Cartoons about bullying
Really in the mood to watch bad cartoons about bullying schools. What does Sup Forums recommend

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Anything from roughly 2012-2014.

lewds when

Why do those second grade girls have IPhones?

>Had a reputation for being the queen bitch long before the shrimp came around
>Only starts to get shit on after the shrimp comes around
Am I missing something

>See the in memorial at the end of this
>Look into it
>Kid was beaten and shot to death by a family friend

And all he gets is a shitty bullying cartoon made in his honor.

>On September 13th, 1995, McKay Everett, a bright, energetic, and compassionate 12-year-old boy, was abducted from his home and murdered by an adult family friend. The motive for the abduction and murder was to reduce a debt and purchase a nicer home. McKay's parents thought and felt McKay was safe inside his home. They were 10 minutes away at a meeting. They had no reason to believe that a family friend would lure McKay away from his safe surroundings.

>McKay was missing five long days until the early morning hours of September 17th, 1995; his remains were found in a neighboring state.

why does the school clock have my name on it?


Soo, with that in mind, how does that relate to the video if the kid tributed wasn't killed by bullying?

I mean, it would make sense if the kid in the credits died of suicide or something related to bullying, rather then something fucked up like a family member killing the kid.

I don't get it either.
Would have been a more interesting cartoon if Zoe abducted and murdered Jeremy after all the bullying

bump a lump, take a dump on the trump

>Shepherds of the Savior

Of fucking course.

The fuck Jeff, you're doing it all wrong. You gotta hold onto that grudge. Let the bitterness fester forever.

He totally had a crush on her the whole time though.

Either that or relationships change REALLY fucking quick in that school.

>"I hope Zoey punches me again today."

Her friends didn't want to play with her anymore because she was mean to the new kid even though it was established Zoe was mean all the time even before the new kid showed up.

Maybe her friends knew. Maybe this shitty christian feel-good PSA secretly has DEEPEST LORE


>The motive for the abduction and murder was to reduce a debt and purchase a nicer home.
How exactly does killing a kid help with either of those things? I mean, I guess I could understand if the dude sent out a ransom, but it sounds like nobody even knew the guy had the kid.

He probably wanted to hold him for ransom but realized the kid knew who he was and panicked so he killed him.

Ransoms aren't a real thing. You can sell the kid.

Who would pay enough money for a kid to pay off loans and debt...?
No child is worth that much.

People pay a lot of money for sex slaves dude.

I like Arthur, I really do. But this right here.

I've never heard of them before. Are they as bad as the Jehova's Witnesses?

In real life, they'd have all started bullying Arthur for his desperate, pathetic attempts at being funny.

I just mean "of course it'd be some denomination of jesus freaks"

They'd encourage it because eventually not being funny would be the joke.

I mean it would still be bullying but it would be the catty woman-like bullying, not the physical kind

any more?

>gingers do have souls

Woah Zoey's mom looks like a real whore. Probably had her at 16.