Why didn't his finger just regenerate?

Why didn't his finger just regenerate?

I don't know, I don't watch Waifu Vs. The Forces of Cucking.

Ask in one of the not-generals you fuckboy.

Death spell

short answer: we do not know
longer answer: he was hit by "the darkest spell" meaning that the magic that severed his finger may not be normal magic


Are those skulls he's wearing on his shoulder past Butterfly princesses...?
That's kind of fucked up

How long until Toffee finds his severed finger and puts it in his anus?

Well, it's at least better than the armor made out of bloodslides.

The episode imply that the "Darkest spell" is not normal, look how surprised is Toffe, maybe that speel can keep him for regerate his finger, after seen that Toffe probably run away from the battle

He's also wearing a see-through shirt. Toffee is the hardest of gay.

>His shirt is see-through
>The crotch is the same colour, implying it's see-through as well
>That convinient leg placement
>mfw Toffee was fighting with his dick on display

>thigh high leather boots
>spiked kneepads
>see-through bodysuit
>magenta accents
>skulls of your defeated foes

Dude got janked during leather night at the bathhouse.

Something something deepest lore.
When is the next starbomb airing?

Patrick Bateman is always been into some weird shit

I guess it's like how the Hydra's heads didn't grow back after Heracles burnt the neck stumps.

he was a lame villain, maybe the best in Star Vs but still a really tame one

>toffee using the magical equivalent of grindr
it all fits

Does Toffee even like Huey Lewis and the News?

Why does he have nipples?

To be fair, it's been a very long time since a cartoon had a good villain.

>haha, I don't watch this show

i dont know.the lore in this show is fucking awful.

>not remembering lord hater

>muh boring "villain" who actually has a kind heart
Fuck off with this meme. He was trash.

Yo the lewds for this is fucking hot.

agree, villains like Hater have been around since the 90's he brings nothing new to the game

Ms Heinous has them as well, so they might not be Butterfly specific, still pretty dark though




You fuck off, he doesn't really count as the kind of terrifying and effective villain cartoons haven't had in a while, but he was a wonderful character.

Hater didn't have ' secretly have a heart of gold', he just had the POTENTIAL to do good but throughout the run of the show he was a rotten asshole.

Follow up question, why have they given all their development to Ludo, and Toffee makes literally one appearance in S2? Not that I'm really complaining but it's something to bring up.


Probably because they're building up to his comeback and using Ludo as a legitimate threat in the meantime