If Han Solo is his dad, then how is Darth Vader his 'grandfather'?

If Han Solo is his dad, then how is Darth Vader his 'grandfather'?


Leia is his mother.

Don't you fucking dare test me.

>being this retarded

Oodles your noodle, huh

han solo is not his biological father you idiot

quick OP call it a bait thread before it escalates into questioning your stupidity!

Han Solo banged Leia,
Leia is the twinsister of Luke Skywalker(yes they kissed),
Luke is the son of Anakin Skywalker.
Anakin Skywalker is Darth Vader.

Is everything clear child?

Is this bait? If so good job.

Because leia is his mother you trollbait cunt. Vader is leias daddy you baitetroll.