Thoughts on the Sonichu comic book series, Sup Forums?

Thoughts on the Sonichu comic book series, Sup Forums?

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A piece of internet history. I unironically love them and how autistically goofy they are.
God, I miss old Chris Chan.

>kiwifarms imploded on its own internet drama
what will happen to christorians?

It makes me sad that I can't enjoy a CWC that doesn't get deleted inmediatly

What do you have against the new tomgirl chris chan and his fake rotten vagina?

you can on Sup Forums thanks to christine's #USAHasNoPresident20162020 campaign

Half of his old schtick was "i hates the homos, i am STRAIGHT"

yes we knew he was gay, but this is a low we almost cant laugh at.

Why do we only have these threads at night?They're comfy as fuck.

nuChris doesn't fucking do anything because he doesn't look for a girlfriend anymore. The entirety of his activity has degenerated to shitty psuedoliberal Facebook posts.

A lot of that came straight from Bob, like Chris's racism.


Maybe something actually productive

Every time one of these threads pop up I thank god I'm not so pathetic that I need to reaffirm my superiority to a sad autistic mental patient in order to feel good about myself.

What happened with Kiwifarm?

I understand getting a kick at the laughably bad comics. But when I read about all the trolling people did to this person I can't help but feel a little sick. Everything I see points to the fact that this person needs to be institutionalized. I mean I can't help but smirk when I see an old rant video, but alot of the shit really did go too far.

chris chan is a legitimately terrible person tho, don't feel too bad for him.

>chris chan is a legitimately terrible person tho,
Somebody who's clearly on the spectrum and has most likely never received care for it isn't going to turn out well. Everything I've seen points to him leading an incredibly sheltered life with fundie bible thumping parents who seemed like jerks themselves. It isn't' surprising that he's probably not a kind person, though I've never looked into the bad things he's supposedly done.

Either way, the state should've stepped in and put him in a home long ago.

stupid liberal

Dunno. Visited it yesterday and it seemed to be just fine. Right now it's offline. Did anything noteworthy happen there?

>Only liberals feel compassion
I'm a conservative, retard. And being a conservative means having principles, then again, you're probably a lost Sup Forumsack who thinks he knows the first thing about the political ideology.

>being a conservative means having principles

The owner got doxxed and shut the site down because he was scared for his family
/cow/ on 8gag still exists and there seems to be a thread there talking about all kinds of admin drama that I don't understand

Before this thread completely desolves into Sup Forums junior. How is Chris doing these days? Has his rotten pseudo-vagina killed him yet?

Haven't heard anything about the unclit for a very long time now, somehow it hasn't killed him
at the moment
currently he just posts requests for money/buying and anti-trump shit on facebook


Not gonna go to that shithole just to find out what happened to a forum I occasionally visited to see if anyone made a fool of himself in an entertaining way.

Chris is absolutely terrible with money and will just spend more when Barbs not there to keep him in check.I bet he will not last long unless someone steps in to help him.

I'll save you the time
yesterday I went on kiwifarms for the first time in months to see if they had anything about chris's reaction to the inauguration, and got pic related
now the site's returning a DNS error
The front page contained a link to 8gag /cow/ which is why I went there, and judging by the thread there it seems to be your standard inevitable power trip admin drama with a side of doxxing and impersonation
I don't know any of the people they're talking about, but as best as I can make out it's just your standard high school internet drama shit

pic related was also on the page
there was a series of links to kiwifarms replacements which included /cow/ but I don't have that, not that it's important anyway

honestly the thing I'll miss the most is the barneyfag thread

I see. I know Null because he always stuck out to me as a massive faggot. Not gonna get political here but over time he became more and more of a right wing nutcase so I find it hardly surprising that he got himself involved in drama.

Kififarms always had a problem with attracting the exact kind of person they're making fun of.

A true masterpiece of psychological character study. You clearly get to see what kind of a person Chris is just by reading his fantasies.

I don't even know how I'm going to go on through out my day without reading the Dobson thread. It was part of my routine.

My previously submitted PaRapper the Rapper "Master Onion A-La Mode" Video is among the TOP TEN to win the GRAND PRIZE.


Keit-ai is better.

