>all critics are failed artists
Please tell me you don't believe this horseshit Sup Forums
All critics are failed artists
it's one of those things that are 99% true
there's some outliers but yeah it's mostly true
it's one of those things dumb people say, like "those who can't do teach" even though they are far less accomplished than the doers OR the teachers
spotted the critic
it depends. Writing a comprehensive and well thought out review needs other skills than creating art. People who do that are real critics in my eyes.
If you just brabble on and say what you liked and disliked without any analysis then youre a failed artist.
This, just this.
Critics are parasites
they are failures look at how high they rated garbage like Ghostbusters or STD just because their jews who will lie cheat and steal like the jews they are to sucker people out of their shekels.
Nothing is more parasitic than an artist, thanks to Critics there is a bridge between their waste of resources and a larger discussion.