Do you think season 8 is going to be all-out war and fights and epic dragons and white walker action...

Do you think season 8 is going to be all-out war and fights and epic dragons and white walker action? Or do you think it'll be mostly just 75% talking and dialogue and 25% action?

I'm not saying the dialogue/non-action scenes are bad, because i always enjoyed those too. But after the big action sequences we got in seasons 5-7 and the fact that almost all of the seasons feel like they're just a giant buildup towards the final season, i feel like season 8 will have to go all-out with its action sequences or else it will be disappointing.

What do you think?

Please respond

I imagine the last two episodes will be very action heavy.

hopefully there's enough budget for Ghost to make a cameo again

If it's just the last 2 episodes then i'll be majorly disappointed

But i guess that's just the pleb in me

Why are things exploding here? Did Westeros suddenly invent gunpowder? Last I checked, food and gold do not explode when hit with fire.

Ghost will only cameo once for three seconds and that will be when he dies to save Jon from a white walker or some shit. The rest of the budget will go towards dragon battles and shit

What do you want it to be OP and why?

Mainly dragons wrecking stuff and white walkers fucking shit up

I like the show and i liked all the non-action scenes too. But like i said, every season (including season 7) felt like it was building up to the final season and i personally feel like we have neither seen the full potential of the dragons and the white walkers. 7 seasons of buildup deserves 1 season of mass-action.

It will all be solved in episodes 1 and 2. Then the rest of the season is setting up a government and a tax policy.
All the remaining bad guys will be executed, even the little baby bad guys