"But, most important, they know that if their anonymity were compromised, their own community might eat them alive" - Margaret Pleiss in NY Mag
Lol,the prophecy came true.Hoisted by their own petard

But wait i thought everything was fair game when it comes to trolling including taking paparazzi photos and searching through someone garbage can for some old school reports.Guess it's only funny when it happen to others,right kiwis ?

I came to make a thread, I can't believe there's actually one

also, this happened


who will?

oh jeez was this last night?

idkw he wrote "he will" at the start, how can you mess up a simple meme

apparently. I stopped following this shit. After the KEK nigga I decided I needed to stop wasting my life

jug guy is a bro though

When was peak CWC, Sup Forums?

Liquid Saga or Bluespike saga.


>he will
the (((art))) project encourages people to say "He will not devide us", so he conflated the phrases

Liquid Chris. As another user said a long time ago, the idea that Chris thought someone was trying to steal his identity is fucking hilarious and makes for great entertainment.

He peeked with the cross - dressing thing. Other than that, this sonofabitch is old news to me.

Do you realize. Do. You. Realize.

He's gone to court appointed evaluation a couple times, the state won't take him

Bluespike was too much

Chris' parents weren't really fundies, Chris (who, like you said, was sheltered and never really taught to exercise empathy like you have to do for autists) kind of used his surface level understanding of christianity to feel superior to people.

Chris hasn't done anything outright malicious. He was a creep to the very small handful of women who tolerated him because he was poorly socialized and never taught boundaries. He's vandalized store displays because he thinks he has a right to be outraged about Sonic's arms changing color, which is stupid and crazy but not outright dangerous.

He did attempt to hit a guy with his car once but he's a panicky idiot. He didn't set out that day to attempt vehicular manslaughter, he just wanted to be able to go back to the guy's store to play cards with people again (he'd been kicked out for rude behavior, again, because nobody ever really sat down and demonstrated acceptable behavior for him). He's not a bad person per se, just an exceptional individual whose parents neglected him, and you're right, he really ought to be institutionalized, the state will do a better job caring for him than his parents ever did.

>Hates homos
>Comes out as trans

What did he mean by this also your favourite prank against Chris-chan? I think I liked the one where he got so pissed off at someone posing as a company infringing on the rights of Sonichu.

The kiwis who handle Chris eventually made him go to a doctor, and he's been taking care of the wound, cleaning and dressing it. Other than that yeah, he just begs for money and shows off his toys.

How do you predict it will all end for him?

>giving Chris $500

He deserved it, throwing money at him for no reason discourages him from doing stupid or entertaining shit.

His mom dies of natural causes, Chris can't comprehend this, swears the doctors did it and goes on a vendetta against everyone in medicine.

I'm still surprised they've not run out of money proper at this point.

>How do you predict it will all end for him?


Streaking through a pupil place screaming Sonichu as the cops tranquilize him

who the hell is this guy and why he has a medallion of crayola fucking model magic?

It will have some surprising parallels to the end of evangelion

Not the worst thing on the internet. Its rep was mostly manufactured so people could justify/rationalize harassing random autistic dude as if random guy making wish fulfillment comics for fun deserved as much scrutiny as people who make comics for a living.
I.e. it's leagues ahead of shit like Jack, for example.

I unironically love the gradual tonal shift in sonichu. It starts off a autistic but good hearted adventure comic but gets more and more depraved until the end where our heroes are staging rigged trials and brutally drilling of dicks

will you forget him?

No user, I never will. He's far more autistic, but I still see parallels between his life and my own.

Never. He has grown to be a world heritage. His story should be preserved for future generations.

I find it really interesting how easy it is to paint CWCville was this dystopian nightmare. Then again it's not too far off of what people build in SimCity.

I think Chris is the pinnacle of internet comedy
As we move fowards we will see more of the traditional media eating the smaller selffunded one and bringing all their censorship and regulations into it
I mean shit YouTube already cut all sexual content and has been cutting shit nonstop from there
Facebook ate up 99.9% of online communities, normie came, children cameinto the picture, something like Chris will never happen again
There is pepe too but pepe was never for comedy to start with and there is nothing that screams early internet more than finding some where shit to watch

He also sprayed pepper spray in someones face for not letting him vandalize said store displays.

>mfw the CWCki flipped its views completely after Chris started making fun of Trump