wandering around the continental United States without ever being discovered by someone that isn't a pathetic conspiritard or idiotic hillbilly?

>And what does evolution have to do with this?
An organism's physical characteristics are dependent on the environment they have evolved in. Animals change to suite their surroundings. An interdimensional being would not have all the characteristics of a creature who evolved in the fucking woods.

are you sure some "scientists" aren't just showing you pre-recorded accelerated footage of blurry gummy worms shaking by way of a clever video installation ?

Lmao no they wouldn't. Go ahead and try.